The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1719: Devil reappears

Xiang Keshou quickly made up his mind and decided to forcibly break the independent space created by the Jiazi Dryad, and destroy those Baijia fruits by the way, so that his cultivators can get out of trouble as much as possible and join the siege of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Xiang Shou is still considering how to act, and the Jiazi Dryad has new moves.

   Lost three hundred berries at once, and the Jiazi Dryad was already worried that the remaining hundred berries were not enough for his own evolution.

   For the sake of its own evolution, the remaining Baijia fruit must not be lost.

   Now that Meng Zhang and Xiang Keshou each have a hundred-jaw fruit on their bodies, they immediately become the main targets of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Baijia Guo has already arrived, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved. Meng Zhang has long wanted to stay here, but wants to leave here as soon as possible.

   He has no intention to fight against the Jiazi Dryad, and has already begun to find a way to release his kindness to the other party.

   But the Jiazi Dryad actually killed him in order to take the Baijia fruit from him.

   Meng Zhang immediately felt the tremendous pressure, and the other party's deep malice.

  The thick branches of the tree roots turned into giant pythons, flexibly entwining his body.

   Meng Zhang couldn't help cursing in his heart, the evildoer is an evildoer, it is difficult to communicate at all, and he can't appreciate his kindness.

   The cultivator who had escaped from the Ziyang Saint Sect, also knew that he had taken the initiative to help Xiang Shou deal with the attack of the Jiazi Dryad.

  The rest of the monks are imaginary stories to preserve their strength.

   True Monarch and the others were even more embarrassed, and they began to guess who got the Baijiaguo in their hearts.

   When the fighting in this area became more intense, a group of demon kings defending outside were also mobilized.

   Jiazi Dryad directly sent a letter to these demon kings, bypassing the leader of the Grey Peng King.

   Jiazi Dryad has controlled the Black Jade Forest for tens of thousands of years. In the hearts of these demon kings, there is an incomparable existence that cannot be violated.

   Received a personal order from the Jiazi Dryad, these demon kings ignored the orders of the Gray Peng King, and directly turned and entered the depths of the Black Jade Forest.

   King Gray Peng wanted to say something, but was stopped by King Jinhou.

   If the Jiazi Dryad is not removed for a day, the status of the Gray Peng King’s undercover should not be exposed.

   In desperation, King Grey Peng followed many demon kings and rushed into the depths of the black jade forest.

   After this group of demon kings entered this area, they did not need to continue to order the Jiazi Dryad, they directly joined the battle and began to besiege the human cultivators present.

   Because of Jiazi Dryad's gesture, the human monks who had preserved their strength were let off intentionally or unintentionally. The demon kings focused on attacking the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect like Xiang Shou, and Meng Zhang was also attacked by the demon king.

   The strength of this group of Demon Kings is not worth mentioning, and they are vulnerable in front of the Yangshen Stage cultivators.

   But this area is equivalent to the domain of the Jiazi Dryad. It is completely controlled by it, and it can also exert a certain influence on the rules of heaven and earth.

  The Jiazi Dryad, who has rooted here for thousands of years, knows the situation in every corner here, and can grasp all the details freely.

   Under the blessing of the Jiazi Dryad, these demon kings have greatly increased in strength and become extremely fierce.

  Many simple-minded guys are even going crazy, and regardless of their own safety, they are desperate to fight with this group of human cultivators.

   Meng Zhang readily repelled a demon king, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him, but suddenly felt the pressure as heavy as a mountain, and suddenly fell on his head.

   The surrounding air became extremely viscous, like an extremely heavy liquid, and every movement of him required hundreds of times more effort.

   The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth fluctuated violently, which greatly interfered with his spell casting.

  Meng Zhang knew that it was the Jiazi Dryad who had activated the power of the domain, making full use of his own control of the domain, and began to quickly weaken his assistants.

   Meng Zhang's face is very ugly.

   This **** Jiazi Dryad is clearly forcing himself to kill him.

  Meng Zhang really doesn't want to be cheap Ziyang Shengzong. But the enemies were all killed on his own, and he had no room to evade.

   One after another, sharp sword qi shots everywhere, constantly beheading the branches that rushed over.

   Thick layers of sun and moon divine light shone on countless branches. The branches that were originally full of vitality began to wither, and countless leaves began to fall.


   When everyone was fighting, a dark figure appeared silently in the field, and then sneaked into an independent space.

   Jiazi Dryad is in a period of weakness, but after all, it has accumulated rich and solid background. Its power is almost infinite, constantly spurring all kinds of killer moves to kill everyone.

   Although these demon kings are far less powerful than the monks of the Yang **** stage, they are almost insane. They are all desperate, causing a lot of trouble to the human monks.

   Suddenly, with a loud noise, another independent space collapsed.

   A cultivator of the Purple Sun Saint Sect finally got out of the space vortex, and shouted at the distant fellow.

   "Be careful, everyone, Jiazi Dryad is colluding with monsters..."

   Before the words were finished, a black figure chased up from behind.

   A fierce attack made this monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect had to silence.

   The other cultivators present looked at the strange demon cultivator and were guessing his identity, but Meng Zhang recognized him at a glance.

   This demon is clearly the long-lost Black Gold Demon King.

   In the past, Meng Zhang led an army of monks to quell the evil disaster in the real world of Daheng, chasing and killing the leader of the monster.

   The Black Gold Demon with the strength of the Yuanshen late stage was the key target of Meng Zhang's pursuit, and he was chased down all the way to the depths of the Black Jade Forest.

  The Gray Peng King who fought side by side with Meng Zhang prevented Meng Zhang from entering the depths of the Black Jade Forest to hunt down and asked Meng Zhang to hand over the Black Gold Demon to him.

   Meng Zhang chose to believe in King Gray Peng.

   After King Grey Peng entered the depths of the Black Jade Forest, he came back and told Meng Zhang that the Black Gold Demon King had been dealt with and would not come out for disaster.

   Meng Zhang really did not expect to see this old opponent here again after many years.

   This old opponent hasn't seen each other for many years, and his cultivation base has been greatly advanced, and he already possesses the strength of the Yangshen Stage.

   Meng Zhang didn't mean to blame King Grey Peng in his heart.

  Because Meng Zhang knew that in many important matters, he, the demon beast leader in name, could not be the master.

  According to Meng Zhang's guess, the Black Gold Demon King was taken in by the Jiazi Dryad, and the Grey Peng King had a heavy responsibility, so he didn't have to say much, and even concealed the truth from himself.

   Jiazi Dryad took in the Black Gold Demon King, and also helped him improve his cultivation.

  The monsters of the Sun God Stage are already a huge disaster in the realm of cultivation, enough to make a holy land sect like Ziyang Shengzong take it seriously.

  Sure enough, Xiang Keshou became even more angry when he saw his junior fellow being attacked by the monster.

   "Bold tree monster, you dare to collude with monsters, do you really want to be an enemy of my human race?"

   Hearing Xiang Keshou’s cursing, Meng Zhang chuckled in disdain.

   At this time, a few words of cursing have the effect of shit.

   You have already led people to the door, and you asked if they really wanted to be an enemy of the human race. Is it really superfluous?

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