The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1757: avoid

The Heavenly Punishment of the Heavenly Palace is a huge threat to the power of returning to the emptiness of the major alien races.

   No matter which race it is, it is very extraordinary and outstanding to be able to cultivate all the way to the level of Void Returning Power.

A character like   , of course, is not willing to have a sharp sword on top of his head that can be cut down at any time, threatening his life at all times.

   In order to fight against the Heavenly Punishment system of the Heavenly Palace, the Void-Returning Powers of the various alien races thought hard, racked their brains, and thought of many ways to come out.

   Of course, Junchen Realm is a human race after all, and the powerful aliens who return to the Void seldom face the punishment, and more often find ways to avoid and hide.

   If this old man of the true dragon clan hadn't relied on the power of the true dragon clan, he wouldn't have dared to resist the punishment with such arrogant positive force.

   He seems to be very relaxed, but in fact he can't support it a few times.

   And in the heavenly palace, the monk who controls the Heavenly Punishment System had already found out the identity of the opponent, so he was merciful.

   For the true dragon clan, the power of returning to the emptiness is the true pillar, and it is absolutely not allowed to lose it easily.

   The human side is unwilling to have a war with the true dragons at this time, so it has to hesitate.

   Of course, the endurance of human monks is limited. If the other party really knows nothing about life and death, and has to fight to the end, then he will have to kill him.

   After that group of thunder and lightning light group was broken up, the dense thunderclouds in the sky did not disperse, and the next attack was quickly brewing.

   An angry voice came directly from the Thunder Light Group.

   "Dragon clan old boy, if you really want to die, the old man will not be merciful next time he makes a move."

   This is a solemn warning, indicating that the monks in the palace are really angry.

   Heavenly Punishment represents the majesty of the Heavenly Palace, and is a weapon used by the Heavenly Palace to suppress the powerful and powerful aliens.

   Just now, the Tiangong sensed the Void Returning-level war erupting in the Xingluo Islands. After careful observation, it was the Void Returning Strong of the Sea Clan invading the territories of the Human Race.

   It's pretty good, the Sea Clan returning to the Void is really strong.

   The Heavenly Punishment System of Heavenly Palace was immediately activated, and the Heavenly Punishment was directly lowered to Jun Chen Realm.

   The first Heaven Punishment had just left for nine days, and it was dispelled by the sudden appearance of the Dragon Race's Void Returning Power.

   Tiangong immediately changed the target, and successively lowered the Heavenly Punishment on the dragon clan old man twice.

   This old dragon clan was really good, he actually resisted, and seemed unscathed.

   There were no more than three incidents, and the punishment was broken one after another, and the rotating monks in the heavenly palace started a real fire.

   Once they get angry, they don't care about each other's identity.

   The last warning before the dead hand was done.

   The dragon clan was originally a famous arrogant man. For this warning, the dragon clan old man was furious and was about to explode.

   Fortunately, he is angry again, and his basic sanity still exists.

   The human race does not want to have a full-scale war with the real dragon family, and the real dragon family also does not want to go to war with the human race.

   Otherwise, the True Dragons would not just drive the Sea Clan to fight against the Humans.

   Both sides have their own scruples.

   Striking a wolf with a stick, scared at both ends.

   The expression on the old man's face changed, and he finally gave up unwillingly.

   Once he died here, a full-scale war between the two sides would be inevitable.

   He sighed heavily, and left here directly before the next punishment was launched.

   Before leaving, he also sent a message to the Void Returning Power of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan.

   He did everything he could, but as for what to do next, the other party had no choice but to do it for himself.

   At this time, during the battle over the Star Rock Islands, Meng Zhang had fallen into danger, as if he would collapse at any time.

   The Void Return of the Sea Clan knew that he didn't pay a price, and he didn't want to completely defeat the difficult guy in front of him.

   I saw the body of this Xunhai Yasha suddenly swelled, and it suddenly became a lot bigger.

   The golden steel fork in his hand avoided Meng Zhang's resistance from a mysterious angle, pierced Meng Zhang's last defense, and directly pierced Meng Zhang's body.

   Meng Zhang instinctively felt that he must not be stabbed by this steel fork. Otherwise, it will definitely cause irreparable harm to yourself.

   At a crisis when there is no way to avoid it, there is no other way to think of, Meng Zhang took out the last hole card.

   His hands moved quickly in the air in a mysterious trajectory.

   The seemingly irregular dance contains a special charm, which makes people unable to move their eyes at the first sight.

   When the steel fork was about to hit Meng Zhang, a mysterious rhythm suddenly appeared in front of Meng Zhang, blocking the steel fork that was about to come.

   To stimulate the potential and send a blow, I originally had the ambition to win.

   All of a sudden, the face of the Xunhai Yasha changed drastically.

   "With your cultivation base, how can you master Tao Yun?"

   He couldn't bear it, he couldn't help but ask.

   Daoyun is a mysterious means, although it is a commonly used means in the power of returning to the void. But it has only been a few years since Meng Zhang broke through to the stage of rebirth, how could he show Dao Yun.

   If it is an ordinary Void Return Power, in the years after breaking through the Void Return Period, it is mainly to consolidate one's own cultivation base.

   To master a kind of Taoist rhyme, at least one must have accumulated cultivation base for hundreds of years, and also have a special inheritance.

   Geniuses like Meng Zhang have deep roots and extraordinary accumulation, and their performance is far above ordinary rebirth.

   As for the Tao Yun that he just displayed, it was learned from that piece of meteorite iron from the outside world.

   This Dao Yun is inherently defensive and has the characteristic of being invincible.

   Back then, the Black Gold Demon had fallen into the Demon Way for many years, and his whole body was extremely devilish. However, the core part of the outer meteorite iron has never been infested by demonic energy.

   Speaking of it, it is mainly due to the existence of Tao Yun.

   This also shows the tenacity of the power of Tao Yun.

  Meng Zhang just mastered a little bit of the rhyme. Reluctantly showing it just now, it consumed a lot of vitality, and finally blocked the enemy's long-planned blow.

   One shot was defeated, and Meng Zhang showed his mastery of Dao Yun, and the expression on the face of this Hai Clan Da Neng was uncertain.

   He didn't know how many hidden cards Meng Zhang had.

   In his heart, he hated the human junior who had revealed the news to him a long time ago.

   The human race is fighting fiercely. For many years, not only have many human race monks and the sea race colluded, when some human race forces crusade against the sea race, there will always be some other human race forces and the sea race secretly communicating news, dragging the same race back.

  While benefiting from this, the senior leaders of the Sea Clan also despise it very much.

   This time, this strong man from the sea-patrolling Yasha clan risked the world's desperation and came to attack the Xingluo Islands. The human monk had secretly communicated with him in advance.

   He originally wanted to seize the opportunity of this human race, hit the human race side hard, destroy the Xingluo Islands, and rescue the crisis faced by the Xihai sea race.

   But I didn't expect that the intelligence was wrong, and the newcomer of this celebrity would be so difficult.

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