The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1695: nature

"Head of the Immortal Road (!

I don't know where it started, but before Tai Miao completely wiped out all the opponents, the Tianshihui party who was still fighting underneath began to run away.

Those clever ghosts and gods, seeing their own defeat, were unwilling to sacrifice in vain, and first began to give up fighting and flee the battlefield.

Soon, more and more ghosts and ghosts began to look for opportunities to escape.

After the wonderful solution of his opponent, the remaining ghosts and ghosts on the side of the Tianshihui in the battlefield are no longer there.

The remaining group of guys is not how loyal to Tianshi, but that they are able to fight, their instincts are completely broken, and their ferociousness has suppressed the residual rationality, only knowing that they are desperately fighting with the enemy.

It was too wonderful to see that the Xuanjia Yin Army, who had been carefully trained for many years, suffered heavy losses, and his face was full of distressed expressions.

The loss this time was so heavy, I don’t know how much time it would take to fully recover my vitality.

It was too wonderful to adjust the interest rate, and immediately joined the battle.

One is to try to reduce the casualties of the Xuanjia Yin Army. The second is to chase down and kill the deadly enemies and eliminate evil.

True Lord Cannibal saw a big defeat below, knowing that the general situation is over, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

He wanted to escape from the battle, save his strength temporarily, and make a comeback next time.

But Meng Zhang urged the **** general, just not letting him go, and entangled him firmly.

True Monarch Can Slaughter had long seen through the details of this **** general and knew that this **** would be a one-time treasure.

Such treasures cannot exist forever, and the battery life is limited.

True Lord Cannibal does not have to fight with him, as long as he temporarily avoids his edge and continues to delay time, sooner or later, it will be delayed until the **** will lose its effect.

Of course, because of the appearance of this god, True Lord Can Slaughter's evaluation of Tai Miao and Meng Zhang suddenly rose a lot.

The opponent can come up with such a treasure, and most of them have great support behind them.

True Monarch Can Slaughter didn't even bother to trouble Meng Zhang next time.

Who knows how many such treasures Meng Zhang has in his hands?

True Lord Cannibal wanted to leave, but Meng Zhang did not let him retreat safely.

This Yang God level demon cultivation is a great disaster, and since he has already taken over the enmity with him, of course he can't let it go easily.

Otherwise, it would be too troublesome in the future to act in the manner of demon cultivating that must be reported.

That **** general and True Lord Canslaughter have been fighting endlessly, and even the battle below is almost over, and there is no intention to stop.

After fighting for so long, True Monarch Can Slaughter also had a bit of anger in his heart.

Most acquired ghosts and gods are cruel and easy to kill, and are irritable.

Since falling into the Demon Path, True Monarch Can Slaughter has become a lot gloomy.

Although it can temporarily suppress the nature of ghosts and gods, it does not really solve the problem.

On the contrary, as its nature is suppressed for longer, the tyranny accumulated deep in the heart becomes deeper.

The True Lord Cannibal planned a great deal this time and planned for many years.

In order to ensure that the plan can be implemented, he did not hesitate to promise Tianshihui many benefits.

This time when the plan went to the vicinity of Frost Mountain, it didn't go well.

Frost Mountain is a very important node in this plan.

As long as he wins Frost Mountain, he can launch the arrangement and implement the plan.

Seeing that success was imminent, he encountered obstacles on the side of Hanshuang Mountain.

Then, some of the arrangements that had been prepared for many years had problems one after another.

True Monarch Cruel was already furious, but he had no choice but to endure it forcibly.

If according to the mind of True Lord Cannibalism, he should have launched an attack on Hanshuang Mountain and completely conquered this place.

But his partner, Tianshihui, always looks forward and backward, pushing back and forth, as if afraid of this and that.

True Lord Cannibal knew that the trust between him and the Tianshihui was limited, each had a ghost, and each had his own calculations.

Tianshihui was neither willing to easily expose the existence of True Monarch Cannibalism, the demon cultivator, and even less willing to lose too much power in order to conquer Frost Mountain.

Later, Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, intervened in the matter and stabbed the matter to the Temple of Demon.

After receiving the news, the top of the Heavenly Stone Society of the underworld panicked first and had to completely abandon the plan.

Then there was news from Yang Shi that their plan had been sheltered by some big shots and could continue.

The Heavenly Stone Society of the underworld made up its mind and began to attack the Frost Mountain.

However, the development of the battle situation afterwards went beyond the expectations of True Lord Cannibalism.

Even when he was fighting against that **** general, True Lord Slaughter was also secretly observing the Golden Corpse Warriors and Corpse Warriors.

He had a certain understanding of Tai Miao and his ally Meng Zhang before, and knew their general situation.

On the two Taoist soldiers who suddenly participated in the battle, a thick shadow of the way of the ghoul can be found.

As for the god, it is very likely that it came from the hand of the Void Returning Power.

True Monarch Can Slaughter knew that there was an unknown powerful force and began to intervene in his plan.

His plan has been exposed, and he has experienced this failure.

After this, if you want to continue the original plan, even with the help of Tianshihui, it becomes impossible.

After this battle, the strength of the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld has been severely lost, and it is no longer of much use.

As for the big figures in the top of the Tianshi Society, most of them are unreliable.

After many years of hard preparations and a huge price to implement the plan, it just failed, and all the efforts were in vain. True Lord Cannibal was already very angry.

He originally had the idea of ​​retreating temporarily, but the **** would have been haunting him forever, which made him angry even more.

The huge anger finally made him unable to suppress his emotions, completely exposing the crazy nature of Mo Xiu.

True Monarch Can Slaughter swallowed his heart and prepared to forcefully launch his plan for many years.

Even if the layout is not perfect, the preparation is far from sufficient, but the layout of True Lord Cannibal for so many years is not at all useless.

The most important thing is that once he launches the arrangement, not only can he severely inflict the enemy, but he also has a slight possibility of achieving his own plan.

True Monarch Can Slaughter's eyes turned red, and his anger made him lose his last sanity and began to become crazy.

True Monarch Can Slaughter resisted the attack of the **** general, while preparing to launch.

Meng Zhang, who was originally watching the battle, suddenly felt a strong sense of uncertainty in his heart.

His spiritual consciousness from the Tianji Master is frantically warning, as if a huge disaster is about to happen.

Although Meng Zhang didn't know what was going on for the time being, he never ignored his spiritual warning.

Meng Zhang needed to mobilize the **** general, not to leave the battlefield too far, and directly gave orders to Tai Miao who was connected with his own mind.

He wanted Too Miao to immediately lead the Xuanjia Yin army under him to flee here as far away as possible.

After being so wonderful, without the slightest hesitation, the execution started immediately.

Of course, Tai Miao didn't run away immediately, but ordered the Xuanjia Yin Army to leave Hanshuang Mountain as quickly as possible.

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