The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1817: Shenchangjie

Less than three days after the Meng Zhang trio entered this stronghold, they ushered in their first battle.

Although before coming to the battlefield, Meng Zhang had already prepared in his heart. But the battle came so quickly, it was still a bit beyond his expectation.

The extraterritorial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm this time come from various sources, and the number is astonishing.

The Monster Race, Spirit Race and Barbarian Race of the Ten Thousand Demons Realm are the old opponents of the Human Race monks in Junchen Realm.

As several great demons participated in the battle, there were still a large number of demons and monsters accompanying them.

For many years, Jun Chen Realm had not encountered a major invasion from the Demon Dao.

In contrast, Demon Dao prefers to spread Demon Dao inheritance within Junchen Realm, cultivate demon cultivation, and even cause demon disaster.

Demon Dao is not bounded by race, as long as you are willing to invest in Demon Dao, no matter what race it is, Demon Dao is very welcome.

Among the huge army of magic roads, including human races, monster races, spirit races, barbarians, etc., many monsters with weird shapes and all kinds of strange things have long been unable to see their origins.

Maybe it's a mixture of multiple creatures.

Not too far from Junchen Realm, there is a big world called Shenchang Realm.

Shenchang Realm is very similar to Junchen Realm in many aspects.

Aboriginal gods were born in the Shenchang world tens of thousands of years ago.

Many races in the Shenchang Realm are basically believers of the gods.

The gods are aloof and command many races through the descendants of gods.

The so-called descendants of gods are actually descendants of gods.

A creature like a **** does not necessarily have to have **** to give birth to offspring.

The blood left by the gods, the breath they exhale... will likely evolve into descendants.

In the world of Shenchang, there are even examples of mortals who have stepped on the footprints left by gods and gave birth to gods when they became pregnant.

A variety of gods have become powerful thugs and assistants for the gods.

The immortals from Lingkong Immortal Realm discovered Junchen Realm first, and after the war to conquer Junchen Realm, they discovered the Shenchang Realm which was not too far away.

Firstly, Junchen Realm has been selected as the target, and secondly, the natives of Shenchang Realm are far stronger than Junchen Realm.

Therefore, these immortals concentrated on conquering Junchen Realm without distracting him at will.

In fact, if the immortals first discovered the Shenchang Realm, they might choose the Shenchang Realm as the target of conquest.

Everything that happened in Junchen Realm will happen in Shenchang Realm.

When the immortals conquered Junchen Realm, out of the mentality of losing their lips and teeth, the Shenchang Realm actively intervened to help the native gods of Junchen Realm to fight against the immortals.

After the aboriginal gods of Junchen world were defeated and Junchen world was transformed into a world belonging to immortality, Shenchang world took a warning and regarded the human monks of Junchen world as great enemies.

When invaders from outside the territory invaded Junchen Realm, Shenchang Realm would actively participate and cooperate with each other.

This time is no exception.

This time the indigenous gods of the Shenchang Realm not only led the army of the gods to participate in the war, but also actively sought out reinforcements.

The Hun Ling Zun God who has long coveted Jun Chen Realm, I don't know how to get on the line with Shen Chang Realm.

Generally speaking, those who can be called gods are powerful gods that span many worlds and are powerful enough to rival true immortals.

Hun Ling Zun Shen had tried many times before Jun Chen realm.

He once sent a barbarian tribe who believed in himself, sneaked into Junchen Realm, and caused a lot of incidents.

As a god, a large part of his strength comes from his own believers.

There are many followers of Hunlingzun God with different origins.

Hun Ling Zun God is not a pure racial god, he is good at absorbing believers of all races.

His followers include many common races, such as monsters, humans, and so on.

This time, although the Hun Ling Zun God still did not directly participate in the war, he sent his subordinate divine envoys and led a powerful army of believers to participate in the attack on Jun Chen Realm.

Before coming to the front line, Meng Zhang and the others had known the situation on the battlefield.

They all have basic information about the enemy participating in the war.

The Meng Zhang trio met for the first time, and they were not unfamiliar with the opponents they encountered.

After they settled in this stronghold, they began routine patrols.

Not far from the three of them, they encountered a lot of enemy assaults.

Although the number of enemies is numerous, they are coming menacingly. But with Meng Zhang's eyesight, he can see through the reality at a glance.

Meng Zhang and the others did not rush to send out a signal for help, let alone run away.

Heavenly Palace is the most important military merit.

In such a battle, the military merits established can often be exchanged for a lot of rewards.

If possible, Meng Zhang and the others are still willing to rely on their own strength to destroy the enemy and make military merits.

According to Meng Zhang's judgment, this group of enemies should come from the Shenchang Realm.

The two goddesses at the head are half-human and half-beast forms, almost possessing the strength of the rebirth period.

A large number of enemies following the two gods were mostly indigenous races in the Shenchang world.

From the appearance point of view, there are any shapes.

Strange shape and strange appearance.

It seems that there are many, but the strength is very average.

There is a deep contradiction among the several extraterritorial invaders who invaded Junchen Realm this time.

Especially the Great Demon of the Demon Path is the public enemy of almost all living beings.

This group of extraterritorial invaders temporarily teamed up, but it was a stopgap measure.

Not only can they fail to trust each other completely, they are on guard against each other instead.

Therefore, in battles, invaders from different areas basically take turns in battle, and there is rarely a situation where mixed coalition forces cooperate in combat.

Because of this situation, the combat effectiveness of these extraterritorial invaders has been greatly weakened.

In many cases, they put more thoughts on guarding against each other than dealing with Jun Chenjie.

Therefore, the human monks of Junchen Realm can resist the invaders from outside the territory, and fight with them inextricably.

Since the enemy of the Shenchang Realm appeared in front of him, the chances of other invaders from outside the region would not appear too much.

Of course, Meng Zhang and the others did not relax their vigilance, and they still monitored the surrounding situation at all times.

Facing the rushing enemies, Meng Zhang and the others were unwilling to show weakness and greeted them one after another.

Sword shadows in the sky changed countless sword lights shone, Meng Zhang took the lead, holding the Chiyin Sword to kill him.

Emperor Bawu swung his fists and displayed the most expert Emperor Baquan.

As the emperor of the dynasty for many years, Emperor Bawu is absolutely not lacking in the imperial aura and imperial majesty.

As soon as he shot, he looked extremely mighty and domineering, almost nobody could do it.

Chunyu Zhongda did not rush to meet the two goddesses headed by him, but instead set the group behind them as the primary target.

Chunyu Zhongda pinched the tactics and chanted, summoning a storm of thunderclouds in the sky, dropping countless lightning and thunderballs, and blasting at the men behind the gods.

Although there are many subordinates of the gods, if they cooperate with each other under the leadership of the gods of the rebirth period, they can help the gods of the rebirth period to fight against the power of rebirth.

However, in the face of the deliberate attack from the power of the rebirth period, this group of miscellaneous teams did not show too strong resistance.

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