The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1768: warn

After Heavenly Thunder Supreme returned to the front line, the fierce battle below remained unchanged, and there was no major change in the battle situation.

The Void Returning Powers on the Human Race are still scattered in the sky, monitoring the surrounding situation.

The Sea Clan's Void Returning Power has never taken action, but everyone has not relaxed their vigilance.

The Supreme Lord Tianlei greeted him, and called the Taoist Taoist in front of him.

Without a word of nonsense, Heavenly Thunder Supreme went directly to the topic, saying that the Yiqitang True Monarch colluded with the Sea Clan, and was captured on the spot by Meng Zhang and the silver pot old man, and had already been taken down.

After hearing the words of the Supreme Thunder, the Taoist Taoist looked complacent and said, "Good grasp."

He also said that the human scum who colluded with the Sea Clan should never be taken lightly.

Tian Lei had been staring at the Taoist Anode, and seemed to ask casually whether the Taoist Anode had been with True Sovereign Yiqi in the past.

The Taoist Taoist admitted very generously that the true monarch of Yiqi had visited him before and tried to flatter him.

He looked down on this person's character and temperament very much, but just met him out of etiquette and sent him away.

Since then, the two have not had any contact.

Seeing that the Taoist Daoist had left himself clean, Heavenly Thunder Supreme did not continue to probe.

Lord Tianlei said something solemnly.

Jun Chen Realm is now facing a crisis, and it is when everyone is working together to make a concerted effort to the outside world.

As the envoy of the Temple of Law Enforcement, Meng Zhang is his direct subordinate.

He didn't want to see Meng Zhang encountering the human monk's calculations, and there was any unexpected situation.

This is the Supreme Being of Heavenly Lei who is officially warning the Taoist priests.

Behind the anode Taoist is the Ziyang Saint Sect, and the news is naturally far more informed than Meng Zhang.

He already knew that Jun Chen was facing internal and external troubles, and there was a big crisis.

In protecting Junchen Realm and maintaining the basic order of Junchen Realm, the interests of the Ziyang Saint Sect and Tiangong are the same.

In fact, this time the invaders from outside the territories invaded, and all the sacred sects of the holy land were aggressively cooperating with the Tiangong to resist.

As a member of the Ziyang Saint Sect, the anode Taoist naturally obeys the interests of the sect.

But many times, he also has his own calculations.

The Void Returning Power in Junchen Realm, no matter which race it comes from, is one of the most powerful beings in this realm.

Regardless of whether they have dealt with each other or not, they have heard of each other more or less.

Of course, those who hide too deeply are the exceptions.

The Xihai Sea Clan and the Human Clan monks have been facing each other for many years. In order to defend the Xihai Sea Clan, the Ziyang Saint Zong made great efforts in many aspects.

The rebirth power of the sea-patrolling Yaksha clan who attacked the Xingluo Islands, named Haiweili, is a well-known impulsive personality among the Xihai sea clan, who dares to fight and fight.

The Taoist Daoist had dealt with this guy before and knew him well.

The Taoist Daoist passed on to this guy through Yiqi Zhenjun, with the main purpose of hoping that he could seize the opportunity to kill Meng Zhang, the newly promoted Void Returning Power.

Now, despite the orders of King Snow Sword, the Ziyang Saint Sect and Taiyi Sect have temporarily restored their peaceful relationship.

But the Taoist Daoist had never forgotten that Taiyi Sect was a sinner who had betrayed the Ziyang Saint Sect and caused harm to the interests of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Most of the monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect who had been wicked with Meng Zhang in the past were of the Daoist line.

The Taoist priest seized the opportunity, and without notifying the sect, he made this plan to kill with a knife.

As for the accidental injury and spread to the Xingluo Islands during this process, he didn't care at all.

As long as Meng Zhang's power of returning to the void is removed, the Ziyang Saint Sect has a way to clean up the shallow-rooted Taiyi Sect.

As one of the sacred sects at the apex of Junchen Realm, the Ziyang Saint Sect, many monks in the door have long developed the character that Laozi is number one in the world and cannot tolerate other people's offense.

The Taoist Taoist's such great power of returning to the emptiness is also inevitable, and if you seize the opportunity, you must get rid of Meng Zhang.

He believes that there is no flaw in the break in which he borrowed the knife to kill, and he has great hopes of success.

He was not directly involved in this matter, and he admitted that he had not violated the orders of King Snow Sword.

As the main combat faction of the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power, Haiweili has long been very dissatisfied with the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power, which blindly retreats and evades in the face of fellow humans of the same rank.

Since there was a problem within the human race this time, he certainly wouldn't let this opportunity go.

Although Hiveri was a bit rougher, he was not a foolish fool, but he still had a lot of calculations.

He decided to seize the enemy's flaws, raid the Xingluo Islands, get rid of Meng Zhang, the newly promoted Void Rebirth, destroying the Xingluo Islands, and bury the human monks on it.

For Terrans, the number of Void-Returning Powers is limited.

Each loss of a Void-Returning Power can effectively weaken the overall strength of the human race.

Destroying the Xingluo Islands is tantamount to destroying the retreat and logistics base of the Terran monk army.

You know, among the cultivating army this time, a large part of the cultivators came from the sects on the Xingluo Islands.

If the sect is destroyed, these monks will be upset.

For the next big battle, the Xihai Sea Clan will naturally have many advantages.

There has always been a certain tacit understanding between the Human Race, the Sea Race, and the True Dragon Race.

Everyone will not easily send the Void Returning Power to directly participate in the war.

This tacit understanding is good for everyone, and it also ensures the stability of Jun Chen world.

However, among the various races, there are always some militants who disagree with this kind of tacit understanding.

They believe that this tacit understanding limits themselves and is more beneficial to the enemy.

Before Heveri started, he had a clear idea.

After he shot this time, Human Race definitely couldn't help but retaliate.

In this way, the Void Returning War between the Human Race and the Xihai Sea Race will break out.

The true dragon clan, who has always seemed to be aloof, would have to fight directly if they didn't want to see the useful servants of the Xihai Sea Clan completely extinct.

Only when the True Dragon clan fully participates in the war can the situation of the Xihai Sea Clan be completely improved and huge pressure will be placed on the Human Clan.

In order to be sure, Haweli also made a lot of preparations beforehand.

He spent a huge price, mobilizing Ying Feitian, the main battle faction of the true dragon clan, to help stop the punishment, which is one of the most important preparations.

If not for Meng Zhang's combat effectiveness that far exceeded the normal level this time, and especially his Dao Yun, maybe Haiweili's plan would have been successful.

Since Meng Zhang did not die on the spot and his own losses are limited, the Human Race still has enough reasons to temporarily suppress the main combatants who demand a full-scale war with the Sea Clan and the True Dragon Clan, and effectively control the scale and level of the battle. .

After all, in the context of the large-scale invasion of invaders from outside the territory, most of the high-level human races are still unwilling to go to war with such a powerful race as the true dragon family.

Many high-level human races tend to maintain peace with the true dragon race for the time being. If there is anything, wait until the invaders outside the territory are repelled.

Thanks to old friends Yijie Wensheng and Chunguangli Li Xiaoyao for their many rewards and support.

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