The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1925: Return

If it was before, Meng Zhang might not pay much attention to the situation in this regard.

   The sky is falling, there is a tall man against it, the fate of Junchen Realm, its rise and fall, it is not his turn to worry about a little monk.

   But now, with his cultivation base Dajin, he is already qualified to pay attention to these important events that concern the entire Jun Chen Realm.

   Of course, although the situation in Jun Chen Realm is not great in my heart, there is not much Meng Zhang can do.

   If Meng Zhang is to sacrifice his own interests for Jun Chenjie, it is absolutely impossible.

After    Qiankun Zhu, the magic weapon of the cave, whether it is Meng Zhang or Taiyimen, there is a way out.

  In the event of the fall of Junchen Realm, Meng Zhang had to put Taiyimen disciples into the Universe Pillar, and escaped into the void alone.

   Qiankun Zhu, the magic weapon of the cave is not perfect, mainly because there is only a prototype of the cave, which is far from perfect.

   The old ancestors who guarded the mountain did not have enough cultivation, and could not even make full use of the rudimentary cave sky, and could not fit too many people or things into it.

   The current Meng Zhang's cultivation base is barely enough, able to fit all Taiyimen monks into it.

   But the aura in the embryonic cave sky is not enough to support too many monks for daily practice.

   If it were not a last resort, Meng Zhang would not make the final choice, and flee from Junchen Realm with Taiyimen disciples.

  Meng Zhang's journey was relatively smooth, and he soon came into the void not far from Jun Chen Realm.

   He put away the speed Shenzhou, sneaked close to Junchen Realm, and inquired about the situation.

   When Meng Zhang left Junchen Realm that year, Junchen Realm was besieged by invaders from all walks of life. He missed the opportunity and was in a passive state.

   Even the dense meteorite belt outside Junchen Realm has already fallen for more than half.

   Later, King Snow Sword himself organized a big counterattack, regaining a lot of lost ground, and the situation improved, but there was no fundamental change.

   After so many years, the situation outside Jun Chen world has not changed much.

   Allied forces composed of invaders outside the territory surrounded the Junchen Realm and kept attacking the Junchen Realm's position.

   The meteorite belt outside Junchen Realm has now become a see-saw battlefield for both sides.

   After years of fighting, this meteorite belt has become much sparser.

   Countless meteorites were destroyed during the war.

   Many large meteorites originally had strongholds established in the Junchen Realm, and some produced many resources.

   Now, due to the fierce fighting and spreading too much, many large meteorites have been turned into dust.

   Although Jun Chenjie is a passive defender, it is not without the power to fight back.

It is probably the time between the battles. The two sides did not make a big move, but a small team, or a single powerful monk, staged a series of dramas such as infiltration, infiltration, spying, and counterattack at the junction of the two fronts. .

   Small-scale battles happen from time to time on the canine tooth front.

   Judging from the overall situation of the battlefield, the two sides are offensive and defensive, and the scene on the side of the human monk in Junchen Realm is not too ugly.

   Meng Zhang can completely return to his own front in a swagger.

  The front line between the two sides is too long, and it is impossible for anyone to defend every front line closely.

   It is not difficult for Meng Zhang to find a loophole.

   Meng Zhang did not act rashly.

   He has been away from Junchen Realm for too long, and he doesn't know the current situation.

   If he returns to his own front in this way, if he encounters a certain high-level in Junchen Realm and is ordered by the other party, will he follow the order or resist?

   What if he is ordered and sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder?

   If he objected, it would be a flagrant disobedience to the military order, and no one would be able to keep him.

  What Meng Zhang needs to do now is to contact his own people in Junchen Realm first to obtain a certain amount of protection.

   Meng Zhang hid his figure and wandered around the fronts of both sides.

   Since he has practiced the Hidden Killing Sword, he has gained deep knowledge in sneaking and hiding.

   At the very least, he can be a good scout now.

   During this process, he even secretly captured a Yangshen-level Great Demon King.

   This Yang God-level big demon king has a bit of status among the demon clan, and both sides have a little knowledge of the battle situation on the front line.

   Meng Zhang learned through interrogation that Heavenly Thunder Supreme commanded a team of monks, occupying a meteorite belt, like a fortress, facing off against invaders outside the territory.

   Knowing the news of the Supreme Thunder, Meng Zhang barely achieved his goal.

   After he dealt with the Great Demon King, he flew towards the meteorite belt.

   Flying to the top of a vast floating continent, Meng Zhang took the initiative to show his deeds.

  At this distance, even if he hides his deeds, he may not be able to hide the feelings of the heavenly thunder, it is better to be more generous, so as not to cause any misunderstandings and some **** plots.

   Just when Meng Zhang showed his deeds, three Void Returning Powers flew over from nearby, forming a tendency to outflank him.

   Before these three people approached, Meng Zhang shouted loudly and used magical powers to send the voice into their ears.

   "Below is Meng Zhang, the head of Taiyi Sect, who came here to pay respect to his old man."

   "I used to play under the command of the Supreme Thunder, this time I came here for important things."

   Hearing Meng Zhang's voice, the three Void Returning Powers did not relax their vigilance, but remained on high alert, sandwiching Meng Zhang in the middle.

   However, they took no further action.

   Some of them are obviously casting They should be contacting the Heavenly Thunder Supreme in the back.

   Meng Zhang was not in a hurry, so he waited quietly.

   After a while, an acquaintance of Meng Zhang flew over from a distance.

   Seeing someone coming, Meng Zhang hurriedly saluted.

   "Junior Meng Zhang, meet senior Dan Shan."

   This person is just a close friend of the Supreme Lord of Thunder, who has a lot of fate with Meng Zhang, who is capable of carrying the mountain.

   Dan Shanke recognized Meng Zhang and looked at him with complicated expressions.

   When Dan Shanke met Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang was just a junior in Yang Shenqi.

   Later, he heard that Meng Zhang had become the power of rebirth, and the old man in silver pot praised him, and he planned to make Meng Zhang a powerful man by the side of the heavenly thunder.

   Dan Shanke didn't care much at the time.

   He is already a cultivator in the middle stage of Void Rebirth, and he has cultivated the Heaven and Earth Phenomenon. There is really no need to pay too much attention to a newly promoted Void Rebirth Ability.

   If it weren't for Meng Zhang's friendship with the old man Yinhu, he might formally join the camp of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, and he wouldn't even bother to care about this matter.

   Later, he heard that Meng Zhang was in the void battlefield, because he encountered a strong enemy and rashly used the void to move. After disappearing, he still felt a little regretful.

   Heavenly Thunder Supreme was right at the time of employing people, and Meng Zhang entered the rebirth period at such a young age, which shows that his superiority is not without value.

   He really did not expect that Meng Zhang had only disappeared for about four hundred years and returned safely.

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