The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1766: The big picture

Sha Wuliang looks rough, but his mind is still delicate and his acting skills are good. Regarding Meng Zhang's order, he still did his best to complete it.

After a conversation, the true monarch who had colluded with the Sea Clan before quickly believed Sha Wuliang's words.

Seeing Yiqi Zhenjun admitted that he had colluded with the Sea Clan, and once confided to the Sea Clan, Meng Zhang and the old man Yinhu didn't bother to continue listening.

Meng Zhang waved his big hand, and a huge vitality hand gathered and formed in the air, and then slammed it towards the sect of Yiqitang.

Seeing the great hand of vitality falling from the sky, feeling the horrible aura, the cultivators who stayed behind in a breath were full of despair, almost unable to move in fright.

The True Monarch who was talking to Sha Wuliang, his face changed drastically, and he needed to act.

That vitality hand directly broke the restriction and penetrated into his closed chamber.

The power aura from the Void Returning Power exerted a kind of crushing pressure on the True Monarch Yiqi.

With a serious injury, he wanted to resist, but was grabbed by that vitality hand.

Meng Zhang controlled the vitality of his hand to catch the Yiqi Zhenjun who had lost the power of resistance to him.

This time it was captured on the spot, and there was an old man with silver pot as a testimony, which shows that Meng Zhang is not avenging his personal revenge, but is unearthing human traitors who colluded with the Sea Clan.

True Monarch Yiqi is not a hard bone to resist. After being caught by Meng Zhang, he initially tried to quibble a few words.

Meng Zhang only used a few tricks to make him completely succumb.

Under Meng Zhang's interrogation, True Monarch Yiqi revealed all the secrets, especially how he colluded with the Sea Clan.

Last time the true monarch had an angry attack on the Taiyi Sect monk, after being scared away by Meng Zhang, he returned directly to the Xingluo Islands.

After offending Meng Zhang, he secretly visited the noble Taoist priest of Sacred Sect of Ziyang, hoping to get help to counter the pressure from Meng Zhang.

Taoist Taoists know that Yiqi Zhenjun has been supported by the Qiu brothers for many years, and he is in the same group with the Qiu brothers.

The Taoist priest doesn't mind having an extra hidden son next to the Qiu brothers.

As for the contradiction between Yiqi Zhenjun and Meng Zhang, he is even more pleased to hear about it.

The Taoist Taoist was met with a sigh of relief, his attitude was neither lukewarm nor hot, and he said a few ambiguous words.

For True Monarch Yiqi, it is a very good result that the Taoist Daoist did not shut himself out.

Soon after meeting the Taoist Daoist, before Yiqi Zhenjun was about to leave for the front line, he received a letter.

There was no signature on the letter, and the letter was automatically burned after Yiqi Zhenjun finished reading it.

In the letter, there is a way to contact the sea clan's return to the void, and there is news that it will be Meng Zhang's turn to stay alone in the Xingluo Islands soon.

The Yiqi Zhenjun, who understood his mind, immediately contacted the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power in secret, and revealed this important news.

The information obtained from the interrogation is sufficient to confirm the charges of True Monarch Yiqi colluding with the Sea Clan, but it is still impossible to kill the Taoist Daoist.

Meng Zhang was very dissatisfied, but because the old man with silver pot was on the sidelines, it was hard to get some tricks.

Of course, if Meng Zhang really used some tricks secretly, he might not be able to conceal an expert like Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

But anyway, Yiqi Zhenjun had already confessed, and Heavenly Thunder Supreme had to give Meng Zhang a confession.

Moreover, although there is not enough evidence to prove that the Taoist priests were involved in this matter. However, in the realm of cultivation, the Void Returning Powers do not need sufficient evidence in the first place.

The Taoist Daoist had the motive to frame Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang had enough reasonable doubts that the true monarch of Qi Qi was circumstantial evidence.

If the Heavenly Lei Supreme had the heart, he could completely accuse the Taoist priest of colluding with the Sea Clan.

Meng Zhang had already established contact with the Supreme Lord of Thunder because of the relationship between the silver pot old man.

He has received advice and benefits from the Supreme Thunder, and he is recognized as a member of the Supreme Thunder.

Logically speaking, Heavenly Thunder Supreme should be on his side.

However, Heavenly Thunder Supreme's previous attitude made him a little uneasy.

The Supreme Lord Tianlei made it clear that he was calm and unwilling to make trouble.

Meng Zhang was really unwilling to come up with this one again.

Soon after the real monarch of Yiqi was captured on the spot, the old man Yinhu relayed the news to Tianlei Shangzun.

However, after a short period of time, Heavenly Thunder Supreme returned from the front line and appeared in front of Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhang hurried forward to see him, and wanted to report the matter to the Supreme Lord Tianlei.

The Lord Tianlei waved his hand to stop Meng Zhang from speaking.

"This matter has already been explained in the news from the silver pot."

"The evidence for the collusion of the true monarch with the sea clan is conclusive, and the sin is inexcusable, and it is really worthy of death."

"However, after all, this person has made military exploits in the war against the Sea Clan, and he was also injured in the war. It is not advisable to punish him with a canonical punishment, so as not to affect the morale of the frontline."

"Externally, let's say he was sitting down because of a serious injury."

After talking about the treatment of Yiqi Zhenjun, Heavenly Thunder Supreme had the intention to end the conversation.

Meng Zhang hurriedly said: "There are also the anode Taoists of the Ziyang Saint Sect..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

"You don't have enough evidence to prove that the Taoist priest is related to this matter."

"But The true monarch has seen the Taoist Taoist in a spirit, and he clearly has a tacit understanding with him." Meng Zhang was very dissatisfied.

"This little thing doesn't explain much. There are many monks who have visited you Meng Zhang. Are you responsible for the actions of every monk who has visited you?"

"Well, if you are really not reconciled, after the rumors of this matter pass, you can secretly make Yiqitang disappear completely."

The Supreme Lord of Thunder threw out his breath, which was considered to appease Meng Zhang.

Although he had expected it a long time ago, Meng Zhang was still very uncomfortable.

Could it be that Heavenly Thunder Supreme was also scrupulous about the Ziyang Saint Sect, and didn't want to offend the Holy Land Sect.

The Supreme Lord Tianlei glanced at the appearance of Meng Zhang, and he could probably guess his thoughts.

Heavenly Thunder Supreme, who has always been tough, sighed infrequently.

"Meng Zhang, you have to take care of the overall situation, and put the overall situation first in everything."

"If it's on weekdays, if there is a mere Taoist priest, it will be fine even if you dispose of it."

"But now, the Heavenly Palace needs the power of the Ziyang Saint Sect. It is not appropriate to get into a stalemate with the Ziyang Saint Sect."

"I'm not talented, but I'm not the kind of timid and fearful."

"You can go and find out, why have you ever been afraid of the so-called holy land sect."

"There are powerful enemies outside Jun Chen's realm, and internal crises are pervasive, and there is danger of overthrowing at any time."

"At this time, we must unite all the forces in the cultivation world, work in concert with the outside world, and tide over the crisis together."

The Lord of Thunder glanced at the sky.

"Well, you will know these things sooner or later anyway, so let Silver Kettle slowly explain it to you."

"The battle on the frontline has reached a critical moment. I need to go over and watch it personally. It is not advisable to leave for too long."

Before the words came to an end, the body of Heavenly Thunder Supreme disappeared in front of Meng Zhang.

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