The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1875: Deep underground

True Monarch Shunyi, as the head of the Nebula Sword Sect's general affairs, is considered a high authority. But the elders are not willing to take risks, and he is not willing to commit public anger and offend too many people.

   In desperation, True Monarch Shunyi had to turn in the contradiction, and once again asked Meng Zhang to be the master.

   Meng Zhang has been in retreat since he came back last time.

   There are enough resources, and the environment here is also good. Meng Zhang can be considered a rare time for peace of mind.

   For him, as long as the Nebula Sword Sect can survive, he will not be bothered to bother.

   But what Shunyi Zhenjun reported this time is really too important.

   The exhaustion of the spiritual energy of the fourth-order spiritual veins directly affected the foundation of the Nebula Sword Sect.

   Meng Zhang thought for a while, and felt that he had taken so many benefits from the ancestor Yun, and he should try his best.

   Meng Zhang heard all the information about the fourth-order spiritual veins from True Monarch Shunyi, especially focusing on the underground situation.

   Even if Meng Zhang wanted to help, he would not act rashly.

   In the dust world, there are too many dangers, enough to threaten the power of returning to the void.

   If Meng Zhang thought that he could do anything recklessly in the dust world with his own cultivation base, he would definitely die miserably.

   Fortunately, Meng Zhang always has a clear understanding, never carelessly.

   Most of the necromancers in the dust world have strong regional concepts and have been active in fixed areas for a long time.

   The location of the Nebula Sword Sect was not randomly selected by the way.

   When Nebula Sword Sect left the inner world of the four-pointed star area and fell into the dust world, the ancestor Yun spent a lot of energy before choosing his current location.

   With the eyes of the ancestor Yun, if there is a deadly strong underground in the resident, it is impossible for him to fail to find out.

   And in these years, Old Ancestor Yun has been sitting in the sect and rarely leaves.

   If a necromancer sneaks in from the ground, he can't be ignorant.

   Of course, since the last time Old Ancestor Yun was injured, his abilities in all aspects were greatly affected.

   If within this period of time, if there is a strong necromancer migrating to the nearby underground, it is indeed possible to hide it from his eyes and ears.

   Meng Zhang guessed that in the underground of the Sword Sect of Nebula, there are at most some ordinary death moves.

   If there were really strong enough necromancers, they would have killed the Nebula Sword Sect residence above.

   The dead have a deep hatred of the living, and they desperately desire the fresh flesh and blood of the living.

   This is the nature of the dead, very difficult to overcome.

   Since Meng Zhang entered the Void Rebirth Period, as long as the cultivation resources are sufficient, the progress of the cultivation base will still be rapid, and the progress will be extremely rapid.

   In the void battlefield outside the Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang panicked and almost lost his way in the anti-space in order to avoid the great demon at the level of heaven and earth, and finally fell into the distant void.

  If he changed to the present, even if he couldn't match the big monster, his performance would not be that bad.

   At least be able to fight each other for a while, then look for opportunities to escape.

   The rapid progress of cultivation base gave Meng Zhang strong confidence.

   He decided to go deep underground to see what was going on.

   As for the performance of the gang of Yuanshen Zhenjun of Sword Sect Nebula, greedy for life, fear of death, and cringe, Meng Zhang is very annoyed.

   If these guys were Taiyimen disciples, he would rather slap them to death than leave them embarrassing.

   These guys are always outsiders to Meng Zhang.

  If Old Ancestor Yun knew about it, I'm afraid he would jump up with anger.

   Whether they are fighting or not, Meng Zhang doesn't bother to care about it.

   Meng Zhang agreed to Zhenjun Shunyi's request and was willing to explore the underground.

   At the same time, he also casually complained a few words, the high-ranking gang of Jianzong Nebula is too useless, it is no different from waste.

   Meng Zhang didn't care about Shunyi Zhenjun's sincere fear.

   He left as he said, and immediately began to act.

   The core of this man-made fourth-order spiritual vein is a deep well with no bottom.

   If the spirit channel is functioning normally, there will be a steady stream of aura coming out of it.

   Now, this fourth-order spiritual vein seems to be exhausted, and there is no spiritual energy in it.

  Meng Zhang came here, and just glanced at it, and knew that True Monarch Shunyi was right, and the spiritual vein was cut off underground.

   As for the spiritual vein itself, or it was caused by external forces, I had to explore it in depth to find out.

  Since Meng Zhang came here, the monks of the Sword Sect of Nebula who were guarding the spirit veins all knelt on the ground one by one, not even daring to get out of the atmosphere.

   Meng Zhang felt annoyed when he saw the **** monks of Jianzong Nebula.

   He didn't care about these guys, so he immediately began to use the technique of earth escape and flee towards the bottom of the earth.

   In the beginning, Meng Zhang's escape went very smoothly.

   All the earth and rocks in front of him were drained away like water, allowing him to easily enter the depths below the ground.

   After reaching this depth, the more you dived, the more difficult it became, and the greater and greater resistance began to appear.

  Due to heavy damage to the dust world, the rules of heaven and earth in many places have become disordered.

   In the depths of the ground dominated by the original native power, other powers appeared.

   Waves rushed between the earth and rocks, the hot flames floated on the water, and the golden knives danced everywhere...

   The monk simply relied on the technique of earth escape, and could not dive too deep underground.

   Too many alien powers will interfere with the art of earth escape.

Meng Zhang’s power of returning to the void can easily mobilize the power of the Great Dao, but it is not affected by these Meng Zhang can clearly see that a deep channel leads from the underground to the spirit above. pulse.

   He followed the direction of the pipe and continued to dive down.

After    dived more than a thousand feet, the ground was filled with icy yin.

   Some phantoms, if there is nothing, appear among the earth and rocks by the yin.

   These are all impenetrable ghosts, without the ability to directly harm the monks, they all rely on triggering the monks' hallucinations and hurting the monks' minds.

   Meng Zhang had known for a long time that the boundary between the underworld in the depths of the dust world was broken, and the gap between the underworld and the sun became blurred.

   The underground of the dust world has long become a paradise for the dead.

   Once you enter the depths of the dust world, you are likely to encounter a large number of undead. Even the emergence of a strong necromancer is normal.

   But he felt a strong yin in such a place with his own eyes, and discovered the existence of ghosts, Meng Zhang was still a little surprised.

   Meng Zhang did not care about the changes in the external environment, and continued to dive down.

   As far as he knows, the will of heaven in the dust world has long been broken up by the fairies.

   In other words, there has been no heaven in the dust world, and naturally there is no such thing as heaven and punishment.

   Even if Meng Zhang directly enters the underworld of the dust world, it will not cause the backlash of the rules of heaven.

   In Junchen Realm, after he enters the Void Return Period, he dare not enter the underworld.

   But in the dust world, he has no scruples in this regard.

   As Meng Zhang dived deeper and deeper into the ground, the Yin Qi became stronger, and more and more ghosts appeared and became stronger and stronger.

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