The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1750: Encircle and suppress

Although Meng Zhang didn’t make a move, every time the Sea Clan’s Yangshen powerhouse took advantage of the number to overwhelm Zhenjun Lu Tianshu and Zhenjun Haixuan, Meng Zhang only needed to release a ray of breath. After the Yangshen powerhouse sensed it, they immediately felt like an electric shock, leaving everything behind and fleeing here.

The strong sea clan Yangshen began to flee, and the rest of the sea clan team naturally had only one way to lose.

Meng Zhang was not in a hurry to pursue them, and it was not the time to get rid of them.

After all, the Sea Clan is not a fool. After being deceived a few times, he no longer dared to ambush the Taiyimen transportation team.

The Hai Clan's attack on the team suffered heavy losses, and Taiyimen won many times, everyone was excited, and morale skyrocketed.

Suddenly, the offensive and defensive momentum was immediately reversed.

Since the method of drawing the snake out of the cave didn't work, Taiyimen simply dispatched a large number of monks directly to chase and encircle the sea clan's harassment team.

Suddenly, teams of human monks were parading around above the sea, pursuing the whereabouts of the sea harassment team.

Knowing that they were invincible, the Hai Clan's harassment team took advantage of their familiarity with the environment to avoid them.

The Sea Clan's harassment team retreated, and Taiyimen's transportation to the front line resumed immediately, ensuring the combat needs of the front cultivator army.

At this point, the Taiyimen side has achieved its initial goal, and there is no need to continue to entangle with the sea clan harassment team.

The high-ranking Taiyimen, including Niu Dawei, all know the truth that the spring breeze will regenerate without removing the roots.

This time, the harassment team of the Sea Clan will not be completely wiped out. When the wind passes, they will have a comeback.

Only by hurting the Sea Clan can they stop them from continuing to move.

Most importantly, it is impossible for Meng Zhang to stay here forever to **** the army of Taiyimen monks.

This army of monks organized by Taiyimen has a large number of people. Under the leadership of Zhenjun Lu Tianshu and Zhenjun Haixuan, they conducted a dragnet-style search in the surrounding vast seas.

Although the sea area is wide, it is not endless.

As long as you are willing to invest manpower and material resources, and are willing to spend time, you can always search all the surrounding seas.

Although the seabed is deep, not all sea races can enter the seabed.

In fact, most of the sea people’s daily activities are in the sea at a certain depth.

Really reaching the deep seabed, for many sea races, there will also be a lot of pressure.

In the next period of time, the powerful and keen spirits of many high-level cultivators swept across the surrounding waters.

These spiritual thoughts are like pulling a net, back and forth, almost without any omissions.

After a lot of hard work, the Hai Clan intrusion team that had been hidden had nowhere to hide, and they were arrested one by one.

Facing the siege of the Taiyimen monks' team, even if these sea clan harassing teams jumped the wall and rushed desperately, they could not escape the end of the siege.

Although this encirclement and suppression operation took a lot of time, the effect was very significant.

Most of the harassment team sent by the Sea Clan was wiped out, and only a few who saw the opportunity early and escaped far from the surrounding waters could get away with it.

After experiencing this terrible defeat, presumably the Xihai Sea Clan needs to think carefully if it wants to continue sending out assault teams.

The only pity is that the several Yangshen-level Sea Clan powerhouses in the assault team, since they were frightened by Meng Zhang, hid far away and never showed up.

Many searches organized by Taiyimen found and eliminated many sea clan harassment teams, but they have not been able to find the whereabouts of these Yangshen powerhouses.

As expected, the Yangshen level powerhouse has vast magical powers and various means, some of which are ways to avoid Taiyimen's search.

Not to mention, they are all powerful people of the sea clan, who grew up on this sea since they were young.

They really want to hide deliberately, even if it is Human Race's rebirth power, it is difficult to find their traces.

Meng Zhang had secretly intercepted each of their breaths before, and naturally there was a way to find them based on this.

Several strong Yangshens of the Sea Clan were not enough in the eyes of Meng Zhang, leaving them behind for the time being, Meng Zhang has its own use.

After Taiyimen's efforts, even after Meng Zhangdu personally dispatched, the problem of the Sea Clan's harassment of the team was finally solved, and the supply of supplies to the front line from the rear was completely restored to normal.

Seeing that there were no more problems, Meng Zhang returned to the Xingluo Islands.

Zhenjun Lu Tianshu and Zhenjun Haixuan continued to stay in the Taiyimen cultivator army to make up for the lack of top combat power in Taiyimen.

Both of them are people who know how to advance and retreat. Even though the cultivation base is far beyond the high-level Taiyimen, they still maintain sufficient respect for the high-level Taiyimen headed by Niu Da.

On weekdays, they will take the initiative to obey Niu Dawei's orders.

Of course, the Taiyimen executives also attached great importance to the two of them. Niu Dawei would not forcefully give orders, and would discuss anything with them.

It has been less than a year since Meng Zhang left the Xingluo Islands this time.

After returning to the main island, here is the same as before, there is no change.

As soon as Meng Zhang returned to the main island, he began to secretly inquire about the situation of Yiqitang and Yiqi Zhenjun.

After the army of monks sent by Taiyimen came to support, in addition to most monks sent to the front line, a small number of monks remained in the Xingluo Islands.

In addition to being always ready to support the frontline, they also established a stronghold here, began to explore business routes and expand business.

However, within a few years, these Taiyimen monks have been doing business well and have gained a certain amount of power here.

At the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, a large-scale merchant fleet has already begun to come to the Xingluo Islands for large-scale maritime trade.

The Xingluo Islands are located in the depths of the West China Sea, and the surrounding resources are rich, producing many precious resources unique to the sea.

Relying on the assistance of the Tiangong organization, the Xingluo Islands has temporarily improved the situation.

But the assistance of the Tiangong organization cannot be available forever.

When the war with the Xihai Sea Clan is over, assistance will most likely cease.

Anyone who has a bit of foresight on the Star Rock Islands will actively find ways to open up financial resources and avoid the previous dilemma again.

Taiyi Sect is a huge force in the north of Junchen Realm, and it has mastered very rich resources on the land.

Taiyimen and Xingluo Islands have many complementary features.

Thanks to the high-level efforts of both sides, the business exchanges between the two sides have become closer.

Taiyimen's power expanded here, and the hidden hall in the door naturally established a stronghold here.

After receiving Meng Zhang's order, the monk in the dark hall immediately took action to inquire about the information Meng Zhang needed.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base and status today, there are a lot of monks willing to work for him.

Taiyi Sect has the powerful existence of Meng Zhang, and its momentum is naturally extraordinary.

At least the cultivating forces on the Star Rock Islands are not willing to fight against the Taiyi Sect, but actively want to make friends with the Taiyi Sect.

Thanks to my old friend Yijie Wensheng for his many rewards and support.

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