The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1903: Initial consummation

The two enemies of Jianzong Xingyun and Guchi Villa were on the road together, and they were accompanied on Huangquan Road.

I just don't know whether the grievances between them have completely ended?

Meng Zhang thought about himself mockingly.

Leaving the area where Guchi Villa was located, Meng Zhang continued to search for other towns and cultivation forces, trying to obtain the latest information and understand what had happened over the years.

Meng Zhang made a big circle around the surrounding area, but he didn't find the slightest amount of people.

The original towns and the like were basically turned into ruins.

During this process, Meng Zhang was also repeatedly attacked by ghosts and monsters.

Although it is still broad daylight, all kinds of cruel ghosts are everywhere.

As long as Meng Zhang flies a little shorter, there will be a large number of ghosts pouring in from all directions.

These ghosts looked muddled, but they were extremely cruel.

As long as he smelled the aura of a living person, regardless of the huge gap between the strengths of the two sides, he threw himself forward, vowing to drown Meng Zhang.

In the ghost group, there are also many kinds of monsters hidden.

These monsters are more ferocious and cunning than ghosts.

On weekdays, perhaps these monsters also feed on ghosts.

After discovering Meng Zhang's more delicious food, the monsters drove the ghosts to besiege, and they also secretly attacked.

Meng Zhang is no longer considered a weak person in the power of returning to the void.

During these years, he was trapped in the origin of the world of dust, encountered many dangers, and experienced countless sufferings.

However, he did not experience these dangers and sufferings in vain.

In the heaven and earth origin of the dust world, he has the opportunity to absorb many rare special auras from the outside world, and even directly absorb the essence of the heaven and earth origin of the dust world.

These resources surpass countless treasures of heaven, material and earth, and are of great help to Meng Zhang's cultivation.

Meng Zhang not only made great progress in his cultivation, but also made great progress in various divine channel techniques.

In the violent world of the dust world, he fully felt the bottom rules of the dust world.

On top of the understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it is simply advancing by leaps and bounds.

The return period is divided into three levels, which are generally divided into early, middle, and late stages.

The first realm is to continue to grow the Yang Shen, to accumulate the source, and to deepen the understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

After the first realm is completed, you can practice the world and the world and enter the second realm.

In the Junchen Realm, the second stage of the Void Return Period, which is the middle of the Void Return Phase, is a rare and powerful person who has cultivated the Void Returning Power of the Heaven and Earth Elements.

Meng Zhang was in the void battlefield outside the Junchen realm, only to avoid a great demon of this realm, so that he would fall into the void.

As for the third stage of the return period, which is the late return period, it is only one step away from becoming a fairy.

The cultivation world often refers to the monks in the rebirth period as Xuxian.

In fact, only monks in the late stage of Returning Void are truly qualified to exist as half immortals.

Among the people in Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang knew only a few people like King Snow Sword and Supreme Heavenly Thunder.

Meng Zhang's cultivation in the first stage of the Void Return Period is almost complete, and he can begin to condense the Heaven and Earth Dharma Phases at any time and enter the mid-Void Return Period.

However, Meng Zhang's practice content recorded in the Taiyi Sect Inheritance Booklet almost ended here.

The methods of condensing heaven and earth are all secrets and top-level inheritances of various sects.

The law of heaven and earth is very important relative to the power of returning to the void.

The different aspects of heaven and earth are not only related to the future path, but the fighting power is even more different.

If there is no corresponding method to forcefully condense the heaven and earth elements, not only the chance of success is extremely low, but it is also difficult to condense the heaven and earth elements that suit you best.

In the inheritance left by the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, there was no method of condensing the heaven and earth.

Meng Zhang has been in the realm of cultivation for many years and has not obtained the corresponding method.

It was not until several decades ago that he and the ancestor Yun agreed to preserve the inheritance of the sword sect, and he obtained part of the secret code of the inheritance of the sword sect from the ancestor Yun.

Among these secret scriptures, there are methods that condense the elements of heaven and earth, but they are not suitable for Meng Zhang.

Although Meng Zhang has an extraordinary talent for kendo, he also likes to study kendo, but after all, he is a practitioner, and a practitioner who specializes in Yin-Yang Dao.

If he wants to condense the heaven and earth in the future, it is best to be related to Yin Yang Dao.

And the kendo secret book given to him by the ancestor Yun contained a very special kendo technique, which was not suitable for Meng Zhang at all.

If Meng Zhang practiced according to this method forcibly, the chance of success would be extremely low, and he might cut off his path in the future.

As for the inheritance of Dharma cultivation practiced by the most people in the Nebula Sword Sect, it is too inferior in the eyes of Meng Zhang, and it is far inferior to the inheritance of Taiyi Sect, let alone the method of condensing the heavens and the earth.

For this problem, Meng Zhang is not without a solution.

The last treasure house left by Taiyi Sect in its heyday was hidden in the void outside the Junchen Realm.

He can only come into contact with that treasure if he returns to the vicinity of Junchen Realm.

Based on past experience, that treasure can probably meet his requirements.

In the past, Meng Zhang could not be cultivated, and he did not dare to rush into the dangerous void.

Now, not only has his training in the early stage of returning to the Void be completed soon, but he has also been wandering in the void for many years, accumulating a wealth of experience.

As long as he can return to the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located, Meng Zhang has a way to obtain the treasure.

With the completion of the initial stage of returning to the Void, Meng Zhang's heart is very eager to return to the star area where Jun Chen Realm is located.

Meng Zhang has been in the dust world for most of the day, but still no one is found.

And as he wandered in the wilderness longer, he actually attracted more and more ghosts and monsters.

Meng Zhang, who has advanced in strength, is still at ease even in the face of the siege of many enemies.

And he is so fast that he doesn't stay in one place any to keep his family from being surrounded.

After sensing the aura of a Void Returning Level Corpse King in the distance, Meng Zhang suddenly accelerated and fled far away from his original position.

At this time, Meng Zhang was also a little disappointed.

Could it be that there is no human base in the dust world?

Holding the last hope, Meng Zhang flew towards the sky.

He was going to fly beyond the dust world, and then used his magical powers to look down on the entire world, to see if he could find a stronghold for humans.

If he didn't find out in this way, he would have to leave the dust world completely and head to the inside of the four-pointed star area.

The fierce wind is almost everywhere in the high altitude, and the miasma gas is like a cloud layer, covering almost the entire sky.

Because the dust world is too dilapidated, the barrier outside the world has long been riddled with holes and lost its original function.

Meng Zhang easily crossed this barrier and came into the void beyond the dust world.

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