The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1873: exposure

The reason Shunyi Zhenjun asked Meng Zhang for help was because the current situation of Jianzong Nebula was very poor.

   Only Meng Zhang, the ancestor of returning to the void, can solve the problem.

   It is a pity that Meng Zhang is not the true ancestor of Sword Sect Nebula, and has no affection for Sword Nebula Sect.

   Meng Zhang didn't rush to solve the problem, but planned to delay it for a while.

  No one, including True Monarch Shunyi, dared to urge Meng Zhang.

  Everyone can only wait and wait for Meng Zhang's actions.

   Although the Sword Sect of the Nebula is almost in a blocked state, communication with the outside world is not smooth.

   But some basic news channels are still reserved.

   At this moment, an earth-shattering news finally reached the Nebula Sword Sect, and it spread throughout the dust world.

   It is said that Yunzhong City is about to descend on the four-pointed star area.

   The high-level gang in the four-pointed star area are already preparing to escape.

   The dust world is located on the edge of the four-pointed star area. It seems to be independent of the four-pointed star area, but in fact it is inseparable from the four-pointed star area.

   If there is no secret connection with the four big worlds in the four-pointed star area, the major comprehension forces in the dust world would simply not exist.

   Now that I heard the news that the Cloud City is about to come, and the four-corner star district's high-level leaders are preparing to run away, the entire dusty world has become panicked and chaotic.

  The major powers of cultivation are looking for ways. Want to figure out what's going on?

   These are just rumors, or are they true?

   Of course, these rumors are so vivid that they have noses and eyes, and they can't be purely fictitious.

   There can be no waves without wind, and rumors may not be unreasonable.

  If the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area are really ready to escape, how will their cultivating powers in the dusty world deal with themselves?

   Many comprehension forces in the dust world have a disconnected relationship with the four worlds of the four-pointed star area.

   Even, some forces are simply chess pieces arranged by the cultivation forces of the four big worlds.

   The high-level members of the four-pointed star area want to escape, do they just leave them alone?

  Also, if the seniors in the four-pointed star area want to escape, there should always be a goal, right?


   A series of questions turned the whole dust world upside down.

   At this time, even the cultivators of the Sword Sect of Nebula did not pay attention to the various problems faced by the sect, but instead focused on this matter.

   Even Meng Zhang, who was in retreat, received the news.

   Meng Zhang learned the news shortly after arriving in the dust world.

   He had already guessed that this news could not be kept secret, it would spread sooner or later.

   However, the news spread at this moment, which was still a bit unexpected.

   The wormhole passage that the four-cornered star district is preparing to build has not yet started.

   Building such a wormhole passage requires a lot of manpower and material resources, which is a very huge project.

  Under this situation, it is best to keep the four-pointed star area stable so as not to affect the construction of the passage.

   The news spread so quickly, it is very unfavorable for the senior leaders of the four-corner star area.

   As for who spread the news, Meng Zhang has no clue.

   Of course, this news spread, and it is not without benefit to the Nebula Sword Sect.

   In the face of major events that concern the entire four-pointed star area, those forces that had previously looked at the Sword Sect Nebula before, now have to divert their attention and pay attention to this issue first.

   To a certain extent, the Sword Sect of Nebula was a respite.

  Originally, the senior officials of the Sword Sect Nebula always felt that they were near the station, with a lot of malicious gazes, peeping in the dark.

   There are even a lot of cultivators wandering around, and they don’t even bother to hide their deeds.

   Under this situation, let alone the ordinary monks of the Sword Sect of Nebula, even the middle and high-level sects dare not go out alone for fear of encountering an ambush by the enemy.

  This situation has no effect on Meng Zhang, the ancestor of returning to the Void, and he doesn't bother to disperse the peepers around him.

   In Meng Zhang's view, trapping the monks of the Sword Sect of Nebula in the residence actually has another advantage, at least affecting them secretly colluding with outsiders.

   Now that the cultivating monks outside have retreated, the monks of the Sword Sect Nebula began to resume their normal activities.

   Shunyi Zhenjun, the head of general affairs, is still somewhat capable.

   Taking advantage of the lifting of the blockade around the Nebula Sword Sect, he began to work hard to restore the trade route and exchange information with other cultivation forces.

   After more than two months of this, new news finally came from inside the four-pointed star area.

   The news that the cloud city is about to come is indeed true. The wormhole passage that the four-corner star district seniors announced before is the planned retreat.

   As long as the wormhole passage is successfully constructed, everyone can escape through the wormhole passage and escape to the distance, avoiding Yunzhong City.

   The news that the senior leaders of the Four Corners Star District are preparing to build a wormhole tunnel has long spread.

   Judging from the current news, the four-corner star district seniors did not lie this time, and they have really arranged a way out.

  Actually, the information about the impending arrival of Cloud City is strictly confidential in the four big worlds within the four-pointed star area.

   The sudden spread of the news caused a lot of chaos not only in the dust world, but even in the four big worlds within the four-pointed star area.

   With the announcement of the information about the retreat by the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District, the people's minds calmed down a little bit.

  Originally, once Cloud City came, it would be a battle or a fall, and it would not be the turn of ordinary monks to call the Now that the four-corner star district high-level officials announced the migration plan, everyone can rely on it.

   And according to the high-level leaders of the Four-Pointed Star District, the time when the Cloud City will arrive, at least two to three hundred years later, there is still enough time for everyone to prepare for the migration.

   Soon after, the senior officials of the four-pointed star area publicly announced that they would invest the power of the entire star area to start building the wormhole channel.

   Next, the senior executives of the four-pointed star area will release a series of tasks to encourage everyone to actively participate in the construction work.

   Everyone contributes richly and powerfully.

  Those who make contributions will receive great rewards.

   Outstanding performance, even being able to be met by real immortals in person.

   After the wormhole passage is successfully constructed, the order of withdrawal through the passage will be arranged according to the contributions made by the various forces.

   With the announcement of various measures, the entire four-pointed star area was mobilized and devoted all efforts to the construction of the wormhole passage.

   The place where the upper level of the four-pointed star area chose to build the wormhole passage is in the void outside the four-pointed star area.

   There is a long distance from the dust world, and most of it is separated by a four-pointed star area.

   Although the dust world has been drifting outside the four-pointed star area, the four-pointed star area has never forgotten this place.

   Soon, the senior officials of the Four-Pointed Star District assigned the heavy task of collecting materials to the entire dust world.

   Several big forces headed by White Rock City called on all the comprehension forces in the entire dust world to mobilize, actively collect materials, complete the tasks assigned by the top of the four-pointed star area, and ensure that the wormhole passage is completed as soon as possible.

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