The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1838: Void Battleship

Seeing that Meng Zhang was willing to accept employment and promised to deal with several true gods' subordinates together, Gao Lao breathed a sigh of relief.

The promises made by people at their level are still a bit weighty.

Generally speaking, unless there are greater interests involved, otherwise, they will not easily lose their words and get fat.

Now that everyone is a temporary comrade-in-arms, the old man will naturally not let Meng Zhang continue to wander into the void.

Under Gao's kind invitation, Meng Zhang went with him to the void battleship.

The appearance of this void battleship looks like an irregular elliptical column, which is very clumsy.

But when sailing in the void, the speed was so fast that even Meng Zhang could hardly catch up.

Elder Gao led Meng Zhang into the interior of the void battleship, gave him a brief introduction to several important figures inside, and arranged a temporary residence for him.

The void battleship looks huge, with an independent space similar to a small world inside.

Such a void warship can easily carry hundreds of thousands of people at a time.

Inside the Void Battleship, many different functional zones have been divided.

Except for Gao Lao and Hei Du Sanren, Meng Zhang is the only passenger with the ability to return to the void, and he deserves extremely high treatment.

Meng Zhang was placed in the most advanced cabin on the battleship.

Although he and Meng Zhang have turned enemies into friends for the time being, the attitude of the Black Dusan Ren to him is far from being close, and he is still cold and repelling people thousands of miles away.

Naturally, Meng Zhang would not use a hot face to stick someone's cold ass.

As the leader of this void battleship, Gao Lao had to take care of such a huge battleship, and his business was so busy that he couldn't always be by Meng Zhang's side.

He arranged for a junior to be responsible for receiving Meng Zhang.

His junior is a woman who looks young and beautiful. Others call her Dong Fuzi.

In Confucianism, the number of female monks was originally small, and there were even fewer achievements.

Generally speaking, those who can be called Master are not simple characters.

Either you have a high level of knowledge and respect your peers;

This Dong Fuzi looked like a weak woman, but in fact she was a master of the soul level.

Within Confucianism, the masters often have the responsibility of preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles.

This Dong Fuzi has a convenient tongue and a clear attitude, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was very curious about this void battleship, she led Meng Zhang directly and walked around the inside of the battleship.

Meng Zhang asked without shame, and asked many questions.

As long as it is not a matter of confidentiality, Dong Fuzi is dedicated to answering Meng Zhang, fully satisfying his curiosity.

Decrease bXwX 汜. Meng Zhang's cultivation base, placed in their branch, can be regarded as a big figure with a good head and a face.

What's more, they are now fighting against the true gods, and they need help from outside forces like Meng Zhang.

Therefore, Dong Fuzi's attitude towards Meng Zhang is very enthusiastic.

Of course, given her background and temperament, she couldn't do anything too flattering.

If Junchen Realm changes drastically, the entire Junchen Realm may fall into a disaster.

Among the retreats Meng Zhang arranged for the Taiyi Gate, he used the Void Battleship to move the disciples in the Gate into the void.

Taiyimen not only has no finished void warships, but also lacks the technology to build void warships.

For a power such as Confucianism, ordinary void warships are not particularly precious.

While talking, Meng Zhang asked tentatively whether he could buy the void battleship or the technology he created.

In fact, ordinary void battleship transactions occur from time to time among the major forces in the void.

The crafting technology of the Void Battleship has long been very popular among many big forces.

What is really difficult is the materials needed to build the Void Warship.

In Junchen Realm, it was because of the deliberate blockade of the sacred sects of the great sacred land and deliberately restricting the means of other cultivation forces to go to the void. It seemed that the void battleship was so rare.

Dong Fuzi happily told Meng Zhang that their branch of Confucianism had a good relationship with the Mohist school. Not only does he have a clever skill in building void warships, he can also purchase better void warships from the Mohist school.

As long as Meng Zhang can make a great contribution this time and defeat the conspiracy of several true gods, it will not be difficult to exchange for the technology to build a void battleship.

The problem that had troubled him for many years was actually solved here, and Meng Zhang was in a good mood.

In his heart, he strengthened his mind to oppose several true gods.

Not to mention anything else, just for the void battleship, he should have contributed.

After visiting the complete Void Battleship, Meng Zhang still felt a little bit unfinished.

Dong Fuzi led Meng Zhang to the arranged residence.

She gently pushed open the two tall black iron gates.

Behind the gate is an independent space. This is the temporary residence of Meng Zhang on the battleship.

On a large grassland, a long river surrounds the hills.

In the heart of the prairie, there is a wide lake.

A palace was built on the island in the center of the lake.

Dong Fuzi introduced various relevant situations to Meng Zhang carefully, and at the same time led Meng Zhang to the palace.

Meng Zhang sensed the abundant aura here.

Although this level of spiritual energy is far from enough for his cultivation, it can be used to support ordinary primordial souls and true monarchs, which is barely enough.

Although I have known that this void battleship has a world inside it, Meng Zhang is still a bit surprised to see The last time Meng Zhang boarded the void battleship of Buddhism, it is the kind of thing that looks like a pagoda.

At that time, he was only a monk of the Yangshen stage, and his cultivation was insufficient and his status was not enough. Naturally, he could not receive the high-level reception of Buddhist monks.

Moreover, within that pagoda, his movements were also greatly restricted, and he could not get a glimpse of the mystery inside.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Judging from the scene in front of us, we know that Confucianism has an extraordinary background, and it is indeed a great religion that can cross the heavens and all realms.

Just an ordinary branch inside, you can take out such a void battleship at will.

I haven't eaten pork, I haven't seen a pig run.

As far as Meng Zhang knew, the void battleship in front of him, even if it was placed in Junchen Realm, was not an ordinary commodity.

It is said that many high-level void battleships need to be integrated into a complete small world when refining.

In this way, the interior of the void battleship will become a world of its own.

Mi He Mi. Dong Fuzi introduced various precautions to Meng Zhang in detail, and then took the initiative to retire and let Meng Zhang rest alone.

She told Meng Zhang that she would be ordered to serve Meng Zhang alone during the next period of time.

She left a jade talisman for communication, which could be used by Meng Zhang to contact and summon her at any time.

After Dong Fuzi left, Meng Zhang carefully checked the surrounding situation and confirmed that there were no problems.

As long as you want to come, these Confucian monks will not easily do anything to entertain guests as long as they are not brain-dead.

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