The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1721: Return to the virtual shot

Losing the opportunity to evolve will deal a big blow to the Jiazi Dryad.

   The Jiazi Dryad was really crazy, and started to explode with all his strength.

   It didn't even care about the many monsters in the field, and it also made them the target of attack.

   These demon kings are average in strength, but their bodies are strong, and they are full of vitality, blood and essence, which can be regarded as a supplement to them more or less.

   The crazily pounced branches seemed to be alive, and they leaped towards the target flexibly.

   Dark green shadows appeared out of thin air, rushing frantically at all living creatures in the field.

   These dark green shadows are all cast by the Jiazi Dryad.

   A series of screams sounded. It was a few demon kings who could not dodge and were drawn by the branches, and then their bodies became dry, and all the flesh and blood essence was absorbed by the branches.

   Everyone didn't care about anything else, they were all busy dealing with the crazy Jiazi Dryad.

  In the high altitude hundreds of miles away from here, two old men stood opposite each other, not giving way to each other.

   Among them, the old man in Taoist pretence has an aura of no anger and prestige, and he is the anode Taoist of the Ziyang Sect.

   And the weird old man who is at odds with the anode Taoist now is the big man Xihai boss in the Junchen realm.

   Both of them are cultivators of the rebirth period, so it is reasonable to say that they can't fight in the Junchen Realm.

  The main purpose of the Taoist Daoist's trip this time was to kill the Jiazi Dryad.

   In addition to its powerful strength, that Jiazi Dryad has also taken root extremely deep in the Black Jade Forest, reaching deep into the ground.

If the Jiazi Dryad is forced to a desperate situation and is completely ruthless, it can take the approach of burning jade and stone, urging the roots of the tree, completely overturning the crust of this area, causing an unprecedented huge disaster, and greatly shaking the earth of Junchen Realm. Stablize.

   The Ziyang Saint Zong knew this well, so he had to be extra careful about it.

  According to the plan of the Ziyang Saint Zong this time, Xiang Keshou and others took advantage of the weakness of the Jiazi Dryad to enter the Black Jade Forest and used various methods to severely inflict the Jiazi Dryad.

   In the face of a group of Yang Shen stage monks, even if they are severely injured, the Jiazi Dryad will not easily take the approach of burning jade and stone.

   The anode Taoist waited for an opportunity outside, and when the Jiazi Dryad was hit hard, he immediately attacked, making it too late to overturn the earth's crust and create a disaster of burning jade and stone.

   But not long after the anode Taoist came here, he was blocked by the old monster of Xihai before he could make a move.

   The old monster Xihai coveted the tree heart of the Jiazi Dryad many years ago.

   The tree heart of the Void-Returning Strength Dryad is a rare treasure in the world of Junchen.

   Old Monster Xihai was not sure that he could beat the Jiazi Dryad, but silently waited for the opportunity.

   The old monster of Xihai was active in Xihai in his early years, and he secretly supported the Qi family brothers.

   This action organized by the Qiu brothers has his support behind it.

   The old monster Xihai is not willing to have a head-on conflict with the Ziyang Saint Sect, but he is determined to win the tree spirit of the Jiazi Dryad.

   The old monster of Xihai stopped the anode Taoist, just to bargain with him.

  Of course, the anode Taoist is not willing to give in easily, and the two rebirth period powers confronted each other like this.

  Although they are far apart, the Taoist priests can see clearly the situation in the depths of the black jade forest.

   Jiazi Dryad has fallen into madness and is attacking all the monks in the field with all his strength.

   The Jiazi Dryad is in a period of weakness, and its background is profound. As long as it does not have the strength of the Void Return Period, it is impossible to beat the many monks present.

  Sure enough, the crazy behavior of the Jiazi Dryad completely angered the monks present.

   The monks who can cultivate to this level are all dragons and phoenixes among humans, and elites among human monks.

   Jiazi Dryads are indiscriminate, if you want to eliminate them all, then even the monks who were reluctant to take action before, and have been saving their strength, did not keep their hands anymore and began to counterattack.

   All kinds of magical instruments were flying around for a while, and the divine channel technique was continuously displayed, and the Jiazi Dryad faced crazy attacks from the cultivators.

   Countless wounds appeared on the huge tree body of the Jiazi Dryad, a large part of the tree body was thrown out, and numerous holes appeared on the tree body.

   When the cultivators temporarily put aside their conflicts and began to join forces to attack, the Jiazi Dryad was quickly hit hard.

  The Taoist Daoist saw this situation, and in order to avoid wasting the opportunity, he had to compromise with the old monster Xihai.

  If Old Monster Xihai insists on haunting him, it will be difficult for him to get out in a short time.

   Can it be unscrupulously shot in the Junchen Realm during the Void Return Period?

   Even though the Purple Sun Sect had a good reason this time, he wanted to kill the Jiazi Dryad, eliminate the disaster, and solve the crisis.

   But the anode Taoist also should not be caught in a long battle.

   Soon, the Taoist anode reached an agreement with the old monster Xihai.

   The old monster Xihai assisted the Taoist priest to kill the Jiazi Dryad. After the incident, the tree core of the Jiazi Dryad belonged to the old monster Xihai.

   Both of them know the rules, they must fight quickly, and can't delay it for a long time.

   Both of them are decisive, and once an agreement is reached, they immediately start to act.

   Jiazi Dryad vented for a while, and slowly began to calm down.

  The battle has been going on for so long, and it has not been long since it left the weakening period and regaining its strength during the rebirth period.

   is completely at a disadvantage. The severely wounded Jiazi Dryad has long decided in his heart that it will smash all the monks present and then absorb them alive when the strength is

   Suddenly, a dazzling purple sunrise appeared in the sky, and a purple flame immediately ignited on the body of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Countless branches and leaves began to burn, and the surroundings became extremely bright.

   Jiazi Dryad didn't react slowly, knowing that it was the Void Rebirth period that was attacking him.

   But it hesitated a bit, and didn't immediately urge the roots of the tree to overturn the earth's crust, and a jade was burned.

   After hesitating for a while, this Jiazi Dryad lost his last chance.

   The old monster Xihai appeared silently under the giant tree body of the Jiazi Dryad, and then slammed into the tree body.

   Meng Zhang reacted immediately when Da Neng took a shot during the rebirth period.

   The Void Rebirth Stage Great Nenggong he had never met with him, judging from the supernatural powers he displayed, most of them were the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Meng Zhang did not hesitate at all, immediately gave up everything and started to run for his life.

   Great Neng has already taken action during the rebirth period, and he no longer needs to intervene in the next battle.

   More importantly, the rebirth period power of the Ziyang Saint Sect, I am afraid that I don't mind to wipe his restless guy easily.

   Whether it's the Jiazi Dryad or the two rebirth powers, they don't care about anything else now.

  The blockade of the Jiazi Dryad had been broken long ago, and there was no way to stop others from escaping.

   Meng Zhang rushed out of the cage easily, and then began to escape as quickly as possible.

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