The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1915: fate

After the ancestor Shoushan sat down, he naturally couldn't leave here.

   Yu Ci and Wei Jue Dao had to wait outside.

  The reason why they didn't expect that the old ancestor Shoushan would sit down, because according to normal circumstances, the old ancestor Shoushan could live a long time even if he was seriously injured and his life was affected.

  The reason why the ancestor Moriyama sat down so quickly was also because of the use of a secret technique.

  Shoushan ancestor, as the most powerful ancestor of the Void Rebirth of Taiyimen in its heyday, is closely related to the sect and can sense the luck of the sect.

Before    Guan Tian Pavilion started on the Taiyi Gate in its heyday, there was an expert in the gate cast a spell to eliminate his luck.

   Taiyimen's luck fell sharply, which would naturally affect the monks in the door.

  The ancestor of the guard mountain was also affected, so he was so easily surrounded by enemies in the void.

   After the Taiyi Gate was destroyed in its heyday, he felt it.

  Because of the drastic decline in luck, he lost his vitality. After the Taiyi Gate was destroyed in its heyday, even if the masters in the gate left behind a lot of back players, it was difficult to play a role, and the Zong Sect was even more desperate.

   Taiyi Gate was finally successfully rebuilt, but after a short period of time, it suffered innocently and was destroyed by the devastation.

   This is the reason for the low luck and the extreme bad luck.

   Guan Tian Pavilion did not keep chasing Taiyimen afterwards, because Taiyimen's luck fell sharply, no matter how struggling, it was impossible to escape the fate of final complete destruction.

   The arrogant monk Guantian Pavilion was confident in this secret technique, and he did not bother to chase and kill the remnants of Taiyimen himself.

  Taiyimen has gone through wind and rain repeatedly, and has been weakened again and again. When it was close to the edge of the door, Meng Zhang finally had the head, and it finally bottomed out and rebounded and regained its vitality.

   The ancestor of Shoushan at that time, I didn't know that Meng Zhang would appear.

   He just sensed the constant fall of Taiyimen's vitality, and the whole family was on the verge of extinction.

  He was trapped in this place, but he couldn't do anything.

   And because of the monk Guantian Pavilion's wait and see, he couldn't escape from here.

   During the contact with the monk Guantian Pavilion, the ancestor of the guard mountain understood the other's ambition.

   If he can't win the true inheritance of Taiyimen from his hands, the other party will never give up.

   After some painful thinking, the ancestor Shoushan finally made his final determination and performed a secret technique.

   Strictly speaking, the Taiyimen monks, including the guardian ancestor, are all disciples and grandchildren of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   Although the Taiyi Golden Immortal had been suppressed long ago, it was after all a golden immortal with vast magical powers.

   The information he delivered to every corner of the universe was actually selecting the successor.

   Taiyimen's founder of the mountain just accepted its trivial inheritance and created a huge foundation.

   Shoushan ancestor used secret techniques, trying to get in touch with Taiyi Golden Immortal through the secret connection.

  The ability of the ether one golden immortal only needs to pay attention to the situation of the Taiyi gate, even if it is still under the seal, there should be a way to help.

   But what disappointed the ancestor Moriyama was that he spent a lot of lifespan and used secret techniques, but he didn't get any response, and he didn't know if he was sensed by Taiyi Golden Immortal.

  The old ancestor of the mountain whose life was exhausted had no choice but to leave this afterimage, hoping to wait for the latecomers of Taiyimen.

  According to the arrangement he left behind, he must be a latecomer who has practiced Taiyimen's directing exercises and has a cultivation base during the rebirth period to be able to enter here.

   After receiving the information, Meng Zhang had many thoughts and stood silent for a long time.

   Entering this place, at this time, he finally fully understood the inheritance and history of Taiyimen, and knew the reason why Taiyimen was destroyed by Guantian Pavilion.

   Judging from the information received, Guantian Pavilion would not easily let go of Taiyimen.

   In these years, Guantian Pavilion has not done anything to Taiyimen. Meng Zhang guessed that there should be many reasons.

   At the beginning, the reconstructed Taiyi Gate was too weak to enter the eyes of Guantian Pavilion.

   Moreover, Taiyi Gate is located in the north of Junchen Realm. Ziyang Saint Sect is relatively isolated among many sacred sects, and has a bad relationship with other sects including Guantian Pavilion.

   For the sake of a Taiyi gate, Guantian Pavilion may not be willing to offend the Ziyang Saint Sect and clashed with it.

   After Meng Zhang's cultivation base continued to improve and Taiyimen developed and expanded, the situation in Junchen Realm had undergone tremendous changes.

   The immortals who opened up the Junchen Realm are about to wake up, and all the sects of the holy land have put the response to this matter to the most important position.

   Compared with that, a mere Taiyi gate is not worth mentioning.

   Later, Jun Chen interface attacked many extraterritorial invaders, and Guan Tian Pavilion was even more difficult to create infighting in the realm of cultivation at this time.

  Meng Zhang even had some suspicions. After his advanced stage of rebirth, Guantian Pavilion still endured not doing it. Maybe they were fishing, trying to use themselves to catch the guardian ancestor.

   Meng Zhang's guess is not without basis at all.

   He remembered that after he advanced to the Void Rebirth Period, he could vaguely feel that someone was watching him secretly from time to time.

   At the time, he thought this was the action of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Now that I think about it, it is more likely that the watcher is Guantian Pavilion.

  If Meng Zhang didn't suddenly fall into the void, but according to the original plan, he would come directly to this place and try to retrieve the treasure.

   Maybe the rebirth powers of Guantian will use this opportunity to track themselves, trying to kill themselves and the ancestors of the mountain.

   Although these are just Meng Zhang guesses, they are very likely to happen.

  Meng Zhang remembered that in the message left to him by the ancestor of Shoushan, he mentioned that Guantian Pavilion had used secret techniques to cut off the luck of Taiyimen.

   Since Meng Zhang crossed to Junchen Realm and became the head of Taiyi Sect, his luck has been good.

  Meng Zhang and Taiyimen almost developed together and supported each other.

   After his cultivation level was promoted, Meng Zhang tried to pass the position of the Taiyi Sect to the disciple of the Sect, and he himself served as the Taishang elder.

   But every time he thinks this way, he has an instinct to prevent him from doing it.

   Meng Zhang now feels that this should be his aura, which is already connected with the Taiyimen's aura.

   As the head of Taiyimen, I can share luck with Taiyimen.

   In the past few years, the Taiyi Sect under the leadership of Meng Zhang did not seem to be cut off at all.

   Meng Zhang and Taiyimen shared their luck, and they should have unwittingly cracked the secret technique of Guantian Pavilion.

   When the Taiyimen hadn't grown up yet, Meng Zhang's powerful air luck could help Taiyimen resist the secret technique of Guantian Pavilion.

   As the Taiyi Gate became stronger and stronger, its luck could in turn influence Meng Zhang.

   In addition, there should be some kind of connection between the name Taiyimen and Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   Based on the height currently occupied by Meng Zhang, with certain information as a reference, many truths can be guessed.

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