The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1869: Check

In the vast area behind the martial hall, there is a courtyard. On weekdays, except for a few people such as Yun Laozu, no one else is qualified to approach here.

   Just as Meng Zhang walked in, the three boys who had been waiting for a long time greeted him together.

   The three boys, two men and one woman, are actually the seeds of sword repair carefully collected by the ancestor Yun.

   For so many years, the ancestor Yun has spent a lot of time and energy collecting disciples who have a talent for kendo practice and training them as seed disciples.

   After being seriously injured and knowing that the Nebula Sword Sect was difficult to survive, Old Ancestor Yun sent these seed disciples out in batches.

   is given priority to, naturally, the ancestor Yun is the most optimistic.

   The three boys in front of them had the lowest cultivation level and the worst aptitude, so they were left until the end.

   Judging from the development of the situation, it may be their luck that they did not have time to be sent away.

   Meng Zhang saw the actions of the three boys and knew that they wanted to know the situation of Old Ancestor Yun.

   Being taken by the ancestor Yun for many years, they had already established a deep relationship with the ancestor Yun and regarded it as their only support.

   He was mulling his words, a man and a woman, two Jindan real men came from behind.

   These two Jindan real persons are Yunxia and Yunyou. Both of them are blood descendants of Old Ancestor Yun, and they have always been trusted by Old Ancestor Yun the most.

   For many years, they have been waiters and personal butlers by Mr. Yun, helping to take care of Mr. Yun's various personal affairs.

  Meng Zhang is not the ancestor of Yun, and he does not have any special trust in them because of their identity.

   On the contrary, Meng Zhang is full of doubts about everyone in the door, including them.

   The two had also attended the party on the square before, and they naturally knew what had happened.

   They came just right, and Meng Zhang asked them to comfort the three boys.

   Meng Zhang himself entered the quiet room of Old Ancestor Yun.

   Meng Zhang gestured with both hands in the air, and said a few spells.

   There was a gap in the empty front, revealing a hidden and independent space.

  Various high-end resources collected by the ancestor Yun are all stored in it.

   Before the battle, the ancestor Yun, who knew he would not be able to return, put all the items in the magical instruments on his body.

   Meng Zhang checked it a little, and the level of the items here is much higher than that of the Nebula Sword Sect's large library collection.

   Jade Ching Ching, some treasures of heaven and earth that can be used by the power of returning to the emptiness, many precious classics...

   Except for the gold medal they used when they took the oath, everything in it was given to Meng Zhang by the ancestor Yun as a reward.

   Such a generous reward, of course, is not given in vain. Next, Meng Zhang needs a good life to play for the Nebula Sword Sect for some years.

   After checking the objects in these independent spaces, Meng Zhang didn't use them for the time being.

   He told Real Person Yunxia and Real Person Yunyou that he would retreat and cultivate for a period of time. If nothing major happens, don't come over and disturb him easily.

  Meng Zhang's style is similar to that of Old Ancestor Yun. Most of the time, he spends his time in a quiet room and seldom talks about the specific affairs of the sect.

   After Meng Zhang opened the protective prohibition outside the quiet room, even real person Yunxia and real person Yunyou could not enter.

   The two of them protected Meng Zhang outside the quiet room in accordance with the custom of serving the ancestor Yun.

  Meng Zhangming said it was a retreat, but he quietly left the quiet room and came outside silently.

   Meng Zhang took a look at the situation of the Nebula Sword Sect, and it was relatively stable for the time being, indicating that True Monarch Shunyi and the others were quite capable of doing things.

  Meng Zhang and Old Ancestor Yun just showed their power, even though Old Ancestor Yun has passed away, but Meng Zhang is still there, no one should dare to provoke them for the time being.

   As for the panic in the door, it was temporarily calmed down.

   At the very least, in a short period of time, no one dared to defect publicly.

   Meng Zhang didn't stay too much, so he concealed his figure and left the Nebula Sword Sect secretly.

   Next, Meng Zhang began to run around.

   Previously, Ancestor Yun secretly placed a bunch of sword repair seeds in the door and placed them in various places in the dust world.

   These sword repair seeds are incognito, completely concealing their origins, and they are hidden in several places under the elite guards of the door that the ancestor Yun trusts most.

  The ancestor Yun left a restriction on these sword repair seeds.

   Once they have an accident, Old Ancestor Yun will feel it.

   There was an accident before, and the ancestor Yun was touched, and he began to suspect the cronies in the door.

   If it wasn't for the arrangement of the back hand to have a problem, the ancestor Yun would probably not reach an agreement with Meng Zhang so easily.

   Now Meng Zhang rushed to the resettlement locations according to the previous confession of the ancestor Yun.

   The ancestor Yun's guess was true, and it did not go beyond Meng Zhang's expectations.

   When Meng Zhang felt it, these resettlement sites had all turned into white ground, and only some fragments of limbs remained.

   The attacker did not conceal these traces, and was obviously preparing to use this to frighten the monks of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   Meng Zhang sighed. The accident with these sword repair seeds not only depleted the vitality of the Nebula Sword Sect, but also destroyed the hope of revival of the Sect.

   This group of enemies against the Nebula Sword Sect acted decisively, and they had accurate intelligence cooperation.

   No matter how well the sword repair seeds of the Nebula Sword Sect were hidden, they could not escape their search and attack.

Among these sword repair seeds, the best one is hidden in Baishi City with a false Baishi City, as the largest commercial center in the lime earth world, is safe and secure on weekdays. The official Fighting in the city is strictly forbidden.

   The sword repair seeds of the Nebula Sword Sect are hidden among many residents, and it feels quite hidden in the city.

  The White Rock City official has always been neutral, and rarely mixes with the fights between other forces in the dust world.

   If outsiders do anything here, they will soon be stopped by official forces.

   But when Meng Zhang rushed to Baishicheng, almost half of the street where the sword repair seeds were hidden was completely turned into white ground.

   In his sense, there is already no life here.

   The official monk of White Rock City is still interrogating around, looking like he is pursuing the matter strictly.

  As a clever celestial clerk, when he came to the scene of the incident, even if he did not perform celestial secret deductions, only relying on his keen sense of spirit, Meng Zhang could sense the general situation.

   Those hidden sword repair seeds have all suffered misfortune.

   There was a hunch in his heart for a long time, and Meng Zhang also specially ran such a trip, but it was just a matter of obedience to the fate.

   Now that he saw the situation with his own eyes, Meng Zhang no longer had any fluke mentality in his heart.

   All the back players arranged in advance by the ancestor Yun seemed to have been seen through and cracked by the enemy.

   Losing these carefully selected and carefully cultivated sword repair seeds for many years, the Nebula Sword Sect has almost lost all the back roads and has no future at all.

  The enemy who had put their hands on it hit the point of Nebula Sword Sect at once.

   If it weren't for Meng Zhang's sudden appearance, the Sword Sect of Nebula would really be over.

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