The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1761: Tragic

The battle between the Terran monk army and the main force of the Xihai Sea Clan has long been anticipated by both sides, and they have their own expectations.

As soon as the congress war began, it fell into a white-hot stage, and it quickly became extremely tragic.

Soon after the start of the war, both sides had the powerhouses of the Yuanshen rank killed in battle. As for ordinary pawns, there are countless casualties.

On such a battlefield, even the powerhouses of the Primordial God series are precarious, and are in danger of falling at any time.

The Yangshen powerhouses on both sides quickly went into battle and launched a fierce battle.

After the start of the war, new reinforcements from the Xihai Sea Clan also rushed to the scene from time to time.

That is because of various reasons, the sea race groups or teams scattered in other places.

The army of monks organized by the Taiyimen was originally a rear army, responsible for protecting the supply line in the rear.

After the battle on the front line became more and more fierce and the casualties increased, the Qiu family brothers who had an overview of the front-line command, also ignored Meng Zhang's face, and directly ordered the mobilization of this army of monks to come to the front line to participate in the war.

This army of monks organized by Taiyimen had dispersed long ago, divided into teams of different sizes, stationed at the rear stronghold, and was responsible for the transportation of materials. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Now that he received the military order, Niu Dawei did not dare to neglect, he immediately organized his monks and began to fight on the front line.

Although Meng Zhang had been sitting in the Xingluo Islands, he was still very concerned about the battle on the front line.

The intelligence obtained through various channels surprised him a little, and the severity of the battle was a bit beyond his imagination.

Neither side’s Void Returning Powers directly participated in the war, and it was all their troops fighting for life and death.

Under the protection of the true dragons, the Xihai Sea Clan has developed in the Xihai for many years, and the accumulated power is extremely terrifying.

Although the army of human monks has been strengthened many times, there are many monks from the Holy Land sect who still fight very hard.

For the Xihai Sea Clan, if the True Dragon Clan does not directly participate in this battle, then this battle is the battle for the survival of the Xihai Sea Clan, and it must rely on itself to work hard to allow the Xihai Sea Clan to continue to survive.

On the side of the human monk army, despite the strict orders of the heavenly palace, there is always a lack of decisive aura.

In order to please the heavenly palace and complete the tasks assigned by the heavenly palace, the Qiu brothers are willing to even catch up with the human monks of the entire Star Luo Islands at any cost.

Unfortunately, although they are the commander-in-chief of the human cultivator army, it is impossible to master every part of this army.

Half a month after the start of the General Assembly battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties and severely injured their vitality.

Despite all kinds of support from the mainland, it is still continuously sent to the Xingluo Islands, and then transferred to the front line.

But the huge loss of manpower is very difficult to make up.

The casualties of human monks now far exceed the speed of replenishment from the rear.

When both sides began to have the strong men of Yang God fall, some high-level human cultivators finally felt terrified.

I am very dissatisfied with the decline of the human monk army, and the many abilities of returning to the virtual world.

However, due to the strict orders of the Tiangong, they could not directly participate in the war.

The Yudie Taoist of the Royal Beast Sect is also very tough in dealing with foreign races.

Seeing that the army of human cultivators was about to fall, she went to pay respects to Lord Tianlei.

According to Dao Gu Yudie, the Sea Clan’s ability to return to the Void before raided the Xingluo Islands and caused huge losses to the Human Race.

The Human Race's Void-Returning Power can also retaliate and fight back.

She doesn't need a lot of people to take action, and she doesn't need too much strength. She only needs to use it at the front line to change the situation, and the army of human monks will have an absolute advantage.

Among the many rebirth powers of the Heavenly Palace, the Supreme Lord of Thunder has always been known for his belligerence.

With a staunch personality, he is far tougher than Taoist Yudie.

According to Daoyu Yudie's guess, supreme Heavenly Thunder is a person on weekdays, even if she didn't take the initiative to invite her this time, she would take revenge on the sea clan's willful recklessness last time.

Unexpectedly, Daoist Jade Butterfly, after thinking about it, the Lord Tianlei directly rejected Daoist Jade Butterfly's proposal.

Heavenly Thunder Supreme reinforces the order of the Heavenly Palace, as long as the Void Returning Power of the Sea Clan and True Dragon Clan does not directly participate in the battle, the Void Returning Power of the Human Race can also not directly shoot.

Daunt Yudie even had doubts in her heart, but she still obeyed the order and forcibly resisted her desire to shoot.

Heavenly Thunder Supreme’s attitude is weird, and Tao Aunt Yudie is unwilling to disobey Heavenly Thunder Supreme. However, Meng Zhang, who was sitting at the back, has never forgotten the previous account and has been planning a counterattack.

The object Meng Zhang hated the most was not the sea clan who attacked the Xingluo Islands, but the human traitor who colluded with the sea clan, revealed the news, and leaked the truth and falsity of the Xingluo Islands.

Meng Zhang already had some thoughts in his mind as to who was playing the trick on the human side.

Although Tianlei Supreme asked him to take care of the overall situation and maintain the unity within the human race. But he will never let go of the guy who has calculated himself.

Sitting in the back of the Xingluo Islands, Meng Zhang has more time and can slowly consider how to deal with this matter.

To be beautiful, it is best to get the spoils, so that everyone has nothing to say and can control the development of the situation, so that it will not be unable to deal with it in the end, and it will anger the Lord of Heaven.

The Xihai Sea Clan dispatched a number of harassment teams to the rear to harass various human strongholds and supply lines.

Among these harassment teams are several strong men of the Yang God level.

Meng Zhang had secretly intercepted a ray of their breath to ensure that they would not get out of their grasp.

Prior to this, Meng Zhang did not rush to find them, but deliberately kept them for future use.

Now, Meng Zhang has an idea, just use these guys. Diminish

As Meng Zhang is the only person in the Xingluo Islands to return to the void, no one among the monks on the island is qualified to sit on an equal footing with him.

He does not need to report to anyone, let alone hold anyone responsible.

The **** battle on the front line is going on, attracting all the attention of the top leaders of both sides.

Most of the Void Returning Powers on the Human Race have already reached the front line, and it is impossible for the Sea Race to not take precautions.

According to Meng Zhang's judgment, within a short period of time, the Xingluo Islands should not be raided by the sea clan's return to the virtual power again.

Meng Zhang cast a spell secretly by himself, using the breath that he had intercepted, and began to sense the whereabouts of the group of sea clan Yang God powerhouses. Mi He Mi

This group of Sea Clan Yangshen powerhouses are not as good as Meng Zhang in their cultivation level, and they don't know Meng Zhang's methods, so they don't have any precautions.

Soon, Meng Zhang clearly felt the target.

Among the four targets in total, two targets are too far from here, probably located in the extreme depths of the West Sea, and they are almost out of Meng Zhang's sensing range.

Meng Zhang glanced at that direction and guessed that the two Yangshen powerhouses of the Sea Clan should have returned and participated in this general battle concerning the fate of the whole clan.

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