The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1706: Jiazishu

After Fairy Guanghan came to the meeting place, he ignored the others except for a slight nod to the brothers of the Qiu family and Meng Zhang, and found a place to sit down without anyone else, and began to meditate with closed eyes on his own.

   Fairy Guanghan is so defiant, naturally some people can't understand her.

   But the monks present did not have that kind of impulsive generation, and would not offend the monks of the same rank for trivial matters.

   Fairy Guanghan arrived, and there were all the monks participating in the gathering.

   Meng Zhang glanced at the field, where a full of eight Yang Shen stage monks were gathered here, and they were all rare occasions when they were placed in the Junchen Realm.

   With such strength, he can even go head-on with Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Especially when the main force of the Ziyang Saint Sect was restrained by the Dali Dynasty, the eight Yang Shenqi monks here might become the last straw to crush the camel and completely end the existence of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Of course, Meng Zhang knew in his heart that this was the best situation he had imagined.

   In fact, Ziyang Saint Sect is among the strongest in the Holy Land sect, and no one knows how many hidden cards it has.

   Although it can't be shot directly during the rebirth period, it is a rule that all parties in the Junchen world will abide by.

   But it's really reaching the critical juncture of the life and death of the school, Ziyang Saint Sect's rebirth period might not necessarily abide by such rules.

   Not to mention, Ziyang Shengzong had a history of violating the rules a long time ago.

   Ziyang Shengzong's Void Rebirth Period Powerful shot in Jiuqu province that year, attacked Chun Yu Zhongda, the master of the Great Dynasty, and destroyed the city of Jiuqu, creating a boundless killing.

   Tiangong only gave it a certain amount of punishment in name, and it didn't hurt its roots at all.

   When facing a sacred sect like Ziyang Shengzong, you must not look high at its bottom line.

   But anyway, with so many Yang Shenqi powerhouses present, the Qiu family brothers can overwhelm the Floating Cloud View and completely master the Xingluo Islands.

   With such strength, the Qiu family brothers can resist the attack of the Sea Clan, and they can also refuse the request of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect, and they are not even afraid to turn their faces on him.

   Under the circumstance that the Sea Clan is eagerly watching, if the Ziyang Saint Sect sends out the Void Rebirth Period to attack the Xingluo Islands and create a civil war for the Terran cultivators, then I am afraid it is really self-defeating from the Terran.

   Meng Zhang didn't believe it anymore, so many monks of the Yang God stage would not be able to hold onto the foundation of the Xingluo Islands.

   Qiu family brothers have enough capital, they can fully use their ability to unite and gain new allies.

   Apart from anything else, the Royal Beast Sect, the strongest among the Holy Land sects, has always had a branch in the Xingluo Islands.

   If the Qiu brothers catch on the line of the Royal Beast Sect and show great strength, they may not be unable to obtain the support of the Royal Beast Sect.

  Meng Zhang has been the head of Taiyimen for many years, and he has a clear view of the situation.

   In his opinion, with so many Yang Shenqi monks, the problems of Brothers Qiu have been solved for the most part.

   Next, the Qiu Family Brothers and Ziyang Shengzong have little chance of turning their faces directly, they are more about bargaining and compromise with each other.

   In fact, most of the monks present had similar views as Meng Zhang.

   Although True Monarch Yiqi and others rely on the cultivation of the Qiu family brothers to advance to the Yang Shen stage, they are also willing to obey the Qiu family brothers, but they are also unwilling to officially break with the Ziyang Sect.

   Seeing the crowd gathered, Qiu Gangfeng said a few simple opening remarks, and he started to get into the topic.

   Although the Sea Clan has temporarily weakened its attack on the Xingluo Islands, Qiu Wanshui still cannot leave the front line for too long.

   Due to limited time, the Qiu brothers are not long-winded.

   As soon as the Qiu brothers spoke, they took the initiative to tell their true situation.

   Qiu Wanshui cultivated the secret method of crossing the calamity in exchange for the Ziyang Saint Sect, and barely survived the thundering calamity.

   But instead of getting much benefit from the thunder tribulation, he was seriously injured, leaving a huge hidden danger.

   If there is no accident, Qiu Wanshui has lost the possibility of advanced rebirth in this life.

   Qiu Gangfeng practiced other tribulation secret methods, and the Yang Shen stage cultivation was about to be completed, not far from breaking through and returning to the virtual stage.

   In order to appear more valuable in the eyes of Saint Zong Ziyang, increase the bargaining power, and also to cover his younger brother, Qiu Wanshui always pretended to repair his physical condition and regained the potential of the advanced rebirth period.

   Therefore, in the eyes of Ziyang Shengzong, the Qiu family brothers have the potential to break through the rebirth period and are the target to suppress.

   The Qiu brothers were so frank when they came up, and it was really beyond everyone's expectations.

   Immediately afterwards, Qiu Gangfeng called his closed disciple Bai Zhilei to the crowd.

  Meng Zhang, who had met with Bai Zhilei, naturally knew her origin.

   Bai Zhilei, as a real Jindan, is not stage fright at all in front of so many Yang Shenqi real monarchs.

   She took the initiative to introduce her origin to everyone.

   Her master was originally a true disciple of the Ziyang Shengzong, but she was blessed by the Qiu brothers in her early years and was vigorously cultivated by the Qiu brothers.

   All along, in order to repay her kindness, her master has secretly communicated with the Qiu brothers from time to time.

   Decades ago, her master inadvertently learned a secret of the Ziyang Saint Zong Tianda.

   This secret is extremely important to the Qiu brothers, and it is related to their future.

   When her master was inquiring about this secret, he finally revealed it.

   Their master and disciple had to defect immediately and fled to the Xingluo Islands.

  In the process of escaping, her master died in order to cover her unfortunately.

  Speaking of this, even after many years, Bai Zhilei still can't hide her grief.

   Qiu Gangfeng dismissed the depressed Bai Zhilei and continued the previous conversation.

   The secret discovered by Master Bai Zhilei is that in the black jade forest of Daheng Cultivation Realm, there is a Jiazi tree with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

   Not to mention such a rare natural treasure as the Jiazi tree, the strange tree of heaven and earth, that is, ordinary trees that can live for tens of thousands of years, have already become refined.

   The Ten Thousand-Year Jiazi Tree in the Black Jade Forest is not only a wise tree demon, but also a terrifying, peerless great demon.

   Jiazishu, as the name suggests, is that every few Jiazi, it will bear a variety of special fruits.

  The fruit of every other Jiazi tree of the Jiazi tree is called Jiaziguo, which is helpful to the cultivation of the monks of the Jindan stage.

  The fruit that the Jiazi tree bears every ten Jiazi can heal various serious injuries, expel all kinds of rare and strange poisons, and restore the monks to their best condition. It is called the Shijiaguo.

  The fruit that the Jiazi tree can bear every one hundred Jiazi is called the sesame fruit.

   Baijiaguo is an extremely rare treasure in the entire Junchen Realm. It has countless magical effects and will make it coveted by the Void Returning Power.

   Qiu Gangfeng only mentioned one of the functions of Baijia Guo, which fascinated everyone present.

   Baijiaguo can help the Yang Shen stage monks to make up for all the defects in the previous practice, increase their cultivation base, and assist them to break through to the rebirth stage.

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