The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1906: population

Mu Xingtong was also regarded as a blessing in disguise, and was transferred from the dust world by the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds, just to avoid a series of changes afterwards.

Otherwise, if she continues to stay in the dust world with her Yang Shen stage cultivation base, she will only have her life as cannon fodder.

With bad luck, after a few big battles, his life should be reimbursed.

Now Mu Xingtong is on the side of the Wormhole Passage, responsible for organizing work related to the migration of major forces.

Meng Zhang felt very relaxed when he heard that there was nothing wrong with Mu Xingtong.

It seemed that the agreement between him and Old Ancestor Yun could continue more easily.

Mu Xingtong is still there, and the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect is still there.

After talking about the current situation of Mu Xingtong, when talking about the situation of Jianzong Nebula, Taoist Yun Bai couldn't help sighing first.

When the ghosts in the dust world rioted, many comprehension forces were destroyed.

Among them, there is the Nebula Sword Sect.

The resident of Sword Sect Nebula was conquered by ghosts, and the creatures inside were almost completely extinct.

When talking about this, Taoist Yun Bai was worried about Meng Zhang's emotions, and softly comforted him a few words, asking him to mourn and change.

With his rebirth ancestor, he can completely rebuild the Nebula Sword Sect.

Although he had agreed with Mu Xingtong that year, he would give up the Nebula Sword Sect.

After visiting the residence of Jianzong Nebula, Meng Zhang also had a certain degree of psychological preparation.

But now that he learned accurate information from Taoist Yun Bai, Meng Zhang still sighed, even a little sad.

After chatting with Taoist Yunbo for a long time, he knew what he should know, and Meng Zhang also had the mind to end the conversation, and wanted to leave here as soon as possible, and return to Junchen Realm through the wormhole passage.

Taoist Yun Bai didn't mean to stop Meng Zhang, but asked Meng Zhang to go with him first so that he could make a registration.

The high-rise wormhole passage in the Four-Pointed Star District was too rushed, so there were some problems.

The main reason is that the wormhole passage is not very stable and its traffic capacity is limited.

The entire four-pointed star area is not considered a mortal, but there are enough cultivators.

In addition, many big forces are working hard to take away the mortals under various autonomy. The monks from all walks of life also have many mortal relatives.

Suddenly, congestion began to appear on the wormhole passage.

Although the senior leaders of the four-pointed star area worked hard to unblock them, they could only ease it, but could not solve it completely.

Fortunately, Meng Zhang is only traveling alone, so it is better to arrange it.

Meng Zhang had no reason to refuse Taoist Yun Bai, and flew far away with him.

The two continued to talk along the way, and Meng Zhang obtained a lot of useful information.

The gang brought out by Taoist Yun Bai did not interrupt their conversation.

In the void beyond the dust world, there are many void warships.

Flying boats of different sizes are constantly cruising around.

Inside, there is a surveillance team sent by the top of the four-pointed star area to monitor the movement of the dust world at all times.

If the enemies on the dust world show signs of rushing out of the void, they must not only warn them in time, but also work hard to stop them.

In addition, a large part of the various powers and their populations that have evacuated from the dust world have not had time to migrate to the inside of the four-pointed star area. They only temporarily reside in the void warship and continue to stay here.

In fact, the order of the various cultivators in the dust world through the wormhole passage is very late.

Taoist Yun Bai brought Meng Zhang to the vicinity of a void battleship.

When approaching this void battleship, Meng Zhang felt a vast consciousness sweeping over him.

A move in Meng Zhang's heart, this vast level of consciousness is far higher than the rebirth period.

If he didn't guess wrong, this is a real immortal level powerhouse, checking him if there is any problem.

Meng Zhang calmly unloaded his defense and let the opponent check.

After a while, Taoist Yun Bai probably received some kind of signal, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Taoist Yun Bai led Meng Zhang into this void battleship.

Now that it has been completely determined that Meng Zhang is okay, and the two can be regarded as old friendships, Taoist Yun Bai also valued Meng Zhang very much.

Now, Taoist Yun Bai decided to take care of him a little bit.

Taoist Yun Bai told Meng Zhang that he would report to him in time.

If there is no accident, Meng Zhang should be able to pass through the wormhole passage smoothly.

Two days later, a void battleship will head to the wormhole tunnel.

Meng Zhang took this void battleship to go there, which can reduce a lot of trouble.

No matter how urgent it was, Meng Zhang accepted Taoist Yunbo's proposal for a couple of days.

Therefore, Meng Zhang temporarily settled on this void battleship.

Dao Yun Bai has a heavy responsibility, so naturally it is impossible to stay with him all the time.

Taoist Yun Bai arranged two young monks of the Golden Core Stage to be responsible for guiding Meng Zhang.

After Taoist Yun Bai left, under the leadership of the two guides, Meng Zhang wandered around the void battleship.

On this void battleship, many human races who migrated from the dust world were temporarily placed.

Many comprehension forces in the dust world perished in the previous great changes.

Among these forces, in addition to a small number of monks in the door, some of the human races they ruled also survived.

No matter what kind of consideration, Liuyun Shengzong and other big powers could not helplessly watch these human races fall into the hands of the enemy.

As far as ghosts and monsters are concerned, the living human race is the first-class resource.

Therefore, before evacuating, the monks from all walks of life worked hard to rescue and relocate the human race, and transferred them to the void battleship outside the Junchen Realm.

Originally, these human races had their own powers of cultivation.

To some extent, they are the private property of their respective cultivation forces.

But now, the cultivation power they belonged to has died out, and they have also become unowned.

In the world of cultivation, population is wealth and a very important resource.

If it were normal, this group of human races would have been divided up by other comprehension forces long ago.

But these comprehension forces who escaped from the dust world themselves can't take care of themselves.

They don't know when they can pass through the wormhole channel and escape the four-pointed star area far away.

They stayed in the Void Battleship for the time being, without any other income, they have been sitting in the sky all the time, and even their family members are almost unable to support them.

If they want to support so many additional people, they can't afford such a heavy burden.

Moreover, the human races in the dust world, due to historical reasons, are basically monks implanted with artificial spiritual roots.

These low-level cultivators have little effect, but their consumption is not small.

If it were in the dust world, the mountain gate had spiritual veins, and the sect still had a stable income, so it wouldn't be a big deal to support them.

But now, no cultivating power is willing to carry such a package.

The great powers headed by the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds have innocent and reliable mortals who have been raised for many years in their own territories.

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