The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: arrange

Mu Xingtong and Meng Zhang exchanged their thoughts.

After Mu Xingtong tracked down this incident, he has not gained anything. The Lengshan Temple disciples participated in the siege of her this time, which provided her with new ideas.

If you start investigating this matter from Lengshan Temple, you might gain something.

In addition, Mu Xingtong is also selfish.

Although I don't know why Lengshan Temple has always been malicious towards Sword Sect of Nebula, Mu Xingtong may be able to find the reason through investigation this time.

Lengshan Temple is a very powerful enemy to the Sword Sect of Nebula.

However, once it has something to do with the destruction of the wormhole construction, it will definitely face the anger of the senior leaders in the four-pointed star area.

At that time, no matter how strong Lengshan Temple is, it will not escape the danger of overthrowing.

After hearing what Mu Xingtong said, Meng Zhang felt that Mu Xingtong was still too young.

If he were replaced by him to preside over this matter, even if Lengshan Temple had nothing to do with the attack on the flying boat team, he would be able to forcibly involve them together, borrowing the power of the four-pointed star area to clean it up.

Since we are investigating Lengshan Temple, we must consider how to proceed.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong alone cannot help Lengshan Temple.

This time, many big forces in the four-pointed star area sent monks to investigate the matter.

Between them, there is both a cooperative side and a competitive side.

In order to obtain enough merits, Mu Xingtong is reluctant to share the information he has with others.

In this regard, Meng Zhang has no objection.

After the death of Old Ancestor Yun, his magic weapon series flying sword has been kept by Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang would not covet this flying sword.

Now that he met Mu Xingtong, Meng Zhang handed over the flying sword to her.

A flying sword with a magic weapon series, even a lot of Void-Returning abilities will participate in the competition. Meng Zhang took it out so quickly, he didn't mean to be greedy for ink at all, so Mu Xingtong admired him.

For Mu Xingtong, this is not only the relic of the ancestor Yun, but also a treasure of the inheritance of the sword sect of Nebula.

Mu Xingtong's current cultivation level was temporarily unable to impose this flying sword, so she put it away.

Meng Zhang thought about how to trace the clues, and he probably had an idea in his mind.

Before the action, Meng Zhang returned to the Sword Sect of Nebula.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base, he left and returned here in secret, and no one else in the sect knew anything.

Meng Zhang visited the resident of the Nebula Sword Sect and checked carefully. There were indeed no outstanding characters in it.

In the entire Nebula Sword Sect, only the three boys serving as waiters could barely enter Meng Zhang's eyes.

They are young and simple in mind, and Meng Zhang can easily see through everything in their hearts.

Meng Zhang put a lot of energy into it, and it can be completely confirmed that there is no problem with these three boys.

The rest of the people, whether they are Shunyi Zhenjun, the head of general affairs, or other middle and high-level people, in the eyes of Meng Zhang, are a group of untrustworthy rice buckets.

Meng Zhang greeted the three boys and put them into his mustard space.

Meng Zhang's mustard space occupies a large area, and it can be filled with many things.

After many upgrades, not only can the living creatures continue to survive in the mustard seed space, there are also so few faint auras.

The cultivation of the three boys was meager, and to Meng Zhang's daily practice, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

In addition, Meng Zhang didn't mean to bring other people from the Nebula Sword Sect.

Although Meng Zhang had such talented and supernatural powers as his Xintong, it was difficult for him to read the thoughts of those high-ranking monks who had practiced the secret method of locking the heart, or had arrangements left behind by experts.

Especially in the dusty world where there are a lot of powers of returning to the void, no one knows how many methods can be used to resist the magical powers of mind reading.

If you count ghost cultivation and demonic cultivation, then there are even more secretive methods.

Even Meng Zhang, who has had many dealings with Mo Xiu, couldn't say that he would be able to easily see through all the secrets of Mo Xiu.

Meng Zhang didn't have so much energy and time to slowly identify every cultivator of the Nebula Sword Sect.

Therefore, before Meng Zhang was not in a hurry to investigate the insiders in the Nebula Sword Sect.

He originally wanted to prepare himself a little bit, and when the time was right, he would slowly look for the traitor.

Now that he agrees with Mu Xingtong's opinion and wants to abandon the entire Nebula Sword Sect, the question of not being raped is no longer important, and Meng Zhang is too lazy to work hard.

Anyway, Jianzong Nebula is an abandoned son, so let the spies of various families slowly toss about.

After doing all this, Meng Zhang summoned Shunyi Zhenjun, the head of general affairs.

Meng Zhang told him that in the next time, he will practice a secret magical power in retreat and cannot be disturbed.

If it's not a matter of life and death for the school, don't bother him.

The various affairs in the gate are mainly handled by the Shunyi True Monarch, and the elders will handle them together.

Meng Zhang has been in retreat for a long time since he took office in the Sword Sect of the Nebula, and rarely involved in foreign affairs.

There is nothing strange about him making such an arrangement now.

In fact, the ancestor Yun back then also acted almost the same style as Meng Zhang, and Jianzong Nebula had long been used to it.

Thanks to Meng Zhang and the ancestor Yun’s last show of supernatural power, and with the lessons learned from Guchi Villa, in a long period of time, not many comprehension forces dared to fight head-on with the Nebula Sword Sect.

This time, Meng Zhang bestowed the power of True Monarch Shunyi's sect. When he was happy, True Monarch Shunyi cautiously asked what to do if an elder in the sect did not obey him due to his cultivation status and status.

Although he has decided to abandon the current Sword Sect of Nebula, Meng Zhang still does not want the Sword of Nebula to collapse immediately.

The Nebula Sword Sect exists for one more day, and it can continue to attract the enemy's attention.

Since he hoped that the Sword Sect of Nebula would continue to operate, True Monarch Shunyi had to play a greater role.

Meng Zhang summoned all the high-levels in the door in front of him, and showed the momentum of returning to the to teach everyone a lesson.

Meng Zhang reiterated his order once again, emphasizing the status of True Monarch Shunyi.

The deterrence of returning to the virtual power is still somewhat effective.

After Meng Zhang's deterrence, at least in a short period of time, no one in the door should dare to challenge the authority of True Monarch Shunyi.

After arranging everything in the door, Meng Zhang returned to the closed quiet room.

In addition to the original prohibition, he also took out some materials again and imposed some prohibitions.

In this way, even True Monarch Yuanshen would have difficulty breaking the restrictions outside and forcibly breaking into the quiet room.

Zhenren Yunxia and Zhenren Yunyou are blood relatives of Patriarch Yun, and they have always been trusted and valued by Patriarch Yun.

In addition to listening and using them in front of Ancestor Yun, they also helped Ancestor Yun take care of various personal affairs, guarding the quiet room of Ancestor Yun's retreat and so on.

Meng Zhang didn't trust them like Old Ancestor Yun, and he didn't want them to stay around the quiet room all the time.

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