The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: Speak bluntly

Xingyun Jianzong does not care about the outside world for the time being. Inside the sect, it still maintains the ancient tradition.

Swordsman who has accepted the inheritance of the sect of swordsmanship is the true core of the sect.

It can even be said that only a few sword repairmen are the real descendants of the Nebula Sword Sect. Cultivators of other systems are essentially just servants serving these swordsmen.

Of course, although the number of sword repairers is small, as long as the overwhelming repair base and combat effectiveness are maintained, the inside of the sect can barely maintain stability.

However, in recent years, the sword repairs of the descendants of the Nebula Sword Sect have gradually withered, and inheritance has become more and more difficult.

A few sword repairmen just barely accepted the kendo inheritance of the sect, far from saying how powerful they are.

Of course, there is also a part of the reason for this, because these sword repairs of the direct line haven't fully grown up.

On the contrary, the cultivators of other systems of the sect are more powerful in comparison, showing a greater advantage.

Under this situation, the sword repairs within the sect cannot suppress the practitioners of other systems at all.

Once the strong and the weak are transposed, the cultivators of other systems who occupy the vast majority within the sect will be reluctant to accept the status quo.

Why should they be desperately working outside? The resources they desperately seized were used to support just a few sword repairmen.

The strength of these sword repairmen was average, and they had no contribution to the sect at all, so they only knew how to get them.

Such a state lasted for a long time, and the hearts of the sect naturally dispersed.

If it hadn't been forcibly maintained by the ancestor Yun, Sword Sect of Nebula might have split due to internal fighting.

When the ancestor Yun was there, it was enough to coerce the entire sect.

But his lifespan was about to run out, and he was about to sit down, and the various contradictions in the door could no longer be suppressed, and they were exposed one after another.

It is conceivable that the day he sat down was the day when Sword Sect Nebula completely fell apart.

The ancestor Yun sat there without saying a word, but he was inexplicably sad and angry.

He really couldn't accept that the famous Sword Sect of Nebula in the past has fallen into the field as it is today.

Even if the soul returned to Jiuquan, the obsession in his heart could not die.

For so many years, he has worked hard to maintain the Nebula Sword Sect.

Although the ancestor Yun himself was not a managerial talent, and he spent most of his time in retreat in recent years, and did not personally participate in the operation of the sect, but the sect was on the verge of extinction. He felt that he was sinful and he was really shameless to face the ancestors of the Sword Sect of Nebula. Lezong.

The ancestor Yun, who was complaining about himself, suddenly changed his face, and could no longer conceal the shock in his heart.

A veteran monk like him naturally understands the principle of being prepared for danger in times of peace, and has long left a way for the sect.

When the sect was facing a crisis, he had already made detailed arrangements for the sword repair seeds in the sect.

Jian Xiu Seed secretly left the Nebula Sword Sect and hid it in a safe place.

But just now, Ancestor Yun sensed the restriction he had left on the seed of Jian Xiu, and it disappeared completely.

Needless to say, this must have happened to Jian Xiu Seeds.

Things happened so quickly that Old Ancestor Yun couldn't react in time.

Even if he wanted to go to the rescue, it was too late.

He sensed his own physical state and couldn't help but smile again and again.

He is sitting here just barely maintaining, as long as he moves, I am afraid that the final vitality will not be maintained.

Why did the sword repair seed happen and how was it exposed?

At the thought of this, Ancestor Yun felt a chill in his heart.

The arrangement of the sword repair seed is the top secret in the door, and it is made by the ancestor Yun himself.

Few of the sects knew about this, and they were all the most trusted confidants of the ancestor Yun.

But now, something happened.

Is this because his cronies have betrayed him, or is the enemy's magical powers discovering what he has left behind?

For the ancestor Yun, the most important thing about the Sword Sect of Nebula is the inheritance of his kendo.

As a last resort, the entire Nebula Sword Sect can be sacrificed, but the kendo inheritance must be preserved.

However, judging from the current situation, his bottom line cannot be maintained.

Although Old Ancestor Yun arranged other back players, some of them have been destroyed by the enemy, and other back players may not be able to keep them.

The kendo inheritance of Xingyun Jianzong is the belief of the ancestor Yun, and it is what he cares most about.

Now that the back hand he arranged is facing a serious crisis, but he is powerless, Ancestor Yun feels that life is better than death in his heart, and he feels frustrated.

With that, his will to survive was greatly reduced, and even his vitality became weaker.

Standing outside the martial hall, Meng Zhang hesitated a little.

Although he didn't know what was going on inside, he sensed that Old Ancestor Yun's situation was even worse.

There is not much time left for him, and he must make a decision early.

Meng Zhang, who had made up his mind, no longer hesitated, and immediately began to act.

Meng Zhang released a divine mind and sent some information into the martial hall in front of him.

Ancestor Yun was slightly taken aback when he sensed Meng Zhang's spiritual thoughts.

If it is usual, he may not care much about this matter.

But now both he and the entire Sword Sect of Nebula are at the last juncture, almost in desperation.

Facing the life-saving straw thrown by Meng Zhang, even if he didn't believe it, he couldn't ignore it.

Ancestor Yun waved his hand and let the group of guys kneeling in front of him leave.

Although Patriarch Yun was dying, he would be killed at any time. But as long as he was still there, no one at the top of the sect would dare to despise him, and no one would dare to disobey him face to face.

The senior members of the Sword Sect Nebula quickly disappeared without a trace.

Meng Zhang appeared silently in the martial hall.

Ancestor Yun looked up at Meng Zhang.

"The old man has received your message. But what do you have to do to make the old man believe you?"

Facing the dying ancestor Yun, Meng Zhang did not deceive each other with lies, but bluntly told each other.

In the message sent just Meng Zhang honestly told Mr. Yun about his origin and purpose.

Meng Zhang needs this vest from the birth of Jianzong Nebula.

In exchange, he can help Sword Sect Nebula survive the current crisis, and can help Sword Sect Nebula continue to survive.

Meng Zhang believes that his own requirements are not high, and the rewards given are beyond the reach of others.

Meng Zhang has the profound inheritance of the Taiyi Sect, so he doesn't covet everything about the Sword Sect of Nebula at all.

He is an outsider, and his purpose is to leave here and return to Jun Chen Realm.

Therefore, he will not stay in the Nebula Sword Sect forever.

When the situation of Sword Sect Nebula improves and he has the ability to survive independently, he will take the initiative to leave, and it will not affect the inheritance of Sword Nebula at all.

With these kinds of favorable conditions, you get a lot and pay very little. As long as you are smart, you know how to choose.

In fact, Patriarch Yun, who had nowhere to go, seemed to have no other choice.

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