The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1809: backing

Meng Zhang patiently listened to Master Fan Xue Jian's complain, without the slightest intention of being impatient.

What Snow Sword Master casually disclosed was very important news, which was very helpful to Meng Zhang.

Because of the impact of this source sea change, the immortals will continue to fall asleep, and the time to wake up will be greatly delayed.

This is definitely bad news for the sects of the holy land. For Meng Zhang, that was a good thing to ask for.

He has not forgotten that the mother-in-law Qiansi once said that after the immortals awakened, the entire Junchen Realm was in danger of destruction, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a huge opportunity.

Whether it is a crisis or an opportunity, a strong force is needed to deal with it.

Meng Zhang is now a powerful person who can return to the void and is already qualified to participate in the battle for opportunity.

But after all, he was promoted not long ago, and his cultivation is still very shallow.

If there is more time to practice, and Meng Zhang's cultivation is even further, he will be more calm in dealing with the great changes in Jun Chen Realm in the future.

Meng Zhang didn't expect that this time an extraterritorial invader would break into the source sea and be able to sit down on such a major event and cause such a profound impact.

If this happened by chance, no one would believe it.

The invaders outside the territory are clearly prepared and come prepared.

Reminiscent of his own experience in the source sea, Meng Zhang can almost be 100% sure that the invaders outside the territory did not know by what means they learned the high secrets of Jun Chen world.

These secrets are not even known to Meng Zhang, but the extraterritorial invaders know very well and can use them flexibly.

The most likely possibility is that the high-level cultivator of the Junchen Realm, someone exchanged news with this group of extraterritorial invaders, and even colluded with each other.

Although Junchen Realm is generally speaking, human monks are in the dominant position. However, within the human monks, there have always been contradictions and disputes.

Especially the major sacred sects of the immortal lineage have been aloof for many years, firmly grasping the various resources of Junchen Realm.

For thousands of years, many comprehension forces have opposed the Holy Land Zongmen.

Although basically all failed, the fire was still left behind.

As for those who are secretly dissatisfied with the rule of the Holy Land Zongmen, there are even more.

Even inside the sects of the major sacred places, it is very common that they are hostile to each other and dismantle each other.

With the information Meng Zhang understands, of course, it is impossible to guess who is colluding with the invaders outside the territory. He currently has no spare energy to care about this matter.

Because Meng Zhang suddenly thought of the serious consequences caused by the accident in Yuanhai. As a direct participant in chasing and killing invaders outside the territory, he may inevitably be angered, and even used as a scapegoat.

Meng Zhang tentatively asked King Snow Sword.

Meng Zhang guessed right, because this time Yuanhai's accident had caused too serious consequences. Not to mention that they were the cultivators who entered Yuanhai, even the cold war lords could not shirk their blame, and were condemned by many people.

The various sacred sects seized this time and demanded severe punishment of the relevant personnel.

Especially the Jiuxuan Pavilion, because of the loss of Taoist Xuan Ao, is even more swearing not to give up.

As a party concerned, the Lord of the Cold War also admitted that he was responsible.

But the sects of the sacred land were so forced, but they forced out his anger.

As the deputy head of the Battle Hall, he was honored and respected in the Cold War, and has many supporters inside and outside the palace.

As a titan of Tiangong, he is by no means the kind of resignation.

Regarding the censure of the various sacred sects, he resisted it in one go.

br/> He also has his own capital, a strong combat power, and few of the major sects of the holy land dare to say that he can beat him.

More importantly, the Lord of the Cold War was a direct descendant of the Heavenly Palace and had always been loyal to the Heavenly Palace.

Regarding this question, most of the senior officials in the Tiangong, headed by Monarch Banxue Jian, were on his side.

Now, Sword Master Banxue is constantly wrestling with the sects of the sacred land.

Meng Zhang and his group of direct participants were originally charged with various crimes, such as ineffective combat and unpredictable intentions.

But because of the actions of the Lords of the Cold War, they covered them invisibly.

For the subordinates who were sent out to perform tasks, the cold war superiors could call them trash and punish them.

He didn't allow others to go over him and point fingers at random.

As the commander, the Cold War Supreme was also responsible for the success or failure of the mission.

Meng Zhang breathed a sigh of relief for the time being accompanied by the inner story told by Xue Jianjun.

With the Cold War supreme being in front, it is estimated that most of the responsibility for their mission failure can be avoided.

Of course, Meng Zhang also knew that this time the incident was so big that it was impossible to end it easily.

Sword Emperor Banxue also reminded Meng Zhang that because Taoist Xuan Ao was trapped in the Origin Sea, Jiu Xuan Pavilion would not easily let Meng Zhang go.

Now it was only because the heavenly palace and the sects of the sacred land were still wrangling, Jiu Xuan Pavilion could not find him for the time being.

Meng Zhang was always puzzled. Among the many sects of the Holy Land, the strength of the Jiuxuan Pavilion is not the strongest, or even the weaker category. Why is the monk of the Jiuxuan Pavilion so domineering and tyrannical?

Now Ban Xue Jianjun's talk is pretty good, and Meng Zhang couldn't help but raise his own question.

Sword Monarch Banxue sighed and hesitated. First, he solemnly warned Meng Zhang. What she was going to talk about next was the high secret of Tiangong. After Meng Zhang heard about it, she must not let it out at will.

Seeing Meng Zhang nodding non-stop, accompanied by Xue Jianjun slowly began to tell.

After the gang of true immortals who preached Junchen Realm fell into deep sleep, Junchen Realm seemed to have fallen into a trough in strength on the surface, and invaders from outside the realm kept launching aggression.

However, among the invaders outside the territory, the strong ones who can match the real immortal, did not dare to rush into the Junchen realm.

The demon **** of the demon race, the demon **** of the demon way, the spirit **** of the spirit race, etc., are basically the same.

The reason is simple, that is, a mighty and terrifying fairy formation is hidden in Jun Chen Realm.

This fairy formation can't be hidden deep in the weekdays, and few people know it.

At the critical moment, as long as there is a real celestial level powerhouse urged, the power of the real celestial level powerhouse can be brought into play. U U Reading

In the Junchen Realm, even though the true celestial beings have fallen into deep sleep, there is still no shortage of true celestial level powerhouses.

After the ancestor of Emperor Yu Beast Sect found himself in deep sleep, his companion spirit pet kept secretly guarding Junchen Realm in accordance with his instructions.

Also, the external incarnation of the founder of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, also did not fall into deep sleep.

Refining the avatar outside the body is a trivial matter for these true immortals.

But it would be very difficult for the external avatar to have the strength of the real immortal level.

Among the true immortals, only the external incarnation of the Patriarch of the Nine Profound Pavilion possesses such strength.

The reason why the Jiuxuan Pavilion monks are so arrogant and domineering is because the existence of the external incarnation of the founder of the mountain gave them confidence.

With the powerhouses of the true immortal level taking care of them, what else are they afraid of? Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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