The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1779: Melee

The Sea Clan’s ability to return to the Void dared to defy the orders of the True Dragon Clan to take action, because he thought he had sufficient reasons.

The Terran side didn't know what secret methods were used. At first glance, it was not a serious way. The power level displayed by the giant cauldron clearly exceeded the level of the sun god.

This is the first violation of the tacit understanding of the human race, using the power of the Void Returning level. The Hai Clan was forced to take action.

Not only this group of Sea Clan's Return to Void Great Nength thinks so, but even Ying Feitian of the True Dragon Clan also thinks this way.

After seeing the Sea Clan's return to the virtual power, Ying Feitian hesitated a little, and flew over to join the battle.

As soon as the Void Returning Ability of that Scorpion Race was shot, it was blocked by the Taoist Daoist.

The giant hand that had turned into infinite sea water, just approached the giant cauldron, and was smashed by the palm of the anode Taoist in the distance.

I saw a dazzling purple sun rising in the sky, and the endless fiery rays of light fell on the shark human race's power of returning to the void.

As soon as the Void Returning Power on the Sea Clan started to do it, the Void Returning Power on the Human Race followed closely.

Especially the Daoist Yudie, who had been eager for a long time, was very active in participating in the war.

The different powers of returning to the void of the digital camp suddenly started a fierce collision here.

A strong and long breath rose into the sky, and terrifying forces rushed back and forth in the air.

With every impact, there was a loud and deafening noise.

Amidst the loud noise, the whole world seemed to be beginning to collapse.

One after another huge waves soared into the sky, and countless deep and bottomless gullies appeared on the sea.

A series of hurricanes rushed across the sea and in the sky, blowing the fighting forces of the two sides into disarray and embarrassment.

The guys with insufficient strength and bad luck among the two armies died in the aftermath of the battle.

The Void Return of the two sides fought here, and the Heavenly Palace had already been alarmed.

A series of thundercloud storms were brewing in the high altitude, as if they were accumulating strength.

Both sides' abilities of returning to the void have already started, but the two leaders, Jade Dragon King and Heavenly Thunder Supreme, are still waiting and watching.

Neither the Jade Dragon King nor the Heavenly Lei Supreme had any intention of starting a battle, but they also did not intend to block the power of their subordinates.

Again, both sides want to maintain peace for the time being, but they cannot let the other side feel their own weakness.

Only by showing great strength and the determination to fight a battle can we truly win peace in a short period of time.

Compared with the Jade Dragon King, Heavenly Thunder Lord has more worries in his heart.

Seeing the Heaven's Punishment that has been brewing in the sky, but has not been able to break it down, Heavenly Thunder Lord frowned.

The so-called Heaven Punishment System of Tiangong is essentially a set of ultra-long-range attacking arrays.

Now facing the attacks of many extraterritorial invaders, many of the powers of Tiangong have already turned out of the territories, and there is not much power left to the natural punishment system.

Heavenly Palace sweeps Junchen Realm this time, forcing out a lot of aliens' powers of returning to the void.

Too many goals also distracted the power of the natural punishment system.

Now, the cultivator who controls the Heaven Punishment system on the Tiangong side has to temporarily restrain and choose a better timing to attack, instead of rashly launching the Heaven Punishment, so that the enemy has the opportunity to resist and evade.

Once the Void Returning War starts, it will not end easily.汜 minus bxWx.cO汜

Even the Void Return of both sides intentionally reduced the power of the shot, trying to control the scope of the aftermath of the battle.

But with so many rebirth-powerful battles, the aftermath of the battle is too strong and can't be effectively controlled at all.

This is the real disaster, the surrounding area is conservatively ravaged, as if experiencing the end of the world.

The armies at war between the two sides have long been ignorant of continuing the war.

In the sky, the flying boats swayed in the middle of the wind, trying their best to escape from this terrifying battlefield. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

One after another, the unlucky flying boats either crashed in the squally wind, or was directly exploded by the spilled power.

The armies on both sides above the sea had completely collapsed long ago, and the formation was completely disorganized.

At this time, regardless of enemy and friend, the only thing all creatures do is to escape here as quickly as possible, the farther the better.

Many sea people relied on the convenient location to try to dive into the deep sea to avoid the aftermath of the war above.

Powerful undercurrents suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea, rushing these sea races to pieces.

In some places, the sea seems to have become a confinement cage, trapping a large number of sea people alive.

In some places, the sea water suddenly boiled, and a large number of sea people were cooked alive.


The situation on the human monks' side is not much better, and there are also many cultivators who died so worthlessly.

Many of the lucky ones who had escaped by a fluke in the previous battle seemed to have run out of good luck at this time, and finally could hardly escape the aftermath of the war.

On the battlefield of the War of Return to Void, even the powerhouse of the Yang God level could hardly gain a foothold.

The Yangshen powerhouses on both sides began to escape.

Qiu Gangfeng originally wanted to attack the giant cauldron and rescue his elder brother.

But the special induction between the brothers told him that his brother Qiu Wanshui had completely died, and even Yang Shen had not escaped.

Thinking that this giant cauldron came from the Ziyang Saint Sect, he took it for granted as the Ziyang Saint Sect's conspiracy ~ thought that his brother was calculated by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

When the Void Returning War broke out, he knew that this was not a place to stay for long.

He forcibly suppressed the grief and anger in his heart, and finally looked at the giant cauldron very unwillingly, and then categorically left here and fled this battlefield.

During the battle, the two sides were able to return to the Void, and their attention was focused on each other, and they couldn't pay attention to such a small Yang Shenqi monk.

The Taoist anode is at war with the rebirth power of the shark tribe.

The giant cauldron has not fallen into anyone's hands for the time being, but has a madness, devouring the surrounding creatures more and more crazily.

When Haiweili of the patrol Yasha clan flew over, he had seen Meng Zhang early.

Such things as persimmon picking up the softness, bullying and fearing hardship, can't be avoided even if they can return to the virtual.

Haiweili swaggered to kill the defeated general Meng Zhang, looking like he was sure of the opponent.

The old man Yin Ke had the deepest friendship with Meng Zhang, and immediately flew over for reinforcements.

Meng Zhang and the silver pot old man joined forces to temporarily stop Haweli.

The Elderly Silver Kettle is a veteran rebirth, but he is not good at fighting.

Many years ago, the silver pot of his natal artifact was promoted into a magic weapon by him.

The silver pot is a magic weapon, and the jade liquid produced by it is used for alchemy, refining and so on.

But when it comes to frontal combat, it is not the job of the magic weapon of the silver pot.

The silver pot is more of an auxiliary.

Meng Zhang is also a newcomer with a superficial foundation and limited strength. Mi He Mi

The two of them joined forces, but they fought with Haiweili, the sea clan's ability to return to the emptiness, and they were matched and matched for the time being.

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