The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1934: Interview

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Xu Mengying and Meng Zhang have a deep friendship and a close relationship.

In the Huanglian Sect, some people even talked privately about whether the two had an affair.

Xu Mengying was so unwavering in his support of Taiyi Sect and willingly let Huanglian Sect live under Taiyi Sect, but it was not entirely because of the so-called friendship.

Xu Mengying has a deep understanding of Meng Zhang, knowing that Meng Zhang will not fall so easily.

As long as Meng Zhang's power of returning to the void is still there, the position of the leader of the Taiyi Sect cannot be shaken.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if Meng Zhang really fell into the void, he would never be able to return to Taiyimen.

The current strength of Taiyi Sect alone is enough to crush Huanglian Sect.

The Void Child of Taiyi Gate is a veteran Yangshen stage monk, and his strength is far above that of Xu Mengying, the newly promoted Yangshen True Monarch.

At the level of the True Monarch of the Primordial God, Taiyi Sect is even more powerful, maintaining an absolute advantage over all the other members of the Hanhai Dao League.

As Meng Zhang disappeared in the void, Taiyi Sect had faced many challenges and difficulties.

At this time, the Huanglian Sect showed disobedience, and that would surely stir up the sensitive nerves of the Taiyi Sect and cause its severe handling.

Xu Mengying's wisdom and decisiveness allowed Huanglian Sect to avoid a catastrophe.

The attitude she showed was exactly what Taiyimen needed.

At least on the surface, the Taiyimen were very satisfied with the Huanglian Sect and regarded Xu Mengying as a loyal ally.

After Meng Zhang came back, he publicly stated that Xu Mengying's loyalty to Taiyimen should be rewarded.

Xu Mengying was one of the first people to come to visit Meng Zhang after learning the news of Meng Zhang's safe return.

Hearing that Xu Mengying came, Meng Zhang met her personally the first time.

When meeting with old friends, Meng Zhang didn't have any arrogance, and he didn't have any power to return to the void.

They have not seen each other for many years, and both of them sigh.

After some greetings, the two talked about their respective experiences over the years.

Taiyimen is the leader of the Hanhai Dao League, and Lord Banxue Jian regards the members of the Hanhai Dao League as vassals of the Taiyimen.

Although they will not deliberately take care of them, but they and Taiyimen as a whole.

The Heavenly Palace may have maintained a normal effort to conquer the various materials of the Hanhai Dao League, but it has not recruited too many primordial true monarchs of the Hanhai Dao League.

Even the few Yuanshen true monarchs of other members of the Hanhai Dao League arranged them together with the Taiyimen Yuanshen true monarchs, mainly to let them guard the nine days.

Because of this convenience, Xu Mengying, as the true king of the sun god, avoided being sent directly to the void battlefield.

In the current void battlefield, True Monarch Yuanshen is an out-and-out cannon fodder, and there will be large-scale casualties at any time.

Therefore, Xu Mengying is very grateful to Taiyi Sect.

After listening to Xu Mengying's narration, Meng Zhang also chose to tell Xu Mengying about his experience in the void.

Meng Zhang's colorful experience made Xu Mengying excited and yearning.

When Xu Mengying broke through the Yang Shen stage, she did not redeem the tribulation secret method provided by the Taiyimen, but practiced a secret tribulation method she obtained in the heavenly palace.

According to Meng Zhang's observation, Xu Mengying should have gained many benefits when she passed the thunder of the sun god, and laid a solid foundation for further cultivation in the future.

If there are no major surprises, Xu Mengying's chances of successfully advancing to the rebirth period are very high.

Meng Zhang did not suppress Xu Mengying's thoughts. On the contrary, he is very much looking forward to having an additional Daoist of the same rank.

After the small talk, Meng Zhang pointed out Xu Mengying's practice, especially focusing on some key points for breaking through the rebirth period.

These are very precious knowledge, Xu Mengying is hard to come into contact under normal circumstances.

In doing this, Meng Zhang not only rewarded Xu Mengying for her loyalty over the years, but also supported her.

When Meng Zhang hadn't left the Junchen Realm, he ordered the high-level Taiyimen to vigorously support the vassal forces so that they could cultivate more true primordial monarchs.

Later, Meng Zhang even provided a secret method to survive the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God, for the cultivators of the late Yuanshen of the Hanhai Dao League to exchange.

Even among the other members of the Hanhai Dao League today, no one has exchanged these secret methods, and apart from Xu Mengying, there are no other Yangshen monks.

However, Meng Zhang's determination to support all the members of the Hanhai Dao League to enhance the overall strength of the Hanhai Dao League is already very obvious.

Having known Xu Mengying for many years, Meng Zhang trusts her very much.

Meng Zhang is now a cultivator of the Void Rebirth mid-stage, even after Xu Mengying advances to the Void Rebirth period, it will not threaten Meng Zhang for a long time, let alone shake the status of Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang might as well be more generous, help her advance to the stage of rebirth as soon as possible, and let herself have a reliable helper.

Meng Zhang knew that the entire Junchen Realm would be surging and drew unprecedented storms.

Relying on his alone strength, it is really difficult to deal with, and it is impossible to protect the comprehensiveness of the Hanhai Dao League.

Compared to his big disciple Niu Dawei, Xu Mengying was closer to the rebirth period.

Xu Mengying felt Meng Zhang's kindness from Meng Zhang's guidance.

Of course, even if Xu Mengying has a solid foundation and Meng Zhang's guidance, it will not happen overnight if she wants to advance to the stage of rebirth.

After accepting Meng Zhang's instructions, Xu Mengying temporarily settled in Riyuefudi, preparing to practice for a while.

In addition to Xu Mengying, among the people who came to visit Meng Zhang, there were some people he had to pay attention to.

Zhenjun Lu Tianshu, an old acquaintance of Meng Zhang, came to visit on behalf of the Hailing Sect. Of course, Meng Zhang had to come forward to welcome two people who had similar cultivation bases.

Lu Tianshu was still the cultivation base of the Yangshen Period, and there was still a long way to go before the Void Return Period.

In fact, his cultivation speed is the norm in the practice world.

Especially after the cultivator has entered a higher level, even an outstanding cultivator with a background like the Sea Spirit Sect can not easily make a leap.

When Meng Zhang returned this time, he fought a battle with Monk Guantian Pavilion in the void.

The Guantian Pavilion would not circulate this humiliating thing to them at will, but Old Man Yu Ci is just a casual cultivator, and he doesn't have a strong sense of secrecy.

After this guy fled back to Junchen Realm, he actually sold the news of that battle to the dark alliance.

First some cultivators who were closely related to the Dark Alliance learned of the news, and then it spread to Jun Chen Realm.

Many of the powers of returning to the void in the Junchen Realm all know that Meng Zhang of the Taiyi Sect has been living in the void in the past few years. It should have obtained some kind of opportunity, the cultivation base has made great advances, the cultivation of the heaven and the earth and the middle stage of the return to the void.

Then he went under the eyelids of Guantian Pavilion to return to the Void and forcibly took away the inheritance left by Taiyimen in its heyday.

At this moment, Meng Zhang's fame became so great that many of the Venerable Venerables were admired.

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