The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1917: Magic Treasure

These extremely precious training information can cultivate true celestial beings as the foundation of a true celestial sect.

   With so much training information, Meng Zhang needs to spend a lot of time slowly sorting out and slowly comprehending.

   The method of condensing the heaven and the earth, no matter which sect is in, it is not a secret.

   In addition to the general methods, there are also various unique methods for practicing exercises.

   A set of practice techniques, if you can practice until you reach the realm of true immortality, it will generally contain special techniques for condensing heaven and earth.

  Meng Zhang inherited from the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, "Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Change", the main practice method, which is actually incomplete.

The content in    is up to the early stage of Return to Void, and there is no subsequent content.

   And now in the cultivation information obtained by Meng Zhang, there is a complete "Changing Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang", which is enough for him to practice all the way to the perfection.

   In addition to "Yin and Yang Change of Heaven and Earth", there are several sets of practice exercises passed down by Taiyimen, all of which can be practiced all the way to the realm of real immortality.

   The general method of condensing the heavens and the earth can be applied to monks who practice different exercises, but the success rate is the same in the future condensed heaven and earth, which may not be very ideal.

   is also the unique method in each practice, which is the most suitable for cultivators.

   Condensing heaven and earth may not necessarily succeed.

   The condensed heaven and earth phenomena are even more different.

  Different states of heaven and earth not only have different powers, but they also provide very different assistance when they hit the realm of real immortals in the future.

   For Meng Zhang, of course, it is best to practice according to the method of "Yin and Yang Change of Heaven and Earth".

   Among the information provided by that afterimage, in addition to the high-level exercises from Taiyi Jinxian, there is also a very important piece of information.

   The cultivation information passed by the Taiyi Golden Immortal to the Taiyimen Open Mountain ancestor is enough to allow qualified and qualified monks to cultivate to the realm of true immortality.

  The realm of true immortality is certainly not the end of the road of cultivation.

   If you want to obtain the cultivation information after the true immortal, you must find a way to contact Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   Taiyi Golden Immortal left a secret method that can penetrate the vast universe and communicate with the suppressed him.

   Of course, because the Taiyi Golden Immortal was sealed by other golden immortals, even if he used this secret method, he might not be able to contact him.

   The old ancestor of Moriyama paid a great price. He did not hesitate to spend his life and displayed secret methods, but he never got a response from Taiyi Jinxian.

   On this issue, Meng Zhang has some other ideas.

   Maybe, Taiyi Jinxian didn't respond, but the way he responded was a little special.

  Meng Zhang thought that he would inexplicably cross into this world, become the head of the Taiyi Sect, and grow up to this point step by step. He felt that there must be a big secret behind it.

   Maybe, all of this has something to do with Taiyi Jinxian.

   Being able to traverse by oneself, being able to have today's achievements, it is very likely that Taiyijinxian contributed to it.

   Although these are just Meng Zhang's guesses, they are not unfounded and unfounded thoughts.

   As for whether Taiyi Jinxian possesses the mighty power Meng Zhang imagined, it is impossible to determine at Meng Zhang's current level.

   In a word, the current cultivation information transmitted by Taiyi Golden Immortal reaches the realm of true immortality.

   As for obtaining the next step of cultivation information, and impacting the level after the true immortal, it is far from enough to just recognize the concept of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

  Meng Zhang must practice this idea personally and make certain achievements.

After   , he was able to use the secret method to communicate with the Taiyi Golden Immortal to obtain the approval of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   It is impossible to practice Taiyi Golden Immortal's concept in Junchen Realm.

  Meng Zhang is still a very far away from the realm of true immortals, and there is still enough time to think about how to deal with this problem in the future, but there is no need to be embarrassed now.

   The afterimage left by the ancestor of guarding the mountain has disappeared, but all his inheritance has been entrusted to the successor Meng Zhang.

   In addition to these useful information, the ancestor Shoushan also left some other things.

   First of all, the place where Meng Zhang is now is located in a magic treasure in the cave.

   Strictly speaking, this magic weapon of the cave is not complete, it can only be regarded as the prototype of the magic weapon of the cave.

   In its heyday, Taiyimen had three ancestors of returning to the void, especially the ancestor of Shoushan who had good luck and had many chances to obtain some precious treasures.

   This magic treasure is called Qiankun Zhu.

   is a blue wooden pillar on the outside, but a small perfect world on the inside, and it even has the embryonic form of the sky.

   Before Meng Zhang left Junchen Realm, he commanded the sect to build a blessed land as a refuge for the sect monks in the future.

  Dongtian can be understood as the advanced form of the blessed land, possessing more magical abilities than the blessed land.

   Generally speaking, only immortals have the ability to build caves.

   If you want to refine the magic weapon of the cave, you need the best of the immortals.

   The ancestor of Shoushan was able to obtain the magic weapon of the heaven and earth pillar, but he did not know that he had accumulated a few lifetime blessings.

   Of course, with his cultivation base in the early stage of returning to the Void, he is not capable of refining this magic weapon. Can only rely on clever ways to barely exert some power.

   After he fled into this void that year, he released the Qiankun Pillar, hid in it, and then used the power of the Qiankun Pillar to keep it from wandering in the gap between the positive space and the anti-space to avoid the chasing soldiers of Guantian Pavilion.

   It is a pity that with the cultivation of the guardian ancestor, he could barely release the Universe Pillar but did not have the ability to put it away.

   A magic weapon such as Qiankun Zhu can travel through the void easily and move freely between the positive space and the negative space.

  If he has enough cultivation skills, he can control the Universe Pillar, exert most of its power, and he will be out of trouble long ago, and he doesn't need to be trapped here all the time.

   Among the information he left to Meng Zhang, there is a method of how to collect and refine the Universe Pillar.

   If Meng Zhang has enough cultivation skills in the future, he can put away this magic treasure.

   Although there is only one cave sky prototype in the Universe Pillar, no matter what, it far exceeds the blessed land currently owned by Taiyimen.

   As long as Meng Zhang can control this magic weapon, even if a catastrophe erupts in the Junchen Realm and the entire world is destroyed, the Taiyi Sect disciples can hide in the Universe Pillar.

   Compared with the ordinary void battleship, the Universe Pillar is countless times better.

   Meng Zhang only needs to sacrifice the Universe Pillar, and he can wander in the void very conveniently.

   Inside the Qiankun Pillar, it is an embryonic form of a cave, with a very vast space.

   is more than enough to accommodate all the Taiyimen monks.

The reason why    is said to be the prototype of the cave is that the rules of heaven and earth in it are not perfect. In terms of spiritual energy concentration, there is still a big gap from the real cave.

   The real cave sky can continuously absorb vitality from the void and transform it into the aura within the cave sky.

   Qiankun Zhu's ability in this aspect still has big flaws.

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