The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1811: exile

After this epiphany, Meng Zhang's injury recovered faster and faster, and he began to slowly master the new powerful method of Yin and Yang Extinction God Thunder.

After another half month, Meng Zhang felt that his injury was almost healed, and continued to soak in the pool had little effect.

Although he still doesn't know the secret formula of the jade liquid in the pond, Meng Zhang knows that during this period of healing, he has actually consumed a lot of resources, and he owes a lot of favor this time.

The favors owed can be repaid slowly in the future, and Meng Zhang urgently wants to know the current situation.

After he left the pool, he told the waiter in the palace that he wanted to meet the Snow Sword Master as soon as possible.

Meng Zhang didn't wait long, before the Snow Sword Master appeared in front of him.

In fact, even if Meng Zhang didn't take the initiative to ask, Lord Ban Xue Jian had to come over and talk to him.

The two sides are already familiar with each other, and Sword Master Ban Xue didn't go around in circles, and went straight to the topic.

This time, because of Yuanhai's abnormal change, a great disturbance has been caused in the entire Jun Chen Realm.

Tiangong, as a party, has been widely questioned by the sects of the holy land.

The calls for severe punishment of the cold war superiors and others have risen from wave to wave.

One thing that is beneficial to Tiangong is that the Taoist Xuan Ao of the Nine Profound Pavilion took the initiative to invite Ying and participated in the action.

According to Meng Zhang, the Taoist Xuan Ao of the Nine Profound Pavilion was arrogant and did not actively cooperate with his companions, which greatly dragged down the team's combat effectiveness and gave the invaders who broke into the territory a chance.

Meng Zhang didn't expect that the Heavenly Palace would have caught the Taoist Xuan Ao's affairs, and pushed a lot of black pots to this guy.

This has many benefits, and it can be regarded as helping Meng Zhang to expose the death of Taoist Xuan Ao.

But the disadvantages are also great.

Jiu Xuan Pavilion definitely hated Meng Zhang from the team of Xuan Ao Taoists even more, and would never let him go in the future.

Tiangong argued with the sects of the holy land for a long time, and it was still the same as each previous dispute, which was never broken.

In the end, the two sides reached a compromise.

The specific details of the compromise, Jianxue Jianjun did not say much, but only mentioned things related to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang and the others, who had escaped from the emptiness, were sent to the battlefield outside Junchen Realm to fight against the invaders outside the territory because of the disadvantage of completing the task.

This time, even with Snow Sword Monarch, there was no way to do anything.

Meng Zhang and the others must go to the front line outside Jun Chen realm honestly, and they can't sneak and rape.

Meng Zhang knew that these few of them had no background, and their cultivation bases were also ordinary characters.

In the realm of comprehension, they are the supreme regaining power.

But in the eyes of the real seniors in Jun Chen Realm, they are little pawns that can be sacrificed.

Although Meng Zhang was not upset about this, he could still accept it, let alone blame the companion Xue Jianjun.

In fact, in order to shelter Meng Zhang and others, King Ban Xue Jian made a lot of concessions in other matters.

At the same time, she also fought for Meng Zhang and the others.

In any case, Meng Zhang and the others were seriously injured in order to complete the tasks assigned by the heavenly palace.

Therefore, before they were distributed, a certain amount of time was set aside for them to heal their injuries.

Meng Zhang and the others will continue to retreat and heal their injuries, and will go to fight outside Junchen Realm a year later.

Meng Zhanghaosheng thanked King Snow Sword Master for a while.

After the conversation, Meng Zhang did not stay here for a long time, and left directly.

Most of the injuries on Meng Zhang's body have healed, and he will be able to heal in a month at most.

br/>After this time of experience, Meng Zhangxiu is a great advancement, and is no longer the new nun in the rebirth power.

As long as he is not encountering a rare powerhouse and facing ordinary enemies of the same rank, he has the least ability to defend himself.

If given time, especially after absorbing and refining the source crystal in his hand, his cultivation base will be greatly improved.

At that time, in terms of strength, he was no longer a newly promoted Void-Returning Power.

After leaving the palace of King Banxue Jian, Meng Zhang visited the old man Yinhu and mother-in-law Qiansi successively.

Meng Zhang was out of luck, and neither of these old friends happened to be there.

He didn't stay in the Tiangong any longer, so he returned directly to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

Before heading to the void, he still needs to make some preparations.

One year seems to be a lot, but it is not enough at all.

After Meng Zhang returned to the mountain gate, he confessed to the middle and high level of the gate.

The middle and high level of the door has long been accustomed to the head of Meng Zhang not in the door for a long time.

Even if Meng Zhang is not in the door, the martial art can still function normally.

Since the expedition to the West Sea ended, Taiyimen and the Hanhaidao League under its control have completely entered a period of peace.

There is no major foreign war in Taiyimen anymore, and it can develop well.

Above the West Sea, Taiyi Sect has some conflicts of interest with other comprehension forces.

From the overall situation, disputes will be limited to a certain extent within a short period of time and will not develop into a major war.

On the side of the Daheng Cultivation Realm Black Jade Forest, since the Jiazi Dryad was annihilated by the Ziyang Saint Sect many years ago, the Black Jade Forest has fallen into a state of headless dragons.

King Grey Peng, the undercover agent, had no need to continue lurking, and cooperated with the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect to bring the monster beasts in the Black Jade Forest one by one.

For the overlord Ziyang Saint Sect in the north of Junchen Realm, the seemingly powerful monsters in the black jade forest are actually pigs raised by them.

When the pig is fattened, it can be cut.

Without the Jiazi Dryad, the value of ordinary monsters is limited, and it is not worth too much energy from the Ziyang Sect.

The level of monsters in the Black Jade Forest is not high, but there are a lot of them.

After several raids by the Ziyang Saint Sect, there were still a lot of fish slipping through the net.

The Ziyang Saint Sect was already too lazy to continue to inquire about the Black Jade Forest, and directly evacuated the mopping monks.

Taiyimen also coveted the monster resources in the black jade forest.

After the Ziyang Saint Zong withdrew, the Taiyimen monk took a careful trial, and then controlled the Black Jade Forest.

The current Black Jade Forest, like Yunwu Daze, has become a trial ground under the control of Taiyimen.

The selected disciples in the door and even the monks of other members of the Hanhai Dao League can go to these two places regularly to hunt down the monsters inside and pick the resources inside.

The slightly stronger monsters in the Black Jade Forest were basically cut off by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The remaining low-level monsters are not enough to be a problem, and they are just used to train the cultivators of the Hanhai Dao League.

For Taiyimen, it was a bargain for nothing.

From this incident, Meng Zhang felt that the Ziyang Saint Sect was mostly shrinking his sphere of influence and began to concentrate his strength.

The practice of the Ziyang Saint Sect was mostly in response to the upcoming major changes in Jun Chen Realm.

Of course, before the big change, there will be no other actions by the Ziyang Saint Sect, no one knows.

Especially after the immortals postponed their awakening, the Ziyang Saint Sect had more time to deal with various problems in Junchen Realm. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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