The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1753: Go straight to Huanglong

In fact, the pressure on the frontline commanders came not only from the Heavenly Palace, but also from the many cultivation forces on the Junchen Realm Continent.

   In the past few years, the cultivation forces on the mainland have given great assistance to the Xingluo Islands in terms of human and material resources under the orders of the Heavenly Palace.

   As the sweeping operation unfolded, not to mention that Jun Chenjie was full of flames, and fierce battles did indeed begin in many places.

   Because of the impact of the war, many comprehension forces have been attrition not small. It is already a heavy burden to support the Xingluo Islands now.

   Many comprehension forces hope that the war in the West Sea will end as soon as possible, so that they can stop supporting the Xingluo Islands and alleviate their own burdens.

   If it's just the complaints and dissatisfaction of these comprehension forces, it's nothing. However, the Heavenly Palace also has its own needs, and Jun Chen Realm needs to end the cleaning operation as soon as possible and draw out the power.

   After the Xingluo Islands offended the Ziyang Shengzong, the current situation can still exist, all relying on the support of Tiangong.

  Since Tiangong asked the front line to end the war as soon as possible, the Qiu family brothers could not refuse.

   has been unable to catch the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan, and the Qiu family brothers had to fight for it.

   The base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan is also its most important base, located in the extreme depths of the Xihai Sea.

  Because this place is close to the real dragon clan, the Qiu family brothers had never planned to play here before.

   The relationship between the true dragons and the cultivators of the human race is very strange.

  The true dragons are the enemies of the human race, and they often add chaos to the human race.

  As the ruler of Junchen Realm, the human race not only never intended to exterminate the true dragon family, but also tolerated the existence of the true dragon family through gritted teeth.

   The reason for this is that although the high-level human race has never said clearly, the monks with a little eye know it. This is because the true dragon family has an extraordinary origin and powerful strength.

   The true dragon clan, like the human clan, is also an outsider, not a native of Junchen Realm.

   The true dragon family has a powerful force in the many big worlds of the void.

  The True Dragons in Junchen Realm rarely confront the Human Race directly, and more often drive the Sea Race under them to come forward and harass the Territory of the Human Race.

   In addition, some of the juniors of the True Dragon clan go out to experience, or some strong people are interested, and they will inevitably fight against the human cultivators.

   As for the full-scale battle between the true dragon family and the human race, it has never happened.

   This time against the Xihai Sea Clan, no one thought that the Xihai Sea Clan could be exterminated. As long as we can inflict heavy damage on it and greatly weaken it, everyone will be satisfied.

   The high-level human race knows that the Sea Clan is backed by the true dragon family.

   Every time the human race hits the sea race, it will try to avoid conflicts with the true dragon race.

   Even if there is a small-scale conflict accidentally, we must strive to control the scale of the conflict and avoid a war with the true dragons.

   The base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan was not the target of the Human Race at the beginning.

   This is not only because the Human Race does not intend to exterminate the Xihai Sea Race, but also because everyone is unwilling to stimulate the Dragon Race too much.

   Now the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan is playing guerrilla warfare with the army of human monks. Seeing that there is no way to end the war in a short period of time, the Qiu family brothers had to make a move.

   The base camp of the Sea Clan is related to the inheritance of the Sea Clan, and it is a fundamental place that the Sea Clan must never give up.

  The army of human cultivators slammed to that place, and the Xihai Haizu had to come out to fight head-on with the army of human cultivators.

   Of course, it is too far away from the Xingluo Islands, and it is also a key place for the Sea Clan.

   Once attacked, the Sea Clan will definitely fight the invaders desperately.

   Pushing the Xihai Sea Clan to the point of desperation, the army of Human Clan cultivators may not necessarily be able to win.

   To make matters worse, the true dragons are supporting the Xihai Sea Clan, and most of the human cultivator army can't resist it.

   After all, the Qiu family brothers are the front-line commanders of this operation. Even if they have any opinions, they will not openly oppose them.

   Even the Yang Shenqi monks of the Royal Beast Sect must obey their orders this time. Others are even less qualified to resist the order.

   The army quickly reached a consensus.

   It should not be too late, the Qiu brothers immediately commanded the three-way army to start operations.

  Before the action, the Qiu brothers reported the latest developments to the four Void Returning Powers who are based in the Xingluo Islands.

   Even if he is the most hostile Taoist priest who hates the Qiu brothers, he has to support their brothers' actions at this time.

   The pressure of Tiangong to end the war as soon as possible was not only on the Qiu brothers, but also began to put pressure on the four Void Returning Powers.

   The four of them, as the highest-level monks, are of course responsible for this battle.

   After the Qiu brothers led the three-way army, the front line got farther and farther. In order to avoid the situation that the rescue is not in time, the four Void Returning Powers will take turns to the front line.

   In addition to guarding against the powerful sea clan returning to the virtual world, they also need to guard against the real dragon clan from interfering in this battle.

   The Qiu brothers learned about the movements of the four Void-Returning Powers, and while breathing a sigh of relief, they informed the entire army of the news.

   Knowing that he was accompanied by the Void Returning Power behind his side, the morale of the three-way cultivator army was boosted, and they rushed to the Xihai Sea Clan base camp with confidence.

The Qiu family brothers and other high-level military officials knew that the move to attack the Yellow Dragon would be like stabbing a hornet's nest, provoking the Xihai Sea Clan and even the True Dragon Clan to be even if there is a return behind it They were still trembling in the virtual period, and they did not dare to neglect the slightest.

  The army marched all the way, and on the way, it began to encounter resistance from the Xihai Sea Clan, and the resistance became more and more intense.

   The cultivator's army all knew that this time the Xihai Sea Clan had hit the key point, and the Xihai Sea Clan had to respond.

   Among the four rebirth powers, Meng Zhang is the bottom-most existence regardless of his seniority or cultivation level.

Dao Gu Yudie, headed by   , was not very relieved of his combat effectiveness. Most of the time, he was sitting in the Star Luo Islands behind.

   Meng Zhang has no dissatisfaction with this. He stayed in the Xingluo Islands with peace of mind, and spent most of his time on cultivation.

   Meng Zhang had a hunch in his heart that the actions of the human monk army this time would definitely trigger a fierce reaction from the real dragon clan.

   Although the true dragon clan has not had a full-scale war with the human clan, as far as Meng Zhang knows, the strong of the true dragon clan have always been arrogant and arrogant.

   This time the army of human monks directly engaged in the Yellow Dragon and took the base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan, unavoidably approaching the realm of the real dragon clan.

   With the nature of the true dragon clan, most of them will take the opportunity to get involved in this battle.

   With the strength of the true dragon clan, once they participate in the war, their rebirth period powers will probably be involved in the battle.

   Meng Zhang seized the time to realize and comprehend the Taoist rhyme contained in that piece of heavenly iron.

   There is an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart.

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