The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1788: Assassinate

   Haiweili’s cave was at the bottom of this reef, and a huge space was excavated, and then it was divided into several parts, each with its own function.

  There is a warehouse, a living room, and a closed room...

   There is even a small medicinal garden in which some spiritual flowers and grasses are planted, all of which are extremely precious medicinal materials.

  Meng Zhang didn't expect that such a big and thick guy like Haiweili would actually play with these flowers and plants.

   Meng Zhang's entire body turned into a phantom, and he walked around the cave in this lightly.

   In order to avoid leaving traces, he did not move any objects here.

   There are several kinds of elixir in the medicine garden, which are special products from the depths of the sea.

   For Meng Zhang's abilities to regain dignity, these elixirs are very useful.

   He resisted the greed in his heart and came to the entrance of the cave.

   Meng Zhang condensed all his breath, and his whole body was in the middle of nothing, without showing any deeds.

   Then, Meng Zhang focused on the center and waited patiently.

   Time just passed bit by bit, Meng Zhang didn't feel impatient at all.

   In terms of the long life of returning to the void, decades of time are just a short moment.

   Meng Zhang is not bad luck. After waiting for more than two months, he waited for his goal.

   A long distance away, Meng Zhang felt the rough and violent breath of Haweli.

   The sea is the home of the Sea Clan, and in his own cave, Haiweili would never have imagined that outsiders would enter here.

   After the last war with the Human Race ended, the Void Rebirth Powers of the Sea Race made a judgment that for a long time in the future, the Sea Race and the Human Race will not break out.

   Haiweili and other main combatants are very dissatisfied with this, thinking that it should not be easy to truce with the human race.

  Of course, this is the decision of the real dragon clan's high-level people. Their main battle group complains secretly at most, and they absolutely dare not have any intentions to go against it.

  The Sea Clan has been enslaved by the True Dragon Clan for countless years. It seems that the Sea Clan is born as a servant of the True Dragon Clan.

  Even the Sea Clan’s rebirth power, they feel that the True Dragon Clan’s rule over the Sea Clan is justified.

   The true dragon clan wants to go to war with the human clan, the sea clan must be the vanguard.

   The true dragon clan wants to make peace, and the Hai clan also obediently listened to it.

   It’s okay if the war is truce, at least the Sea Clan has the Void Returning Power, and there is no need to continue to fight with the Human Void Returning Power for the time being.

   Haweli, who had just returned from a trip, passed through the barriers of the magic circle without any precautions, and entered his own cave.

   Meng Zhang had been hiding his breath and body shape according to the method of concealing the sword.

   At the same time, he was slowly accumulating strength and murderous aura in secret.

   In more than two months, Meng Zhang has adjusted himself to the best condition.

   He can do it at any time, and he can burst out the strongest power at any time.

   Haiweili returned to his cave, with a sense of uncontrollable relaxation.

   Just as he relaxed slightly, Meng Zhang suddenly broke out.

   A shadow appeared behind Haweli.

   Meng Zhang bullied the target at high speed, while urging the power to hide and kill the sword.

  Meng Zhang’s long-storage power turned into a Ling Ran sword energy, which pierced Haiwei Li from behind.

   Almost at the same time when Meng Zhang launched the assassination, Haiweili's instinct to return to the void caused Haiweili to resist.

   He didn't have time to make any more reactions, so he could only fit his body and jump forward, trying to avoid Meng Zhang's assassination.

   In addition, wave after wave of invisible power is transmitted to all directions, trying to stop the enemy from approaching.

   Meng Zhang seemed to be unaffected by any influence. He followed his body like a shadow, and the Chi Yin Sword in his hand became more fierce.

   The huge invisible fluctuations stirred up a mess of surroundings, and the formation restrictions inside and outside the cave were all touched, bursting out bursts of bright light.

   But none of this can prevent that sharp sword energy from penetrating Haiweili's body protection magical powers and directly piercing his body.

   Even though he tried hard to avoid the critical point, as soon as the sword aura entered the body, it easily broke through the powerful flesh of Haiweili, rammed inside, trying to destroy the inside of his body.

   At the price of a blow, Haweli finally seized the opportunity to fight back.

   He didn't even have time to take out his best weapon, the golden steel fork, so he waved his fists and pounced on Meng Zhang.

   Along with his pounce, a huge blue wave appeared in front of his body, and it suddenly rushed towards Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang urged Chi Yin Jian Sha, and the cold sword Sha flew towards Hai Weili.

   The huge blue wave around Haiweili's body was frozen by the sword evil, his fists and the Chi Yin sword evil fought countless times within a short period of time.

   The bodies of Meng Zhang and Haiweili kept receding, and both of them spewed blood, their breaths constantly fluctuating.

   Despite the continuous raging destruction of sword energy in his body, Haiweili still matched Meng Zhang's match.

   Chiyin Sword Sha is indeed a killing magic weapon left by the Taiyimen predecessors, and its power is really extraordinary.

   After fighting like this for a while, a lot of wounds appeared on Haweli's fists.

   A series of cold and vicious sword evil spirits just rushed into his body along the wound.

   The sneak attack succeeded, and Haweli was seriously injured.

   Meng Zhang took the lead and temporarily smoothed the strength gap between the two sides.

   Meng Zhang tried his best to calm the turbulent true essence and blood in his body, boosted his energy, and once again urged the Chi Yin Sword Sha, to kill Haiwei Li desperately, making it clear that he would not be able to breathe.

   is another fierce collision.

   The sword light The sword shadow is unpredictable, and countless sword evil spirits are flying around.

   The so-called sword evil is formed by collecting various special evil spirits between heaven and earth and condensing it with unique swordsmanship methods.

   Sword Sha has not only the special defacement power of Sha Qi, but also the sharp and invincible characteristics of Sword Qi.

   The Flying Sword of Chi Yin Sword Sha is named because the sword Sha is condensed and powerful, and its lethality is very terrifying.

   In the circumstance of not making sufficient preparations, Haweli did not exert his full strength at all, hurriedly challenged.

   Meng Zhang used the hidden killing sword to pierce his body with the sword qi, which has been destroying the inside of his body.

   The sword evil that had penetrated into his body, not only could not be driven out, but it was constantly defaceting his body.

   Haiweili clearly sensed the state of his body and made a decision quickly.

  If the battle continues, he can't be distracted to get rid of the sword energy and sword evil in his body. Even if he finally defeats the enemy who sneaked on him, his body that has been polished for many years and is extremely powerful is almost finished.

  Haveli is brave and combative, and he is often very rough, but he is not a fool.

   is able to practice all the way to the stage of rebirth, under his rough appearance, is the mind to advance and retreat and the courageous personality.

   Qingzhi knew that it was not good for him to continue fighting, and he almost immediately moved his mind to retreat.

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