The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1792: Dispose of

   After successfully assassinating the Sea Clan's Void Returning Power Haiweili in Meng Zhang and returning to Taiyimen for more than three months, a dispatch order was sent from Tiangong.

   The content of this command is very simple, it is to conquer Meng Zhang to go outside the Junchen Realm, to fight against the army of invaders outside the domain.

   Meng Zhang was not surprised at this sudden order, let alone any resistance.

   Meng Zhang obediently obeyed the order and went to serve in the army.

   Before the arrival of this transfer order, Lord Banxue Jian sent someone to pass a letter to Meng Zhang, explaining the whole story.

   Facing the pressure inside and outside the heavenly palace, Monarch Fan Xuejian had to make compromises if he wanted to consider the overall situation and maintain the stability of the heavenly palace.

   Finally, Tiangong punished Meng Zhang.

   Now various invaders from outside the territory are aggressively invading Junchen Realm, and the outside of Junchen Realm is facing a lot of pressure.

   At the time of employing people, Meng Zhang, as a rebirth power, should be responsible for guarding the Junchen Realm.

   He will be sent to the front line to defend against invaders from outside the territory, to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds in order to redeem his previous sins.

   The process of introducing Meng Zhang’s punishment was very tortuous.

   The face of the companion Xue Jianjun is still to be given, after all, she is the chief of the heavenly palace, nominally the person with the highest status in the Junchen world, and cannot be forced to overwhelm her.

   You need to know, Snow Sword Master has never been a magnanimous person.

   Regarding the people who have sinned against her, and the people who make her feel unhappy, she has always had revenge and grievances, and will never let it go easily.

   This time it was because too many people fell into trouble, and they didn't directly target Sword Master Banxue, so many talented people actively promoted the punishment of Meng Zhang with the idea of ​​not blaming the public.

  Since the Snow Sword Master has already given in, everyone knows the truth of enough.

   I really want to annoy King Snow Sword, let her make a fuss regardless, no one can get off.

   In the end, it was only after mutual compromise that the punishment was given to Meng Zhang.

   This kind of punishment is neither light nor severe, and Sword Master Banxue should be able to accept it, and everyone will live up to their face.

   Sure enough, Banxue Jianjun didn't say much about it, it was acquiescence.

   Before the official release of the order to conquer Meng Zhang, Monarch Fan Xue Jian sent someone to meet Meng Zhang secretly.

   Ban Xuejian expressed his apologies to Meng Zhang through the mouth of his subordinates.

   The Snow Sword Master once gave a promise that after Meng Zhangzhu killed the Sea Clan and returned to the Void Great Power Haiweili, she would bear all the consequences.

   But now, due to the pressure inside and outside the palace, King Banxue Jian had to watch Meng Zhang being punished.

   In addition to expressing verbal apologies, Banxue Jianjun secretly made arrangements to ensure the safety of Meng Zhang.

   In addition, she also gave Meng Zhang some other compensation.

  This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make any sense to blame the Snow Sword Master.

   The most sensible way is to hug the thighs of Snow Sword Monarch Companion tightly.

   Meng Zhang accepted the apology and arrangements from Master Ban Xue Jian, and in turn said Master Ban Xue Jian did not care too much about this matter.

   After such an appearance, the relationship between Meng Zhang and Banxue Jianjun has become much closer.

   After Meng Zhang received the levy order, he confessed the various matters in the door and went directly to the Tiangong.

  Practitioners often say that the heaven is located above the nine heavens.

   The so-called Nine Heavens is a set of special arrangements that the immortals helped build the Heavenly Palace after the Human Race ruled the Junchen Realm.

   Nine Heavens is like a thick black cloud, completely enveloping the entire Jun Chen world.

   Internally, Jiutian is an important resource production area.

The large and small resource points in    can provide various precious resources for Junchen Realm.

   Like the most precious Nine Heavens Essence, it is indispensable for the monks in the late Jindan period and even the monks in the early Yuanshen period.

   The cloud beast born in nine days is actually a kind of resource.

   Those powerful primordial sects in the cultivation world sent the monks in the door to nine days, hunted down the cloud beasts, and explored various natural dangers, which was regarded as a trial for the disciples in the door.

   In addition, there are a few sects in the cultivation world, which can directly tame the cloud beast for their own use.

   Taiyi Sect’s Royal Beast Hall, after years of hard work, has long achieved great results in taming cloud beasts.

   On the side of Nine Heavens facing the void, there is a complete defense system that can defend against various enemies from outside the Jun Chen world.

   The Tiangong, located above the nine heavens, is the core of this defense system.

   Enemies from outside Junchen Realm, if they want to invade Junchen Realm, they must first pass the nine-day defense system.

   Of course, the strongest fortresses were breached from within.

  In the history of Junchen Realm, due to the selfishness of certain characters or deliberate release of water by the high-level human race, invaders from outside the territory often crossed nine days and entered the Junchen Realm.

   Of course, these extraterritorial invaders who can enter the Junchen Realm have all been selected.

   Their strength is not particularly strong, they can cause various disturbances in Jun Chen realm, but they are far from shaking the root of Jun Chen realm.

   Before Banxue Sword Master issued the cleaning order, he ordered the strengthening of Nine Tian’s external defense and no longer allowed any invaders from outside the territory to invade the Junchen Realm.

   When the immortals were preaching in Junchen Realm, before even the Heavenly Palace was established, Junchen Realm was coveted by invaders from all walks of life and was attacked many times.

  The human race became the ruler of Junchen Realm. After completely controlling the world, these extraterritorial invaders did not stop, still attacking many times, trying to invade this world.

   After the Tiangong was established, it paid special attention to guarding against foreign enemies.

   In order to establish the nine-day system with many functions, the immortals paid a lot.

   represents the heavenly palace that ruled the Junchen Realm from the Spiritual Sky Celestial Realm. It also spent a lot of manpower and material resources on this, and even received support from the Spiritual Celestial Realm.

   After nine days of successful construction, it really played a predetermined role.

   Jiu Tian is only the last line of defense in the outer layer of Jun Chen Realm. Beyond the nine days, the human race has established another line of defense as a front line of defense.

   When the Junchen Realm Human Race was the strongest, there was a huge void outside the Junchen Realm, all belonged to the Junchen Realm.

   Junchen Realm has established many strongholds here, exploiting various resources in the void on a large scale.

   It’s just that, with the struggles with the invaders outside the territory, the void controlled by Junchen Realm has been changing, and the strongholds have changed from time to time, and there have been many seesaws on the line of defense.

   Like when Meng Zhang was in the Yang Shen stage, he was introduced by the silver pot old man. When he worked under the command of the Heavenly Thunder, the human cultivators of Junchen Realm could enter a deeper void and seize resource points.

   Now facing the strong pressure of invaders outside the territory, the Junchen Realm human race is either active or passive, abandoning many peripheral strongholds, and the line of defense is constantly being compressed.

   Of course, during the nine days, it was relatively safe for the time being. Invaders from outside the territory did not enter, so this place can be used as a rear area.

   Nine days away, the Void Returning Powers, including the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, led multiple teams to form an army of monks, temporarily blocking the invaders from outside the territory.

   Within nine days, there are also some monks from Junchen Realm who have been stationed here.

   came as a patrol team, patrolling at any time for nine days to prevent infiltration by intruders from outside the territory.

  Secondly, it is to serve as a reserve force for the army ahead.

   Once the army in front suffers heavy losses and needs to be supplemented, these teams are the first choice.

   or when the front army cannot resist, these reserve teams are also needed to top it.

   As the general manager of the Tiangong for many years, Mr. Ban Xuejian, whether it is prestige or power, is enough to accomplish many things inside the Tiangong.

   Although she had to accept the consequences of Meng Zhang's levy, she could do some tricks in secret to keep Meng Zhang as much as possible and provide convenience for Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang, who was recruited, was not sent to the front line immediately.

   Because of the arrangement of King Snow Sword, he was sent to the nine-day patrol team to use as a reserve force.

   This did not violate the levy order, the reserve team was also working for the monk army, and was also protecting the Junchen Realm.

   Nine days wrapped almost the entire Junchen Realm, and it was an extremely vast place.

   In addition to the Tiangong as the core, many strongholds were established within the nine days, serving as the fulcrums of the nine days.

   After being recruited, Meng Zhang was quickly stationed in a stronghold.

   In addition to Meng Zhang, the rebirth power, there are six Yuanshen stage monks and several organ puppets provided by Tiangong.

  The organ puppet is responsible for the daily maintenance of the stronghold, and it is also a defensive tool.

  Meng Zhang’s mission is to lead the six primordial monks, monitor the nearby area, and go out on regular patrols.

   Generally speaking, this job is relatively easy.

   As long as the extraterritorial invaders are still blocked, and there are no major problems on the front line, Meng Zhang can stay here forever.

   There is no difficulty in these daily tasks.

   During routine patrols, if he is in a good mood, Meng Zhang will even capture some cloud beasts, or collect some masterless resources within nine days.

   When garrisoning the stronghold, as long as there is nothing to do, Meng Zhang can maintain daily practice.

   There is actually another advantage to Meng Zhang being recruited this time.

   When he was in Taiyimen, Meng Zhang maintained his daily practice and needed to consume a huge amount of Yuqing Spirit.

   For the Taiyi Sect at this time, it was already very difficult to provide the cultivators in the gate with the Jade Clear Spiritual Machine, and it was a great burden.

   Due to the massive attack of the invaders outside the territory, Junchen Realm lost many of its peripheral strongholds, including numerous resource points, and the entire Junchen Realm was experiencing a shortage of resources.

  Especially those high-level resources, such as Yuqing Lingji, etc., even have a price but no market.

   There are not many cultivating forces in Junchen Realm who have blessed land.

   Recently, the Tiangong has tightened its openings to restrict foreign monks from entering the Tiangong.

   The monks who are now able to enter and exit the Tiangong freely must either hold positions in the Tiangong or have a resident in the Tiangong.

   In order to accumulate power and supply the defense system, the Tiangong also reduced the supply of spiritual energy to most parts of the Tiangong, including the residences of various cultivation forces in the Tiangong.

   In the past, like the Taiyimen's residence in Tiangong, the daily aura supply could fully satisfy the daily practice of several Yuanshen stage monks.

   If you want to get a sufficient supply of aura, you must consume the merit points of the Tiangong and rent the closed room of the Tiangong.

   Now, the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong can only meet the daily practice needs of one or two true primordial spirits at most.

   Because of the series of measures taken by the Tiangong, many high-ranking monks, including the Taiyimen monks, felt that the days had begun to tighten.

   A lot of complaints have appeared among the various cultivation forces in the Junchen Realm.

   It's just that the Tiangong side has already said that this is a special period of foreign enemies' pressure, and temporary measures have to be adopted.

   Some complaints and the like, can't make much impact.

   The monks who are tight on hand can only endure and pass.

   Since Meng Zhang was recruited by the Heavenly Palace, he served for the army.

   During the time he was recruited, Tiangong was responsible for his daily support.

   The concentration of aura in the stronghold where he is stationed can only be used by a bunch of primordial spirit true monarchs in their daily practice.

   Tiangong will also provide him with an extra Jade Ching Chrysanthemum.

   This part of the expenses will eventually be counted in the war expenses of the Tiangong.

   In addition, Meng Zhang still has a position in Tiangong.

   When he was in the Yangshen Period, he served as the law enforcement messenger of the Law Enforcement Hall, and he regularly received salaries from the Temple of Heaven.

   Since he was promoted and returned to the virtual stage, this salary has not been enough to see.

   However, no matter how small the legs of a mosquito are, it is meat.

   Calculated in this way, most of the resources needed for Meng Zhang's daily practice have been solved.

   When Meng Zhang was in the stronghold, his daily practice could barely be maintained.

   This time it was originally to punish him, and he was recruited to serve in the army. Because of the care of King Snow Sword, the burden on Taiyimen and him was lightened.

   As expected, there are people in the DPRK who can do things well.

   As the battle on the front line becomes more intense, more primordial monks need to be recruited as cannon fodder.

   Fighting against the invaders outside the territory is not just a matter of the heavenly palace and the sects of the sacred land, the entire Junchen Realm is duty-bound, and all the powers of cultivation cannot stay out of the matter.

   With the sweeping operation inside Junchen Realm coming to an Cultivation Forces in Junchen Realm are free to take action.

   Tiangong issued a call-up order to all qualified comprehension forces, and called for the Yuanshen monks to go to the Tiangong to listen to them.

   Taiyi Sect, as a sect with many Yuanshen monks, is naturally also within the scope of recruitment.

   Taiyimen did not dare to violate the call-up order of the Tiangong, and had to send several Yuanshen monks to accept the call and go to the Tiangong.

   Sword Master Ban Xue has always felt that Meng Zhang’s incident was not good for him.

   Under her secret hands and feet, the Yuanshen monks who were recruited from Taiyimen were directly dispatched to a stronghold within nine days, and then transferred to Meng Zhang's subordinate.

  Meng Zhang is of course overjoyed.

   Although it is relatively safe during the nine days, no one can guarantee when there will be war.

  'S monks are all Taiyimen disciples, so Meng Zhang will naturally feel more at ease.

   For those Taiyimen monks, it was even more pleasantly surprised.

   escaped the fate of being a cannon fodder on the front line, and worked under his own head, naturally he would be able to get enough care.

   is caring for the power of returning to the void, and they can save a lot of trouble.

   With Xue Jianjun's help, Meng Zhang felt extremely grateful and felt that she was a friend worth making.

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