The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1807: Spirit gourd collapsed

At this time, Meng Zhang finally realized that the long green river should be similar to the external incarnation of the big devil's green blood, which was a decoy.

The Great Demon Green Blood used an external avatar full of its own breath to introduce this group of human monks into the trap.

When the external avatar is destroyed by the human monk, his arrangement will be activated, triggering a trap.

Meng Zhang couldn't figure out why the Great Demon Green Blood would be so familiar with the environment in Origin Sea.

Not only can come and go freely in the source sea, but also know how to use the various natural dangers inside.

Like the current traps, Meng Zhang and the others are not very clear. They didn't notice until the trap was activated and they fell into a dangerous place.

Others do not say that Meng Zhang himself is well-informed, familiar with various ancient books collected by Tiangong, and has a certain understanding of Yuanhai.

However, judging from the current situation, Meng Zhang thought that he was far less clear about Yuanhai's situation than the outsider, the Great Demon Green Blood.

At this time, Meng Zhang had no energy to think about the doubts in his heart.

He, Emperor Ba Wudi and the others were already dispersed by the sudden power.

Meng Zhang felt dizzy, his footing was unstable, and there were terrifying forces around him constantly squeezing his body.

All of Meng Zhang's magical powers of body protection were suddenly squeezed.

His powerful body began to creak, as if it would completely collapse at any time.

Before being conscripted by the Heavenly Palace, Meng Zhang had left almost all the fourth-order magical weapons on his body in the Taiyimen.

Including the sun and moon orbs he personally refined, as well as the magic mirror inherited by Taiyimen ancestors, and so on.

After entering the Void Return Period, those fourth-order magical instruments had almost no effect on Meng Zhang.

For the Void Returning Power, no amount of magical artifacts is as good as a magic weapon.

Meng Zhang simply left these artifacts in the door for eligible younger disciples to exchange for use.

The only fourth-order magic weapon left on Meng Zhang's body was his natal magic weapon Yin Yang Ling Gourd.

The natal magic weapon is too closely related to Meng Zhang to give up easily, so Meng Zhang always carries it with him.

Now, the sudden terrifying force kept squeezing Meng Zhang's body, leaving him almost without the slightest resistance.

Meng Zhang desperately urged the power in his body to resist and struggle.

However, this invisible force is like a bone gangrene, firmly trapping Meng Zhang, preventing him from breaking free.

At this time, Meng Zhang had seen the real danger in Yuanhai.

The previous seemingly mighty vitality tides, etc., are far inferior to the invisible danger in front of them.

Meng Zhang's only magic weapon, Chi Yin Sword Sha, was firmly suppressed in Meng Zhang's body, and could not be released at all.

Meng Zhang couldn't even mobilize the power of the Great Dao, and could only use his own strength to resist.

Meng Zhang knew that he could not hold on for long.

In such a critical situation, Meng Zhang has no choice but to desperately want to seize every life-saving straw.

Meng Zhang desperately urged the Yin-Yang Spirit Gourd, which was connected to his own mind, hoping to get a little respite.

The yin and yang spirit gourd just appeared on top of Meng Zhang's head, and it was crushed by the terrifying force, crushed into powder, and then turned into a turbid gas of black and white.

Under strong external pressure, this turbid black and white gas was forcibly pressed into Meng Zhang's body.

The natal magic weapon Yin Yang Ling Gourd was forcibly destroyed by such violent force, Meng Zhang was hit hard all of a sudden, blood rushed in his mouth, and his whole body was suddenly slumped down.

The muddy gas of black and white suddenly entered the body, and it was even more irritating that Meng Zhang trembled and his body was shaken.


At this moment, Meng Zhang felt the shadow of death enveloped him.

According to the current situation, he will die here soon.

Not only will the physical body completely collapse, even the Yang Shen will not be able to escape.

Meng Zhang still has the external incarnation of Tai Miao in the underworld.

If the deity is completely annihilated, no trace will be left. The external incarnation will gain independence and become an independent creature.

I only hope that Tai Miao Kan can continue to help Taiyi Sect under the influence of his past affection and Meng Zhang consciousness in his body.

Just as Meng Zhang fell into despair and his consciousness was about to disappear, the change happened again.

The terrifying squeezing force around his body disappeared suddenly, and all the abnormal changes around him also subsided.

Meng Zhang was in a daze, as if he heard an angry curse.

"A bunch of useless waste."

Then he felt the scenery in front of him was constantly changing, and his body was moving at high speed.

But in a moment, Meng Zhang's body came to the place where he had just entered Yuanhai.

He didn't have any more reaction, his body was thrown into Yuanhai's entrance and exit.

The sky was spinning again, dizzy.

Meng Zhang flew out of the huge vortex leading to Yuanhai and returned to within nine days.

Not far in front of Meng Zhang, is the Cold War Supreme with an iron face.

There were several other human monks who flew out of the whirlpool with Meng Zhang.

Except for Meng Zhang who barely remained awake, everyone else had already fallen into a coma.

Meng Zhang, who was already seriously injured, still had a crazy force in his body that kept crashing.

He had persisted for so long before, but seeing that he returned to a safe place, he finally couldn't hold on. As soon as he felt relieved, he fainted and completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how long Meng Zhang's chaotic consciousness began to recover.

In the dimness, Meng Zhang seemed to sink into a warm ocean.

A gentle and gentle force slowly penetrated his body, slowly repairing his damage from the physical body to the Yang Shen.

Meng Zhang felt the unprecedented warmth and the comfort he had never had before.

He was immersed in this feeling, as if he had forgotten everything, just thinking that it would go on forever.

After another period of time, as if it were a moment, and as if it were a long time, Meng Zhang finally slowly regained consciousness.

Meng Zhang slowly opened his eyes and tried to move his body.

He is now lying in a warm The pool is filled with a thick white jade-like liquid.

Meng Zhang hadn't fully awake yet, and hadn't recognized the origin of this liquid for the time being.

The liquid in the pool is nourishing Meng Zhang's body, slowly regaining his strength.

Meng Zhang didn't move, let alone leave here in a hurry, but slowly adjusted his state in the pool.

He knew instinctively that the arrangement in front of him was very extraordinary and it was good for him.

Meng Zhang quickly recalled more things, remembering the situation before he passed out.

At that time, Meng Zhang's physical body was already on the verge of collapse, and Yang Shen was also severely injured, with a tendency to collapse.

Meng Zhang's judgment at the time was that even if he returned to a safe place, it would be difficult to heal his injuries and completely recover from his own ability and strength alone. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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