The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1708: Don't miss the opportunity

Ziyang Saint Sect didn't dare to initiate a battle of returning to the Void in Junchen Realm, and he couldn't completely solve the Jiazi Tree.

   Ziyang Saint Sect has been coveting that Jiazi Tree, and he is not willing to give up.

   After many years of observation and planning, Ziyang Saint Sect finally waited for an important opportunity.

   Because of its own characteristics, that Jiazi tree will bear fruit regularly.

When    bears Jiazi fruit and Shijia fruit, the damage to the Jiazi tree is limited.

   But in order to bear such a rare natural treasure as Baijiaguo, a large amount of the vitality of the Jiazi tree must be extracted, greatly depleting its source.

   Jiazi Dryad of course would not be willing to bear fruit, but this is its own characteristic, no matter how high its cultivation base is, it cannot stop it.

   After it bears Baijia fruit, Jiazishu will inevitably suffer a severe loss of vitality and a sharp drop in strength, temporarily unable to maintain its strength during the return period.

   At that time, the Ziyang Saint Sect will send a team of monks that have been prepared for a long time, enter the depths of the black jade forest, slay this Jiazi tree, and seize the Baijiao fruit it produces.

   As for the time for the Jiazishu to bear the fruit, it will be three years later.

  As the master Bai Zhilei's identity and status, he was originally not qualified to know such secrets.

   In order to discover this secret, she had to reveal her identity and betrayed the sect.

   I got the news after losing an important chess piece. Of course the Qiu brothers took it very seriously.

   Qiu Gangfeng finished introducing the situation, and finally stated his goal.

   While the Ziyang Saint Sect cultivator team was holding the attention of the Jiazi Dryad, everyone could come to a praying mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind, waiting for the opportunity to capture the Baijiaguo.

   Their purpose is not to kill the Jiazi Dryad, nor to be an enemy of the Ziyang Saint Sect monk. They are just trying to seize the Baijia fruit for their own way.

   Qiu Gangfeng's words made everyone very excited, and they couldn't care about the threat of the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

   Qiu Gangfeng told everyone very sincerely that this time the Jiazi Dryad had a large number of Baijia fruit, enough for everyone to distribute.

   The main purpose of his participation in this incident was to obtain a hundred beetroot fruit, solve the hidden dangers of his elder brother Qiu Wanshui, and give him further opportunities.

   People still trust Qiu Gangfeng.

   Except for Meng Zhang, the monks present have been supported by him and have been favored by him.

   Meng Zhang and Qiu Gangfeng have known each other for these years, and they think he is a steady person, not the kind of messy guy.

   The people did not think for too long, they were moved by Qiu Gangfeng, and they all expressed their willingness to participate in this matter.

   Seeing that everyone was finally convinced that everyone was willing to act together, the Qiu brothers couldn't help but smile.

   Then, the Qiu family brothers began to introduce the plan and various details of the operation.

   In addition to the information that Bai Zhilei brought back then, the Qiu family brothers also obtained a lot of information about the Black Jade Forest through other channels.

   The two brothers have long targeted the Baijia fruit produced by the Jiazi Dryad. They have been planning for this for many years and have formulated a very rigorous plan.

   The Qiu family brothers seem to be very frank, they have not concealed anything, provided information, explained the plan, discussed with everyone, and slowly improved the plan.

   Meng Zhang did have a greed for the Baijia fruit that the Jiazi Dryad had grown, and wanted to get it into his hands.

   But he did not lose his vigilance because of this, he was always very careful in his heart.

   On the surface, he actively participates in the discussion and makes suggestions with everyone. But in my heart, I was thinking about this matter carefully.

   It is impossible for Meng Zhang to trust the Qiu brothers without reservation.

   The Qiu family brothers should be very clear that they are going to grab food from Ziyang Saint Sect this time, and whether they succeed or fail, they will greatly anger Ziyang Saint Sect.

   They had been perfunctory Ziyang Saint Sect before, trying to delay time, mostly for this moment.

   If their brothers cannot achieve the cultivation base of the Void Rebirth Period within a short time after they have captured the Baijia fruit, it will inevitably lead to cruel revenge from the Purple Sun Sacred Sect.

   Maybe one one, the entire Xingluo Palace will be affected.

   Meng Zhang has long known the disposition of the Qiu brothers.

   Qiu brothers are willing to sacrifice everything for their own way.

   Even if they gave up the painstakingly founded Xingluo Palace and completely overthrow the Xingluo Islands, the fortress against the sea clan, they would not hesitate.

   The other monks present only broke through the Yang Shen stage not long ago. Even if you get Baijia Guo, it is impossible to advance to the Void Rebirth Period in a short time.

   But they are willing to take risks in order to gain the hope of breaking through the rebirth period.

   They also knew that their sect would be compromised afterwards, and would incur revenge from the Ziyang Saint Sect, but they also didn't care about this, they just wanted to take the Baijia fruit.

   As for Meng Zhang, he certainly didn't want to see Taiyimen being involved in his next actions.

   But Meng Zhang had a hunch for a long time that the situation in Jun Chen world is not waiting for me.

   If he can't break through to the rebirth period as soon as possible, not only himself, but also Taiyimen will face great danger.

   Not to mention, at the time of the great changes in Junchen Realm, it is also when the chance for enlightenment comes, only the cultivation base with the rebirth period is eligible to participate in the fight for chance.

   After Meng Zhang entered the Yang Shen stage, his cultivation was relatively smooth. He also had some ideas about how to break through to the rebirth period.

   He is now before he truly breaks through the rebirth period, what he lacks is hundreds of years of accumulation.

   Jiazishu is a strange tree in the world, he knew a thing or two about it a long time ago.

  The hundred jasmine fruit produced by the Jiazi tree contains the huge source of the Jiazi tree accumulated over thousands of years.

He only needs to absorb and refine one hundred-jacket fruit to make up for the accumulation and smooth the last obstacle in the advanced stage of Taiyimen has not formally broken the face with Ziyang Shengzong, There is no official war.

   However, the Ziyang Saint Sect's malice towards Taiyimen is becoming more and more unconcealed, and its suppression and blockade have not stopped for a moment.

   If Meng Zhang angered Ziyang Saint Sect this time, the worst result would be nothing more than an official war with Ziyang Saint Sect.

   For this, he had already prepared for it.

   As long as Ziyang Saint Sect's rebirth period does not end in person, Taiyimen is not without the power of a battle.

   Taiyi Sect has secretly formed an alliance with Dali Dynasty. Even if Dali Dynasty is unwilling to help Taiyi Sect, its existence itself has a great influence on Ziyang Sacred Sect.

   Compared with the Xingluo Islands, which are lonely overseas, Taiyimen should have stronger survivability.

  Meng Zhang's own background is not simple.

  Once the situation reaches a critical moment, the elderly silver pot, the mother-in-law of Qiansi, and even the Dengxianhui, as long as Meng Zhang pulls his face down and asks for help, he will probably be able to get help.

   Meng Zhang thought left and right, weighing the pros and cons, and felt that the risk was worth taking.

   He even has a sense of opportunity not to be missed, that time never comes again.

   I missed the opportunity in front of me, and there is no other shortcut, Meng Zhang will not be able to break through to the rebirth period in a short time.

   Maybe, this is his only chance.

   Of course, although Meng Zhang is determined to participate in the fight for Baijia fruit. However, the Qiu family brothers, including everyone present, will keep sufficient guard.

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