The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1783: Summon

   The silver pot old man is responsible for coordinating the various forces of cultivation, so that everyone can share the resources of the West Sea peacefully.

  In this process, it is impossible to satisfy everyone, and it can only be generally passable.

   The ones that should be soothed should be soothed, the ones that should be intimidated should be intimidated, and the ones that should be lured should be lured...

  Meng Zhang didn't pay too much attention to the details of the work of the silver pot old man. He believed that the old silver pot's friendship with him for many years would not make Taiyimen suffer.

   Niu Dawei, who was in charge of commanding the Taiyimen monks' army, was seriously injured in the battle. He stabilized his injury a little bit and returned to Taiyimen.

   There are a lot of things waiting for him at Taiyimen.

   When the various comprehension forces were arguing constantly, something happened on the Xingluo Islands.

  Originally in the Xingluo Islands, it was very powerful and had a large number of monks. Recently, it has undergone frequent changes.

   The only true monarch Yangshen in the gate is said to have died of his wounds.

   Yiqitang also suffered heavy losses in this battle, losing most of his disciples.

   Soon after, Yiqitang suffered heavy casualties due to internal fighting in the door. The ordinary monks in the door were scattered everywhere.

   It didn't take long for such a great primordial sect, which had been passed down for thousands of years, to completely dissipate and disappear in the Xingluo Islands.

   As for the territory originally occupied by Yiqitang, it was naturally quickly divided up completely.

   Among them, the Taiyi Sect's power in the Xingluo Islands dominates.

   The true monarch colluded with the Hai Clan, and there was no one behind him. Naturally, he was damned.

   The sect to which he belonged, Yiqitang, was given up a long time ago.

   Meng Zhang didn't even have to do it himself, he just dispatched the Taiyi Sect secret hall, secretly let out the wind to some good sects, and everyone naturally joined hands to make things clean.

   Even if someone is dissatisfied, will he still question Meng Zhang, who is a man of rebirth, for a group of dead people?

   The old man with silver pot is not very good at fighting. He does some chores and muddy things, and he has done a good job.

   The vast territory above the West Sea, he has already made a preliminary division.

   Taiyi Gate occupied the most territories and strongholds of the Xihai Sea Clan this time.

   Although most of it will definitely be handed over, but in some of the most fertile places, Taiyimen will naturally hold it firmly.

   In some places, Taiyimen has organized monks and started to exploit all kinds of resources.

   Flying boats have continuously sent many unique resources of the West China Sea back to the mainland.

   There is a reason why Taiyimen behaves so anxiously.

   Taiyimen has always put the main energy on the construction of the blessed land, which is already a very heavy burden.

   Recently, Taiyimen organized an army of monks to expedition to the West Sea to conquer the Xihai Sea Clan.

   Numerous materials were lost in this battle, and the monks suffered heavy casualties.

   After the war, rewards for meritorious deeds and compassionate various monks are another huge expenditure.

   After accepting the inheritance of guarding in the underworld, Tai Miao moved the entire army of ghosts under him.

   After getting acquainted with the situation, it was wonderful, and began to collect a large amount of various resources in the underworld, and resumed the transmission to the Taiyi Gate.

   By selling these special products from the underworld, Taiyimen can take a sigh of relief and not face the crisis of bankruptcy.

   Taiyimen's current financial situation can only be said to be barely maintained, far from being rich.

  The construction of the blessed land in the gate is about to come to an end, but there are many necessary high-level materials, and there is still no way to obtain it.

   Especially in the aspect of Yuqing Lingji, the gap is very large.

  The Yuqing Spiritual Machine stored in the gate is very reluctant to even maintain the normal cultivation of the high-level sect.

   Taiyimen actively responded to the orders of the Heavenly Palace this time, and strongly supported the Xingluo Islands' conquest of the Xihai Sea Clan.

   Tiangong said that the cleaning operation was generally successful, and it dealt a fatal blow to the Xihai Sea Clan.

  Since the action is successful, it is natural to reward it afterwards.

  According to the great contribution made by the Taiyimen, the Taiyimen was rewarded with a lot of contribution points.

   The high-level Taiyimen originally wanted to use these contribution points to exchange some high-level materials from the heavenly palace, especially the Yuqing Lingji.

   But the monk who was sent to exchange it only found out after arriving at the Heavenly Palace.

   Whether it is official or private, prices in the heavenly palace are soaring, and the contribution points have greatly devalued.

  Because the Tiangong promoted the cleaning operation, it led to a big battle.

  The impact of the war has made the price soaring so that everyone can understand, but the contribution point also depreciates, which makes people confused.

The contribution point of    Tiangong is through the Junchen Realm, and it can always be exchanged for the Jade Qing Lingji in a stable proportion. It is regarded as one of the most credible hard currencies in the Junchen Realm.

  Because of this situation, Taiyimen has paid countless life contribution points this time, and the value is not as good as before, and it is not enough to use it.

   After receiving the news from the door, Meng Zhang sighed.

   As for the causes and consequences of this situation, he still knows better, but he can't do anything about it.

   Outside the Junchen Realm, the invaders from outside the realm joined forces to attack in a large scale, pressing harder step by step, and constantly compressing the Junchen Realm's defense line, and it was about to press all the cultivators from the Junchen Realm back to the Junchen Realm.

   Most of Junchen Realm's territory in the void, including many resource points, have been taken away by invaders outside the territory.

   In the current Junchen Realm, not only the scattered monks dare not enter the void to collect materials, but even the Tiangong officials dare not organize a team of monks to go to the void to collect materials.

   Lost the resource points in the void, and the Heavenly Palace was unable to make ends meet. They had to rely on years of accumulation and strenuous support.

   The shortage of materials begins to appear, and of course the contribution points will greatly depreciate.

  Meng Zhang knows that many special resources from the void will be in short supply.

   This will not only affect the Taiyimen's construction of the blessed land, but also affect the cultivation of high-level monks.

   Even if the Taiyi Gate can successfully collect the resources of the West Sea, it cannot completely solve the problem.

   Because Xihai is a place, it is impossible to produce top resources like Yuqing Lingji.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, the Jade Chrysanthemum is either born in the void, or the Heavenly Palace has a special method to make it regularly and quantitatively.

   Taiyimen still has to ask Tiangong for help if they want to get more jade clear spirits.

  Meng Zhang was thinking about how to contact the Tiangong official and how to get help, when news came from the Tiangong that the general manager of the Tiangong, with Xue Jianjun, wanted to summon Meng Zhang immediately.

   Meng Zhang had never had anything to do with King Snow Sword Companion before, had never had any dealings, had never seen him face to face.

   On the face of it, Meng Zhang is just a newly promoted rebirth power.

   The person who spread the word did not reveal more information.

  Meng Zhang didn't know why Ban Xue Jianjun wanted to summon him.

   Regardless of the doubts in his mind, the Grandmaster of Heavenly Palace and Mr. Xuejian summoned him, so Meng Zhang could not neglect, let alone refuse.

   Meng Zhang briefly confessed to the disciple in the door he was serving, and hurried to the temple.

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