The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1944: pressure

Seeing the Void Returning Powers gathered around Meng Zhang, other Void Returning Powers in the battlefield began to move closer to Meng Zhang as much as possible.

On this battlefield, apart from Meng Zhang and the others, the first team to arrive, several teams arrived one after another.

Of course, the extraterritorial invaders who have an absolute advantage are constantly coming over from all directions for reinforcements.

The army of extraterritorial invaders has an absolute advantage in number, and the strong in the army are no less inferior to this group of returning to the void.

Most of the Void Returning Powers present were dissipated, and then fell into siege, and had to fight separately.

Once the time is delayed for too long, the power consumption is too great, and this group of Void Returning Powers will encounter great danger.

Seeing Meng Zhang began to gather the Void Returning Powers, everyone tried to move closer to Meng Zhang.

After a burst of rushes in the battlefield, Meng Zhang actually gathered a lot of Void-Returning abilities and formed a powerful team.

This team is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, and almost concentrated all the powers in the vicinity.

Even Qin Fangtian, who was being entangled by the enemy, was relieved with the help of Meng Zhang and the others, and finally joined Meng Zhang's team.

Qin Fangtian didn't care about leadership issues at this time, but honestly followed Meng Zhang to kill.

Of course, in this process, it is inevitable to have the power of returning to the void to fall.

Although Meng Zhang has gathered a powerful team, the reinforcements of invaders from outside the territory are still coming over.

This place is not a place to stay for a long time. Meng Zhang did not dare to stay too much. He led the team and rushed towards the selected target.

Meng Zhang took the lead, and the yin and yang diagrams of Heaven and Earth and Tai Chi were spinning fast, constantly suppressing the enemies who rushed over.

This powerful team quickly broke through the encirclement of the enemy army and rushed in the direction of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

Qin Fangtian's strength was actually higher than Meng Zhang's. It was just that his luck was bad and he was focused on by the strong enemy, and he didn't exert his due strength.

On such a battlefield, he still knew Gu Quan's overall situation, and he didn't have any disputes with Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang led the army to launch an assault and broke through the encirclement of the extraterritorial invaders, which actually violated the military order.

According to the orders of the high level of Tiangong, Meng Zhang, like other Void Returning Powers, should resist the army of invaders from outside the territory, instead of rushing in other directions.

However, the direction of Meng Zhang's charge was not from Jun Chen Realm's side, so it can be seen that he was not trying to escape.

Perhaps, he was making some tactical adjustments, making a maneuvering and so on.

With such thoughts, people like Qin Fangtian whose status and cultivation base are stronger than Meng Zhang's did not stop Meng Zhang's actions.

Facts have proved that their previous tactical arrangements cannot completely block the army of invaders from outside the territory, and will only put themselves in danger.

Now, it's better to see what Meng Zhang can do better.

Meng Zhang doesn't care about what others think, he just acts according to his own plan.

After this temporarily assembled team broke through the encirclement of the invaders outside the territory, they quickly flew towards the direction where the Heavenly Thunder Masters were.

The army of extraterritorial invaders certainly wouldn't just watch the enemy escape like this.

The whole army immediately moved, trying to intercept the opponent.

However, Meng Zhang and the others moved too fast and the army was huge, and their mobility was inevitably worse.

The army of extraterritorial invaders failed to intercept, only to follow Meng Zhang and the others.

In the previous battles, the invaders from all walks of life have fully seen the power of this group of returning to the void.

Those who are strong do not want to break away from the cover of the army, and fight against the Void-Returning Powers alone.

In this way, Meng Zhang and the others were chased by an army of invaders outside the territory and flew to the side of the Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

The Supreme Lord of Thunder and the Supreme Lord of Cold War are leading a group of Void Returning Powers, forming a simple formation to block the continuous impact of the invaders from outside the territory.

Seeing Meng Zhang and his team rushing over, the Supreme Heavenly Thunder organized a response in time and integrated them into the formation.

There are absolutely no idiots and idiots who can become a monk who can return to the void.

Meng Zhang and his team's Void Returning Powers consciously acted and joined the formation of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, which powerfully strengthened their defense.

With the addition of a strong reinforcement army, the strength of Heavenly Thunder and their side has greatly increased. Not only did the defenses become tighter, but they also organized a counterattack.

This counterattack caused a lot of damage to the invaders outside the territory, but unfortunately it was not accomplished.

The army of extraterritorial invaders chasing Meng Zhang and the others arrived in time and joined the siege of the human monks.

There are two powerful abilities in the late stage of Return to Void, the Supreme Thunder of Heaven and the Supreme Lord of Cold War, as the mainstay, the entire formation is extremely strong, blocking the enemy's repeated impact.

After some fierce battles, the Void Returning squads that came from within the Junchen Realm gathered one after another, and gathered around some powerful human races.

Therefore, outside of Junchen Realm, the Human Race's Void Returning Powers formed several large formations to face the repeated attacks of the invaders from outside the territory.

As time goes by, the reinforcements on the side of the invaders outside the territory have become stronger and stronger, and the support of the human cultivators has become more and more difficult.

Speaking of Meng Zhang's battlefield alone, Heavenly Thunder Supreme was held back by a **** from the Shenchang Realm.

Some powerful gods in the Shenchang Realm can even rival true immortals when they are in their own gods.

Although this **** had fallen sharply after leaving God's Domain, he was still a rare and powerful enemy to the Supreme Thunder.

The Lord of the Cold War was stared at by a powerful demon, and he didn't dare to distract him at all.

There were too many strong opponents, and Meng Zhang and the others were all restrained by strong enemies.

A steady stream of extraterritorial invaders pressed from all directions, bringing them tremendous pressure.

Although their current formation has remained intact for the time being, under strong pressure, they have been shaken.

Meng Zhang did not expect that extraterritorial invaders would actually invest such a large amount of capital this time, and be so united as never before.

Meng Zhang knew that there were still a lot of cards on the side of Jun Chen Realm.

Now that your own situation is so critical, why does the senior level of Jun Chen Realm still have reservations?

Now Meng Zhang is under the siege of many powerful enemies, and the pressure is huge. It depends on the strength of the formation and taking care of each other with his companions to barely block the enemy's impact.

Meng Zhang has already used all his strength and has no reservations.

At this time, it was impossible for him to repel the enemy as before, launch an impact, and rush out of the siege.

He knew very well in his heart that once he left the cover of his own formation, he would soon be overwhelmed by the enemy army.

Moreover, I am afraid that such a strong pressure on the enemy will not last long.


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