The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1746: Stretched front

Before the official expedition and the start of the clean-up operation on the Xihai Sea Clan, everyone up and down the army of Human Race monks did not expect that this battle would last so long.

When the army of human monks divided into three groups, advancing aggressively toward the depths of the West Sea, the army of the Xihai Sea Clan not only did not take the initiative to respond to the enemy, but began to retreat continuously.

The Xihai Sea Clan's retreat was very straightforward, and they gave up the vast sea area, and gave up countless large and small strongholds.

In the past, the Sea Clan had always been strong, and the Human Clan monks of the Xingluo Islands were struggling to support it.

After gathering enough power to start the counterattack this time, the human race's imagined war with the sea tribe army did not happen at all.

In fact, the Xihai Sea Clan has occupied the Xihai for many years.

Not to mention the unfolding of the battle of returning to the virtual level, just because the two armies are now fighting head-on, the victory or defeat is also unpredictable.

The Sea Clan's big retreat this time was really beyond everyone's expectations.

The vast seas, the marine settlements on the bottom of the sea, large and small islands, various resource points...

For the Sea Clan to retreat without a fight, for the Sea Clan, it is really an unprecedented huge loss.

The three-way human race cultivator army advanced vigorously, except for a few scattered small-scale battles, it did not catch the main force of the sea race army at all.

The senior members of the cultivator's army such as Brothers Qiu are all sensible people, and will not be happy because they have occupied the vast sea area.

As long as the main force of the marine army is not captured, all the results achieved so far are vain.

If the sea clan army returns, it will be easy to retake the lost sea area.

The Qiu family brothers and other high-level military officials also thought of many ways, trying to fight a decisive battle with the main force of the sea clan army.

The three-way army deliberately widened the distance between each other, and many cultivators were separated from the army, deliberately distracting their strength...

It's a pity that no matter how the Terran cultivator army tempts, the Sea Clan army just refuses to take the initiative to fight, only knowing that it will continue to retreat.

The West Sea is too vast, and there is enough space for the army of the Sea Clan and the army of Human Clan monks to deal with.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

In these five years, the human race cultivator army has rushed into the air many times, unable to catch the main force of the sea race army.

In fact, the high-ranking monks of the human race are not very familiar with the depths of the West Sea.

In the past, high-ranking cultivators of the human race did not dare to go too deep into the West China Sea, fearing that they would be besieged by the powerful sea clan and even the true dragon clan.

In the five years, the army of human monks encountered bad sea conditions many times and suffered a lot of losses.

Once the battle line began to lengthen and the Terran monk army entered the unfamiliar waters, the Sea Clan finally began to fight back.

The Sea Clan did not fight head-on with the Terran monk army, but sent a small team to sneak into the back of the Terran monk army, attack large and small strongholds, and try to block the supply line of the Terran army.

In this way, Taiyimen, which was originally the safest, as the rear army, was about to face severe challenges.

The three-way army in front was busy chasing the sea clan army, and did not divide its forces to occupy the large and small strongholds left by the sea clan.

The supply line was dragged too long, and Taiyimen had to set up a stronghold in the middle to serve as a transshipment base.

At present, the Sea Clan keeps attacking the material transportation team of Taiyimen, and also raids midway strongholds.

As the natives of Xihai, the Hai people are very familiar with the situation here.

They know the topography of the seabed very well and can accurately calculate various harsh sea conditions.

The haunting sea clan harassed the team and caused considerable losses to Taiyimen.

The Taiyimen high-level officials have also organized many counterattacks against the Sea Clan team.

However, the sea clan's assault team is too slippery, and it is easy to dive into the seabed and use the terrain to escape.

Even a seemingly sudden sea storm can be an aid to the Sea Clan.

In addition, these assault teams of the Sea Clan are not afraid of sacrifice, are brave to commit dangers, fight bravely, and attack boldly...

Even if Taiyimen were able to wipe out some Sea Race teams, they couldn't stop the Sea Race teams from harassing them.

Taiyimen recruited all monks from the Hanhai Dao League, and the formation of this monk army seemed to be very strong. But compared with the other three-way army, it is the weakest.

Even if the Taiyimen's cultivator army also received support and reinforcement from the mainland, it could not change this result.

A transport team supporting the Taiyi Gate was intercepted and even destroyed, and strongholds were attacked and even captured.

Taiyimen suffered more and more losses, and it became more and more difficult to transfer materials, and it had begun to affect the three-way army in front of it.

In the cultivation world, even the Middle-earth Continent where the cultivation civilization is the most prosperous and developed, it is difficult to popularize large-capacity storage artifacts among all monks.

For large-scale military operations like this, not to mention the consumption during the battle, that is, the monks in the military meditate routinely every day, and the materials consumed are massive.

The longer the battle lasts, the more it relies on supplies from the rear.

As for mobilizing certain top monks and letting their storage artifacts or mustard spaces transfer the artifacts, it is even more unlikely.

In the realm of comprehension, low-level monks have always served and provided for high-level instead of letting high-level monks run for low-level monks.

Even Meng Zhang, who has always had a mild temperament and cared about his disciples, was unwilling to be a cow or a horse for a low-level disciple, and even less willing to transport supplies to the front.

Meng Zhang's advanced stage is not long after the rebirth period, and there are still many homework to make up.

In the past five years, apart from occasionally going to the front line to make a round, he spent most of his time in the Xingluo Islands to practice.

This time, accepting Tiangong's order to come to the West Sea to participate in the war, there are still many benefits.

According to the usual practice, Tiangong provided many materials for Meng Zhang's daily practice.

The number of Jade Chrysanthemums needed for the daily practice of the Void Rebirth Period is extremely large and consumes extremely fast.

It is very difficult to support Meng Zhang with the financial resources of Taiyimen alone.

Of course, in the Void Rebirth Period, the great power itself can go to the void outside the domain and extract the Jade Clear Spirit from the void.

With the power of the rebirth period, as long as the luck is not too bad, you can still support yourself in the void.

Meng Zhang now has no time to go to the void outside the domain, mainly relying on temporary subsidies from the Tiangong.

Tiangong's subsidy cannot be taken for nothing, and Meng Zhang will also take responsibility for the victory or defeat of this war.

Taiyimen encountered serious difficulties, and Meng Zhang couldn't ignore it.

Especially the latest news from Taiyimen, an important stronghold has just been contributed by the Sea Clan, the disciples suffered heavy losses, and even a true primordial spirit died on the spot.

In the past, Taiyimen lost at most a few Jindan real people, but now even the true monarch Yuanshen has died, which fully shows the seriousness of the situation.

Meng Zhang had to temporarily suspend his cultivation and went to the front line.

Although he can't make a direct shot, as a rebirth power, there are actually many things he can do.

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