The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1946: Xuan Xuan Patriarch

The three lions are not only huge, but also look like a mountain, giving people an unshakable momentum.

The three lions have humanized expressions on one face, which can fully sense the meaning of disdain and contempt.

His previous scolding was even more merciless.

The demon **** in the form of ape was scolded so badly by the other party, and his face immediately became hideous and terrifying.

You know, in the entire Ten Thousand Demon Realm, the demon gods are supreme beings, and can dominate the destiny of the entire great world.

He has received the respect and awe of countless monsters on weekdays, and he has almost never suffered such humiliation.

This demon **** no longer had half a word of nonsense, and directly stretched out his huge palm and patted the three lions fiercely.

The three lions were not afraid, and unwilling to show weakness, they rushed forward and fought fiercely with each other.

After a loud noise resounding through the void, an almost endless wave of power surged in all directions.

In the void around Junchen Realm, the densely packed army of extraterritorial invaders that were originally arranged, at this time one after another was swayed by the rushing power, and stood unsteadily.

Even the formations formed by the cultivators of Junchen Realm began to shake, showing an unstable posture.

Both sides of the battle are both true immortal level powerhouses, as long as they want, they can easily take the opportunity to inflict huge losses on the invaders outside the territory and the cultivators of Junchen Realm.

Fortunately, the three lions and the demon **** were scrupulous about each other, intentionally or unconsciously reduced the power of the shot, and controlled the scope of the aftermath of the battle.

Seeing the three lions go to war with the demon god, the cultivators of Junchen Realm and the invaders from outside the territories who were fighting fiercely stopped fighting and began to pay attention to their battle.

In the void battlefield, what really determines the victory or defeat of this battle is the result of the fight between the top powerhouses on both sides.

Regardless of which side of the Junchen Realm's cultivator and the extraterritorial invader loses in the battle of the top powerhouse, no matter how much strength they retain, there is only one way to retreat.

At this time, the direct battle between them no longer makes much sense.

As a result, the two parties who were fighting unconsciously left the battle and kept a certain distance.

After the sword light turned by Snow Sword Master escaped from the opponent's attack, he did not know when he flew near the formation where Meng Zhang and the others were.

The sword light disappeared, and Master Snow Sword revealed his figure.

The Cold War Supreme and the others were about to salute the Compan Xuejian, but they were stopped by the Compan Xuejian waving.

On the battlefield, don't pay attention to the red tape.

Temporarily halting the battle, the cultivators on the side of Junchen Realm got a rare respite.

They all seized the time to make adjustments and worked hard to recover.

Like everyone else, while adjusting his breath, Meng Zhang is still paying attention to the battle of the real immortal level in the distance.

Meng Zhang had known for a long time that the true immortal who founded the Royal Beast Saint Sect had left his companion spirit beast to take care of Junchen Realm after falling asleep.

The three lions in front of him who were fighting against the demon gods should be the companion spirit beasts left by the true immortal.

Of course, with the strength of the true immortal level, he should be called an immortal beast.

Although Meng Zhang had seen true immortal power when he was in the four-pointed star area.

However, it was the first time he had seen two real immortal-level powerhouses fought hard and fought hard.

Most of the monks in the field were similar to him, and everyone's attention was attracted by the battle in the distance.

In the void in the distance, the entire void seemed to have collapsed.

Space cracks began to appear one after another, and earth fire and geomantic shui surged wildly.

Both sides seemed to have a real fire fighting, and one after another took out the ability to look after the house.

The three lions and the three huge heads shook violently, one mouth sprayed bright red flames; one mouth sprayed out golden rays, turning into countless various weapons; one mouth gave out bursts of roar, invisible sound waves Spread to the surroundings.

A huge mountain phantom appeared behind the demon god, which seemed to condense endless power.

With every swing of his arms, he could easily tear the void and shatter everything around him.

At this time, the voice of King Snow Sword rang in everyone's ears.

"The body of that demon **** is a heterogeneous mountain giant ape from the demon race. He is known for his supernatural power and is naturally proficient in the road of the earth."

"The three predecessors have guarded Junchen Realm for many years, and this is not the first time that they have fought each other."

"In the past wars, basically the three predecessors won."

After hearing the words of King Snow Sword, everyone in the field was a little worried about the outcome of the battle, and at this time they became more at ease.

Meng Zhang glanced at Mr. Compan Xue Jian with a little surprise.

This Tiangong chief has a big heart, and he still has the heart to chat with everyone at this time. Is it just to calm people's hearts?

The three lions and the giant ape demon gods fought for a long time, and they couldn't tell the victory or defeat for the time being.

The battle level between them is too high, and even the Void Returning level's might not dare to lean over easily, and even less able to intervene in the battle between them.

At this moment, the void near them suddenly split, and a huge hole appeared.

A huge skull, like a hill, flew out from the entrance of the cave and was about to hit the three lions.

Meng Zhang and the others had good eyesight, and they quickly saw the appearance of this skull.

The surface of this small hill-like skull is extremely pale, and it is made up of countless large and small human and beast heads.

A little bit of green light flickered on the skull, making people feel chill after seeing it.

Before this huge skull got close to the three lions, it expelled countless green flames and shot towards the target.

The three lions seemed majestic and mighty, but they didn't dare to easily let these dreaded green flames on their bodies, and had to retreat again and again.

The giant ape demon **** seized the opportunity and immediately swooped over.

The battle immediately turned into a two-on-one scene, and the three lions were clearly at a disadvantage.

Meng Zhang and the others were a little worried at first, when reinforcements from the side of the three lions appeared.

An old man wearing a green shirt bone suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

This old man waved his hand and shed a stream of fresh air, entangled the huge skull.

"That skull is the **** of ten thousand bones of the magic way."

"The Ten Thousand Bone Demon God was originally born in ghost cultivation, but later fell into the devil way and cultivated step by step to become a demon god."

"The one who fought against the Ten Thousand Bone Demon God was the ancestor Xuanxuan, the external incarnation of the ancestor Jiuxuan True Immortal, the founder of Jiuxuan Pavilion."

"After the Jiuxuan True Immortal fell into a long sleep, it was the ancestor Xuanxuan who guarded the Junchen Realm on his behalf."

"For so many years, the Jiuxuan Pavilion has been taken care of by the ancestors of Xuanxuan. The whole family has worshipped them as gods and respected them incomparably."

"The ancestor Xuanxuan has guarded Junchen Realm for many years, and has repeatedly repelled powerful enemies that invaded Junchen Realm. It can be said that he has made great contributions and worked hard."


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