The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1919: Tai Chi Yin and Yang Diagram

Seventy years after Meng Zhang began to condense the world and the world, a hurricane suddenly rolled up in the embryonic form of this cave.

  As the hurricane passed, all the vitality of heaven and earth in the embryonic form of the cave, including the most important aura, was swept by the hurricane and rushed toward the location of Meng Zhang.

   Not far from above Meng Zhang's head, the vitality of the sky and the earth was tumbling, and the two air currents, one black and the other white, were like swimming fish, swimming flexibly in the sky.

  In the course of swimming, two black and white swimming fishes constantly swallowed the various vitality between heaven and earth.

   After a long time, probably because the accumulated vitality was enough, two black and white swimming fish flew together, swimming together, chasing each other.

   With the swimming of two black and white fish, a strange sight slowly appeared in the sky.

   Two black and white swimming fish entangled around each other to form a dynamic fish swimming picture.

   Meng Zhang looked at the black and white fish swimming in the sky, and there was a kind of enlightenment in his heart. This is his condensed form of heaven and earth-Tai Chi Yin and Yang.

  The so-called Tai Chi is the process of the opening of the universe and even the transformation of all things.

   The heavens and the earth are first opened, and the chaos is divided, and there is the two qi of yin and yang.

   Two swimming fishes in black and white represent yin and yang.

  Meng Zhang has studied and practiced the Yin-Yang Dao for many years. He pointed directly at the root of the Yin-Yang Dao and realized a bit of the Tao of Tai Chi.

   His years of hard work and accumulation are all in this Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture. This is where his future path lies.

   The appearance of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang picture means that Meng Zhang's heaven and earth law has been completed, and he has successfully entered the mid-stage of returning to the Void.

   Two swimming fishes, one black and one white, swim lightly, and a slowly rotating vortex appears in the middle.

   The last bit of vitality in the embryonic cave sky was sucked into the whirlpool.

   This is far from enough, and Meng Zhang continues to invest in various training resources such as Yuqing Lingji.

After    for a while, the whirlpool seemed to be full before finally starting to stabilize.

   In the next time, Meng Zhang was familiar with the power of the Taiji Yin-Yang diagram of his own world, while consolidating his cultivation in the middle stage of returning to the Void.

   With his current cultivation level, he is considered a master of many abilities in Junchen Realm.

   Time always goes by very quickly. Ninety years have passed since Meng Zhang entered this cavernous prototype in a blink of an eye.

   He has initially completed his goal and has a more powerful cultivation base.

   After finishing his practice, he sorted out the relics of the ancestors of the guardian mountain.

   There is nothing particularly precious in it, and all the things added up are far inferior to the heavenly magic treasure, the Qiankun Pillar.

   Unfortunately, even with Meng Zhang's current cultivation base, it is still far from being able to completely refine it.

   Of course, with the enhancement of his cultivation, Meng Zhang's control ability has been strengthened a lot, and he has mastered many new functions.

   As a magic weapon of the cave, the biggest role of the Qiankun Pillar is to hide the embryonic form of the cave.

   In addition, if you raise it up, you can flexibly travel between the front and back spaces.

   Meng Zhang is not yet able to sacrifice him flexibly, but he has mastered another important ability.

   The Qiankun Pillar has a strong detection ability and can detect very far distances.

  The most important thing is that this detection capability is basically not limited by the positive and negative space.

   Now, Meng Zhang is using this ability of Qiankun Zhu.

   Meng Zhang wanted to leave here and return to Junchen Realm after finishing his practice.

   However, the situation of the void outside is unknown. He is worried that he will fall into the ambush of the enemy, encountering a powerful enemy that cannot be resisted, and has not dared to move rashly.

   Now that I have mastered the new functions of Qiankun Zhu, it just happens to be useful.

  Meng Zhang poured his spiritual thoughts into the Universe Pillar.

   An invisible hidden wave emanated from the Universe Pillar, easily penetrating the gap between the positive space and the anti-space, and entered the void outside.

   This invisible hidden wave continues to extend, expanding towards the surroundings.

   As the fluctuation went, everything in the void outside fell into Meng Zhang's eyes.

   In this void, there are not a large number of gods and descendants of the Shenchang Realm, but occasionally a flying boat team wanders around.

   In addition, there are two abilities of returning to the void who have hidden their bodies.

   Although they are very concealed, they have not escaped the detection of Qiankun Zhu.

   The two old men Yuci and Wei Jue Dao have been waiting outside after so many years.

   Meng Zhang guessed that even though they were chased by the strong of the Shenchang Realm back then, they finally got rid of the chasing soldiers by their means.

   After losing the whereabouts of the two old guys, the chasing soldiers of the Shenchang Realm probably also searched around this void.

   By the means of this group of gods, most of them can't find the hidden Qiankun Pillar.

   After a long time without any gain, their focus will naturally shift.

   Shenchang Realm is now sending out troops to join the battle to besiege Junchen Realm, but not so much manpower is wasted here.

   Shenchang Realm sent a flying boat team to patrol nearby, which is a regular measure.

   As for Weijue Lao Dao and Yu Ci Lao Dao, they should not be reconciled afterwards, so continue to come back here and wait to see if they can gain something.

   With the longevity and patience of returning to the emptiness, the time less than a hundred years is really not worth mentioning.

   In fact, Meng Zhang’s guess is very close to the truth.

   Weijue Old Dao and Yu Ci left here temporarily when they got rid of the chasing soldiers. They returned here soon.

  Although Meng Zhang’s whereabouts could not be found, and even the Universe Pillar could not be found, but Wei Jue Dao used secret methods to confirm that no monks had left here yet.

   Although I don’t know why the old ancestor Shoushan didn’t seize the opportunity to leave here, and why the monks stayed there later, this is a great thing for Wei Jue Dao.

   proved that although the opponent's method of driving tigers and wolves worked, it did not fully achieve the goal.

  Since the opponent is still stuck here, then Weijue Dao and Yu Ci, of course, have to continue to wait here, waiting for the appearance of the opponent.

  The old ancestor Shoushan hasn't appeared for so many years. Both Yu Ci and Wei Jue can guess that his condition is probably not good.

   thinks that he was seriously injured many years ago, he shouldn't have too much combat effectiveness at this time.

  , it was the guy who later used the tactics to drive tigers and devour wolves, sneaking into it, his strength should not be weak.

   In order to avoid the lack of one's own strength, the opponent escaped, but the old Dao sent a message to Junchen Realm and asked his own sect for support.

   Even though Junchen Realm is fighting with invaders outside the territory, all the sacred sects and heavenly palaces are going all out.

   Ke Guan Tian Pavilion deserves to be a great faction with a very deep background, and he still found a way to provide support to Wei Jue Dao.

   Meng Zhang passed through the Qiankun Pillar, repeatedly observing the situation of the void outside.

  Although there are enemies in ambush, with his current strength, if there are no accidents, he should be able to escape safely.

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