The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1763: yield

Most of the powerhouses at the Yangshen level are very strong and have enough resilience. Of course, they are not so easy to succumb. Meng Zhang had already anticipated this and made some preparations in advance.

Although Meng Zhang didn't dare to say that he was a torturer, he had been in the realm of cultivation for many years, he was used to the attitude of the world, and he had mastered many methods that could enable him to achieve his goals.

Smart creatures like the Hai Clan have their own weaknesses just like the Human Clan.

In the world of comprehension, the more powerful a creature has a longer lifespan, the more cherish one's own life.

Meng Zhang ignored the strong Yang God of the Sea Shark Clan who was constantly cursing. Instead, he turned into a powerful hand, and grabbed the strong Yang God of the Sea Shark Clan who remained silent and kept silent. Hands.

Meng Zhang deliberately slowed down his actions, and slowly grabbed the strong Yang God of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan in his hand, and placed it in front of the strong Yang God of the Sea Shark Clan.

Then Meng Zhang thought, and the vitality hand made a strong pinch.

After a soft sound, the powerful body of this powerful Yang God from the sea-patrolling Yasha clan was lightly crushed like an egg.

I saw flesh and blood splashing, and broken pieces of flesh everywhere...

It doesn't count if the opponent's body is destroyed. The vitality continues to exert force, pinching the opponent's soul, slowly grinding it in the hand, and then grinding it into pieces alive.

During this process, the strong Yang God of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan couldn't bear it, his soul trembling, moaning and screaming.

Meng Zhang kept silent, but from time to time squinted at the guy who was still cursing.

Among the many ethnic groups of the Xihai Sea Clan, the position and strength of the Xunhai Yasha Clan are far above the Sea Shark Clan.

Among the two, the strong Yang God of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan always overwhelmed the strong Yang God of the Sea Shark Clan and was the dominant one.

Seeing his companion and boss right in front of him, his living body was completely destroyed, his spirits and souls were destroyed, and his death was extremely miserable, and he suffered painful torture before his death. He couldn't help but stopped cursing and became silent.

Seeing that the opponent was shocked and confused, Meng Zhang struck the iron while it was hot, and used methods one after another. Soon, the Yangshen powerhouse of the Sea Shark clan who was originally tough, finally gave in completely.

Once he succumbed, he had no reservations, and told the news that Meng Zhang wanted to know one by one.

The strong Yang God of the Sea Shark is named Sha Wu Liang, and he is the leading figure of the Sea Shark.

Although the sea shark tribe can be regarded as a big clan among the many sea clan groups, there are a large number of sea sharks in the clan, and there are many strong ones, but because the clan has not been able to give birth to the Void-returning power level, it has never been able to enter the core high-level of the Xihai sea clan. .

There are fierce internal struggles among the cultivators of the Terran race, and between the major ethnic groups of the Sea Race, and within each ethnic group, there are also constant battles.

However, in the face of powerful human cultivators, the Sea Clan can still focus on the overall situation and strive to maintain internal unity.

Facing the pressing force of the Human Race cultivator army, when the Sea Race high-level arranging tasks, there will be a big difference based on the distance between them.

The situation of the sea shark tribe is certainly better than those of the low-level cannon fodder tribe, but there is no one at the top of the sea shark, so naturally it is inevitable to take on some dirty work and the like.

Sha Wuliang had previously angered a big figure of the Shark Clan. It happened that the Shark Clan deliberately suppressed the Sea Shark Clan, so he was sent behind the enemy to engage in an extremely dangerous harassment mission.

The Yangshen powerhouse of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan who was accompanied by Shark Wuliang was sent over after inadvertently offending the powerhouse of the true dragon clan.

Sha Wuliang has a grumpy temper, a rough personality, and an out-and-out impatient.

But he was not a fool, he was very clear about the twists and turns inside the Sea Clan.

He looks rough and bold, but he cherishes his own life too much.

After sensing the breath of Void Returning Power released by Meng Zhang last time, all the Yangshen powerhouses sent to perform the harassment mission, including him, hid one after another, not daring to show up easily.

After receiving the news from the rear, the army of human monks approached the base camp of the Xihai Sea Clan. After a great battle was unavoidable, the other two companions took the initiative to return to participate in this great battle.

Sha Wuliang knew that after he returned, he could only use his status as cannon fodder to rush to the front.

The Yangshen powerhouse of the sea-patrolling Yasha clan was the true dragon clan before he spoke, so he didn't dare to go back.

Therefore, Sha Wuliang found an excuse, saying that he would continue to harass the rear of the human race and stayed nearby for the time being.

汜豜汜. Of course, they have been hiding in hiding, and they have no intention of taking the initiative to attack.

After Meng Zhang shot, he easily found them and took them down.

Seeing the miserable end of his companion, after experiencing Meng Zhang's torture, Sha Wuliang completely collapsed and completely surrendered to Meng Zhang.

From his mouth, Meng Zhang learned a lot of the internal situation of the Xihai Sea Clan, including many precious and unknown secrets.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. After understanding this information, Meng Zhang felt very optimistic about the prospects of the army of human cultivators.

If there is no more powerful support in the front-line battle, the Terran cultivator army may be difficult to win.

Even though he knew this, Meng Zhang had no intention of interfering.

Meng Zhangdu obviously felt wrong from the attitude of Heavenly Thunder Supreme and the orders of Heavenly Palace.

It seems that Tiangong will not invest more resources.

Regarding this battle, Tiangong urged him very urgently, obviously not willing to delay it for too long.

Meng Zhang had a faint hunch in his heart. It's hard to say about other aspects of this cleaning operation. At least the operation against the Xihai Sea Clan may not go on.

After Meng Zhang advanced to the Void Return Period, he mastered more methods.

Sha Wuliang, a strong Yang Shen of the Sea Clan, is very useful, and there are many places that can be used.

After Sha Wuliang surrendered, he did not have the slightest resistance to Meng Zhang's next method, and had to endure it and accept it.

It didn't take long for Meng Zhang to plant a special restriction within the spirit of Sha Wuliang.

As long as Meng Zhang's thoughts move, the restraint in the soul will immediately occur, making Shark Wu Liang not as good as death, and suffer cruel torture.

Seeing through Sha Wuliang's sturdy and inward looking Meng Zhang, he has great confidence in his methods.

Sha Wuliang was completely controlled by him, and he dared not defy his orders.

In Meng Zhang's next actions, Sha Wuliang will play a key role.

Mi He Mi. Meng Zhang brought the controlled Shark Wu Liang into the Mustard Space, and then returned to the Xingluo Islands.

The time he left this time was not long. In such a short period of time, the Star Rock Islands did not have any major changes, and he did not alarm anyone.

Meng Zhang will not disclose to others the gains he has gained this time.

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