The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1697: authority

True Monarch Can Slaughter was full of firmness, as if he had made a certain determination.

   No matter how strong the earthquake below is, it will not affect everyone in the sky.

   After being temporarily forced to retreat by True Lord Cannibal, the **** will feel as if he has suffered a great humiliation.

   It didn't take long before he screamed and swung his sword and killed him.

   True Monarch Canslaughter did not go to fight with the **** general this time, but flew directly towards the higher sky.

   The **** general danced the Daguan knife, and followed the True Lord Can Slaughter, as if he would never give up.

  Meng Zhang's control of this **** general is very crude, unable to control all his actions, and can only set a goal for him.

  The goal he set for this **** general is to stalk True Lord Canslaughter, and he will never let this guy go.

   The two guys chased and fled, flying higher and higher, quickly flying to the limit height.

   The sky in the underworld is not endless and endless.

  The end of the sky in Yangshi is a special area of ​​Jiutian.

   At the end of the sky in the underworld is the endless wind.

   Even the ghosts and gods of the Yangshen level can't stay in the wind for too long.

   Ordinary ghosts and gods, as long as they get close to the edge of the wind, they are in danger of falling.

The power of   gang wind is too terrifying, and the end of the sky has become the most dangerous place in the underworld.

   True Lord Canslaughter kept rising, as if the wind area above his head did not exist.

   The **** will be even more reluctant to admit defeat, chasing after him desperately.

   At the speed of True Lord Remnant, he soon approached the Gangfeng area and began to penetrate into it.

   With his cultivation base, he can hold on for a little bit deep in the Gangfeng area.

   It’s just that this approach seems meaningless.

   Suddenly, True Lord Can Slaughter didn't know what kind of technique he used, and he actually stirred up countless winds in the wind area.

   was originally extremely fierce, containing the terrifying power of the wind, but unexpectedly gathered into a huge tornado, and chased after True Lord Canslaughter.

   In this way, it seemed that True Lord Cannibal was flying in front, falling quickly to the ground, and a tornado formed by several winds was chasing after him.

   The **** general who was chasing behind True Monarch Can Slaughter, faced the mighty power of heaven and earth formed by the wind, hesitated for a moment, and immediately turned around and began to evade.

   At this time, True Monarch Can Slaughter was chasing after him.

   The body of the **** general quickly landed from the air, and the True Lord Remnant in the back was chasing after him, and behind it was a huge tornado formed by the wind.

   The speed at which they descend from the sky is much faster than the speed at which they rise.

   The **** will soon descend to a low place, and then fly low against the ground, trying to get rid of the chase of True Lord Cannibalism.

   The target of True Lord Canslaughter has never been this **** general.

   True Lord Can Slaughter fell to the ground that was violently shaking.

   The wind behind him fell to the ground, causing a violent impact.

   The horrifying power of the wind fell on the ground, and the power broke out completely.

   A terrifying wave of air soared into the sky, and both Meng Zhang and Tai Miao who were blowing into the air were unstable.

   Some weaker corpse warriors were unable to stand in the air. Or simply fell to the ground without knowing whether it was a life or death.

  Countless earth and rocks were sprayed into the air, turning the sky into black and gray.

Where the wind hit the ground, huge and unfathomable pits appeared.

The top of    Hanshuang Mountain was first flattened by the wind, then the mountain body disappeared, and finally turned into a big hole.

   The power of the explosion just now was too violent, and the figure of True Lord Cannibal disappeared completely.

   Of course, everyone present would not think that True Lord Cannibal had fallen in this explosion.

   In fact, the power of the explosion caused a lot of damage to the two Dao soldiers.

   Meng Zhang guessed that it was definitely not an easy task for True Lord Remnant Slaughter to make such a powerful blow just now.

   Maybe, he has paid a huge price, and he has begun to enter a period of weakness.

   The power of that **** will still be there, and it can continue to fight for a period of time.

   The big explosion just now did not cause much damage to this **** general.

  Meng Zhang is about to urge this **** general to search the surroundings to find the trace of True Lord Cannibal.

   But suddenly, he found that he had lost control of this **** general.

   This treasure was lent by Emperor Ba Wu and never belonged to Meng Zhang himself.

  Although he had been psychologically prepared for this situation, Meng Zhang was a little surprised when such a moth came out at this time.

   I saw that the **** general ignored Meng Zhang's orders and flew directly into a huge pit on the ground.

   In Meng Zhang's heart, he was also puzzled by what True Lord Can Slaughter did just now.

   He had arranged for so long before, and he did not hesitate to take risks to provoke the power of the wind, just to create such a big explosion?

   This kind of big explosion seems to be terrifying, but it can't hurt Meng Zhang and others.

what is this?

   When Meng Zhang and Tai Miao are thinking quickly, the **** will quickly fly out of the huge pit, and then fly in the other direction.

   Too wonderful, his face changed drastically at this time, as if he had sensed something.

   Before he could notify Meng Zhang, he flew in one direction.

   I saw in a huge pit ahead, True Lord Slaughter held a small light ball in his hand and flew out of it.

   It looks like a ball of light not the size of a fist, but it seems to be as heavy as a mountain.

   True Lord Cannibals held this light which seemed very strenuous, and the flight speed could not be improved.

   Tai Miao became extremely excited when he saw the light group, ignoring the huge gap with the opponent in terms of strength, and immediately rushed over.

  Before the great action, the **** will suddenly appeared behind True Monarch Can Slaughter, holding the Daguan knife and slashing it down.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter held the light group in one hand, and displayed the secret technique in the other, and fought with the **** general.

   Seeing that it was too wonderful, he was about to rush to join the battle group, and Meng Zhang stopped him in time.

   Driven by instinct was too wonderful, but stopped by the deity Meng Zhang, and stopped moving unwillingly.

   has been staring at the ball of light with greedy eyes too wonderfully, seeming to have forgotten everything around him.

   Meng Zhang communicated with Tai Miao in time, stopped his impulse, and also figured out the reason.

   The seemingly inconspicuous ball of light, but it contains a lot of things.

   That is the authority, which can mobilize the authority of the rules of the underworld, and can completely control all the authority of the underworld.

   Authority is a kind of manifestation of the will of heaven, representing the power of heaven and earth.

   If according to the normal development mode of Junchen Realm, batches of natural ghosts and gods will be born in the underworld.

   Some of the lucky ones among these natural ghosts and gods will have the opportunity to master the authority of the underworld and become the real master of the underworld.

   Unfortunately, this development process was interrupted due to the invasion of the immortals from the spiritual realm.

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