The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1858: Twin Peaks Region

When Wang Defeng faced the irresistible rebirth power, in order to save his life, he voluntarily gave in and revealed a lot of information.

But the most crucial information, he did not disclose the information about the Wang's surrendering to Yunzhong City and that the advance team of Yunzhong City had reached the four-pointed star area.

In this regard, the messenger of Cloud City was quite satisfied.

Someone asked about the details of the construction of the wormhole passage at the top of the four-corner star area. This matter needs attention, but not too much attention.

As time goes by, more and more people will be curious about this matter.

The news that the four-pointed star district's high-level leaders are preparing to use the wormhole channel for a great migration will soon be concealed.

The situation where well-informed people like Wang Defeng are being questioned may happen again.

The cultivators in Cloud City can't control other people, but these members of the Leading Party still have to protect one or two.

After that, the cultivator of Cloud City will warn everyone to be extra careful.

Wang Defeng's response is a good example.

I would rather expose the details of this matter than expose their identity as the leading party.

As for Meng Zhang, who had questioned Wang Defeng, they would follow up, but there might not be results.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhang had just arrived in the four-corner star area and chose a subject to be questioned, but he won the first prize.

The goal he chose was to lead the party, and he had secretly sought refuge in Yunzhong City.

Of course, if this were not the case, Meng Zhang would probably not know the news that Yunzhong City was about to descend on the Four-Pointed Star Region.

As the largest commercial city in the lime earth world, Baishicheng not only gathers a lot of goods, it is also a well-informed place.

Not only can you discover all kinds of news about the dust world, but you can even buy the secrets of other big worlds in the four-pointed star area.

Meng Zhang has been in the void for so many years, and with his decent ability, he has also earned a lot of resources such as Yuqing Spirit.

In most big worlds in the void, the Jade Ching Ji can be used as a universal currency.

The resources Meng Zhang earned were more than enough for him to carry out his daily practice. Over the years, he has accumulated a lot.

With some ordinary information, there is no need to repeat the tricks and use the means to deal with Wang Defeng.

After all, breaking into other people's homes to intimidate this method, and using too much, will inevitably attract the attention of the top of White Rock City.

As an outsider, Meng Zhang does not need to offend the local forces easily.

If it wasn't that the news about the wormhole was too important to him, he would not be able to understand the inside story by conventional means, and he would not easily break into the Wang's residence.

After staying in Baishi City for a period of time, and expending some jade-clearing ideas, Meng Zhang got the news he needed.

On this day, Meng Zhanggang was about to leave a restaurant selling news. He was slightly taken aback when he arrived at the entrance of the restaurant.

Not far away, a group of monks were walking towards this restaurant.

The thoughts in Meng Zhang's heart flickered, but on the surface he didn't change his expression, as if he hadn't noticed anything, and continued his original actions.

Although this team of cultivators had performed some disguise, Meng Zhang recognized their origins at a glance.

They are not native monks in the four-pointed star area, but outsiders from the double peak star area.

At the other end of the wormhole passage near the four-pointed star area is the Twin Peaks star area.

In the Twin Peaks star area, there are two great suns that are far apart.

Around these two big days, there are some big and small worlds.

Looking from a distant place, the two big suns are like the peaks of two mountain peaks, and those big and small worlds are like the peak bodies of two mountain peaks.

In terms of the area occupied in the void, the double-peaked star area is far more extensive than the four-pointed star area.

The Shuangfeng star area also has many spiritual forces, and the situation is very complicated.

Due to inherent limitations, the Twin Peaks area is divided into two parts.

From one mountain to another, there is no wormhole channel in the middle.

Mingxinhui is located on one of the peaks.

Meng Zhang traveled from the area where Mingxinhui was to another mountain, even if he was driving the speed Shenzhou, he spent more than 20 years in the void.

He spent a lot of years in the area of ​​another mountain peak before he passed through the wormhole channel outside the double peak star area and came to the four-pointed star area.

Now, seeing the cultivators from the Shuangfeng star area here, Meng Zhang was taken aback first, and soon figured out their purpose.

Regardless of which region, the construction of a wormhole tunnel is a major event.

Although in order to avoid misunderstandings, the upper level of the four-pointed star area has already explained it to the Shuangfeng star area.

The wormhole channel they built was to lead to the star area near Junchen Realm, not to the Twin Peaks star area.

However, the Twin Peaks area accepts this statement on the surface, but secretly, there must be doubts.

Even out of basic precautions, the big forces on the Shuangfeng star area will send monks to investigate the specific situation.

Regardless of the fact that the major forces within the Shuangfeng star area are fighting endlessly on weekdays.

But when facing another star area, they all had a tacit understanding and knew they wanted to join forces temporarily.

Meng Zhang's lonely family and widows were able to find out the specific inside information.

With the huge power of the Twin Peaks region, it is only a matter of time before we know the inside story.

There is a wormhole connection between the four-pointed star area and the Shuangfeng star area, and the two sides are regarded as bordering neighbors.

Not only do they have a lot of exchanges, but there must be some lurking spies and the like on each other's side.

If the Shuangfeng star area knows that the Cloud City is about to come to the four-pointed star area, it will definitely cause an uproar.

The four-pointed star area is not sure that it can block the cloud city, and the Shuangfeng star area is also not an opponent of the cloud city.

In fact, even if all the forces in the two major star regions were concentrated, they would never want to repel Yunzhong City.

If the monks in Yunzhong City conquered the four-pointed star area and are still unsatisfied, they continue to send an army of monks through the wormhole passage to invade the double peak star area, what should be done?

In order to prevent the Twin Peaks region first destroy the wormhole channel connecting the two major regions?

This kind of innate wormhole channel is often very rare and precious.

Wormhole tunnels made by the day after tomorrow are not only costly, but also generally have some defects.

Before the monks in the cloud city invaded, the high-levels of the Shuangfeng star area might have difficulty making up their minds to destroy this wormhole passage.

Meng Zhang has spent so many years in the Shuangfeng star area, and he has some understanding of the mentality of his senior management.

These guys, like all the cultivators, are profit-seeking and insatiable people.

In addition to the Taoist practitioners, there are also practitioners of other systems such as Shinto monks and Confucian monks. When facing benefits, they are all the same.

The arrival of Yunzhong City in the four-pointed star area is a huge catastrophe for the four-pointed star area.

But for the Shuangfeng star area, it is a golden opportunity of a lifetime.

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