The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1755: Downwind

In that hurricane, there was a man with green face and fangs, blue skin all over, tall, slender hands and feet, like a giant sea clan powerhouse.

   From the appearance alone, this sea clan powerhouse comes from the sea-crawling Yasha clan, the top big clan among the sea clan.

   Meng Zhang had had a lot of dealings with the Xunhai Yasha clan before, but he had never come into contact with the Xunhai Yasha in the rebirth period.

   Tiangong arranged Meng Zhang and other four rebirth powers to participate in this battle this time, mostly just in case.

   Maybe the Celestial Palace would not have thought that there is really a sea clan's Void Returning Power that would take the initiative to participate in this battle.

  According to everyone’s guess, even if the Sea Clan’s return to Void might jump the wall, it should be when the Sea Clan is defeated and is about to encounter a crisis of extinction.

   Now the frontline victory or defeat is unknown, and the situation of the battle is unknown. The Sea Clan's Void Returning Power jumped out in such a rush, which is really a bit weird.

   In any case, the sea clan’s rebirth power has already come before him, and Meng Zhang is inevitable, there is only one battle.

   The Void-returning power of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan has long discovered the enemy of the same rank Meng Zhang.

   He didn't talk nonsense, so he shot Meng Zhang directly.

   He held a golden steel fork and danced at will. The hurricanes in the sky were mixed with countless large water dragons, which flooded Meng Zhang overwhelmingly.

   At the stage of returning to the Void, the various magical tools used by Meng Zhang back then, including the natal magical yin and yang spirit gourd, were basically useless.

  The power of these magical tools is not worth mentioning in front of the Void Rebirth Power, and the increase in the power of their own spells is also very small, and can almost be ignored.

   If Meng Zhang sacrificed these magical instruments at this time, not only would it not pose any threat to the enemy, but instead would waste these magical instruments in vain.

   These fourth-order magical instruments are of no value to the Void Returning Power, and Meng Zhang still wants to pass on them and leave them to the disciples in the door.

   There is no magic weapon available, Meng Zhang can only rely on his own strength to face the enemy.

   Meng Zhang's spiritual thought moved, and the surrounding heaven and earth began to boil violently.

   He condensed a huge vitality hand, flapping and waving in the air, smashing all the hurricanes and water dragons.

   In the gloomy sky, the divine light of the sun and the moon suddenly began to shine, not only illuminating a large area around it, but also shining toward the sea patrol Yaksha.

   The sea cruiser Yaksha did not see the dazzling sun and the moon, waved the steel fork in his hand, and rushed towards Meng Zhang.

Among the many tribes of the Sea Clan, the    Xunhai Yasha clan is considered to be the high-level tribe at the top.

  Xunhai Yasha is often physically strong and powerful, and is proficient in various close combat skills.

   Of course, the talented spells of the patrol Yaksha clan are also very powerful.

   At the Void Returning level, Xunhai Yasha not only maximizes the racial talent, but also has a very clever control of the power of the Dao.

   Wherever the patrol Yaksha passes, the wind and rain are strong, the wind and the rain are swift, and the sky is full of squally winds and heavy rain. They must obey its orders and turn them into weapons and armor.

   The divine light of the sun and the moon displayed by Meng Zhang was soon overwhelmed by wind and rain.

   Sun, moon and divine light, Meng Zhang has cultivated for many years, and has helped Meng Zhang to defeat the enemy many times. It has been getting stronger and stronger as Meng Zhang's cultivation base grows.

   But in the battle of the Void Return level, the power of the Sun Moon Divine Light seemed to be insufficient.

   Meng Zhang's use of the sun and the moon divine light can bully the weak, but it has little effect on the enemies of the Void Rebirth level.

   At this time, Meng Zhang secretly reflected on his shortcomings.

   He has a sudden sense of urgency, and he wants to master more methods that belong to the power of returning to the void.

   The patrol Yasha rushed to a short distance from Meng Zhang, waved the golden steel fork in his hand, and hit Meng Zhang one after another.

   Steel Cha did not come into contact with Meng Zhang, but the terrifying power contained on it had already caused tremendous pressure on Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang felt as if there were mountains, so he pressed it down towards him.

   The terrifying pressure suppressed Meng Zhang's movements, and Meng Zhang could even feel his bones creaking.

   The yin and yang qi fell above his head, turning into an extremely fierce Liangyi Tongtian Sword, and assassinated it towards Xunhai Yasha.

   The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword light is shining, but it is quickly resolved and invisible by the patrol Yaksha, without causing any threat to it.

   Meng Zhang wanted to use space teleportation to increase the distance from the enemy, but he has not been able to do so.

   The power of the steel fork was so heavy that it easily blocked the surrounding space.

   The front end of the steel fork is so sharp that it can easily cut the space gap and break the power of Meng Zhang's space transmission.

   Within a short while, Meng Zhang almost tried his best, but he was always at a disadvantage.

   He has almost no power to fight back, so he can only support it hard in front of the enemy.

   Fortunately, he has a profound knowledge on the Yin and Yang Avenue, and the yin and yang two qi released by him are extremely strong, temporarily blocking the enemy's offensive and protecting his body.

   The battle scene was so ugly, but it did not exceed Meng Zhang's expectations.

   He has only broken through the rebirth period for a few years, what kind of strength can he possess?

   The life of the monks in the rebirth period is long, and the human monks among them can almost live for nearly ten thousand years.

   Of course, even if the Human Race's Void Rebirth Period has exhausted various means, it rarely survives 10,000 years.

   The rebirth period has such a long period of time, of course, there is enough time to slowly cultivate various skills.

   For those veteran qualifications, Meng Zhang is just a toddler.

  Meng Zhang, the veteran powerhouse of the sea-patrolling Yaksha clan, is a veteran and powerful man who has experienced many battles and has great magical powers.

  Meng Zhang is in front of him, almost only parrying power but not fighting back.

   Soon after fighting the enemy, Meng Zhang knew wisely that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent.

   Fortunately, Meng Zhang doesn't need to beat the opponent, or even hold on for too long.

   They have all started, and the Void-Returning-level aura swayed wantonly, and it had spread far away.

   The power fluctuations of the Void Return level had already shocked all directions.

   As long as the monks on duty in the Heavenly Palace were not dead, they should have been alarmed long ago.

   Meng Zhang calmed down, stabilized his mind, slowly dealt with the enemy, tried hard to resist the enemy's attack, and waited for the punishment that would come at any time.

   Meng Zhang believes that it will not be long before the punishment from the Heavenly Palace will come here and hit the opponent heavily.

   At that time, Meng Zhang would either fall into the pit to help Heaven Punish and kill the guy in front of him. Either it was hiding in the sidelines and watching the show, to see how Heaven Punishment killed the Sea Clan to return to the Void.

   It is precisely because of the support in his heart that he thinks that backup is coming, even if Meng Zhang falls to the wind, no matter how fierce the enemy offensive, he can work hard to persevere and gritted his teeth.

   Although the enemy is very strong, everyone is a Void Rebirth monk.

   Meng Zhang does not seek merit, but seeks no fault, does not seek counterattack, but only seeks defense.

   With Meng Zhang's ability, his defense is not so easy to break.

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