The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Clean up

When the senior level of Junchen Realm organized a team to return to the void and entered the void battlefield to prevent invaders from outside the territory from invading for nine days, the few senior leaders who stayed behind were not idle.

   On the one hand, they continued to wait for the enlightened rebirth powers to rush to the heavenly palace, and on the other hand they began to recruit and assemble the true primordial monarchs.

   Among them, with the exception of the Yuanshen Zhenjun directly under the Tiangong, the Yuanshen Zhenjun of the sects of the sacred places is the best organized and rushed to the Tiangong first.

   Even if only a part of the primordial primordial primordial princes were concentrated in the Junchen Realm, the number still far exceeded the Void Returning Powers.

   These primordial true monarchs are organized, standing by for nine days, ready to attack at any time.

   After King Snow Swordsman gave the order to counterattack, the team organized by the true primordial gods also broke out within nine days and directly attacked the army of invaders outside the territory.

   If this new force is talking about strength, of course, it is a team composed of Void Returning Powers that are far from the previous ones.

   But there are so many of them, just convenient to hunt down the enemy army after the collapse.

   And their strength is enough to suppress most enemies.

   After the enemy's army collapsed, they couldn't organize effective resistance at all, and only knew how to flee for their lives.

   As the true primordial spirits began to pursue and kill the fleeing enemies with all their strength, the battle began to enter the final stage.

   The enemy has been completely defeated, and there is no chance of turning defeat into victory.

  The only question now is how many invaders from outside the territory can escape the battlefield in time and escape to life.

When the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan bullied the small with the big and leaned on the strong to bully the weak, they kept their minds in mind, worrying that the real celestial powers hidden by the enemy that they had sensed before, suddenly appeared to organize to resist. , And even started to fight back.

   I don't know if it was frightened by the fate of the previous comrades. The real immortal-level powerhouse hidden among the invaders outside the territory has not shown up.

   Yes, even if the invaders outside the territory have great magical powers, they can't know the endurance limit of Snow Sword Master, let alone the unwillingness to consume too much thought.

   The sword aura that Snow Sword Master had issued before was too terrifying.

   Killing a real immortal-level powerhouse is simply cutting melons and vegetables.

   The gods who can rival the true immortals are vulnerable to the terrifying sword energy.

   The hidden powerhouse of the invaders outside the territory, of course, is not willing to come out and die in vain.

   They would rather watch their army collapse completely, their army was chased and killed everywhere, with heavy casualties, and they were reluctant to venture out.

   This approach is not wrong.

   It is too difficult to cultivate a strong man at the true fairy level. In many cases, it is all about luck.

   And the army of extraterritorial invaders in front of them seems to be huge, but as long as enough resources are invested and they are willing to spend time and slowly training, it is not difficult to reproduce such an army.

  Since the invaders from outside the territories never showed up from the real celestial level powerhouse, the big defeat would never be undone.

   Junchen Realm is here to take advantage of the victory and pursuit, almost all the cultivators are tireless, and join the addition without stopping.

   Almost everyone knows in their hearts that seizing this rare opportunity can effectively weaken the enemy.

   The more extraterritorial invaders eliminated this time, the less pressure one will face in the next war, and oneself will have a little more vitality.

   After the complete collapse of the extraterritorial invader army, although many have been wiped out, many of them escaped into the thick meteorite belt outside the Jun Chen world.

   There are countless large and small meteorites floating in this meteorite belt. The terrain is complex, which is conducive to hiding.

   There are also many strongholds occupied by invaders outside the territory, which are more or less protective.

   Next, if Junchen Realm wants to completely remove this meteorite belt, and eliminate or drive out all the hidden invaders outside the territory, it will be a time-consuming and long work.

   The ancestor Xuanxuan and the three lions have stopped chasing them.

   In their capacity, as long as the enemy's true immortal level powerhouse does not take action, they are too lazy to waste time on this kind of water mill work.

   As one of the few true immortal level experts in Junchen Realm, they are not free at all.

   The two of them took turns to sit nearby to prevent the real celestial invaders from outside the territorial powerhouse from suddenly attacking.

   Ban Xue Jianjun readjusted the arrangement.

   This time, the Heavenly Palace forcibly recruited all the Void Returning Powers in Junchen Realm, and came to fight in the void, which was actually a last resort.

   If the Junchen Realm side does not have enough power to return to the Void, to block the coalition forces of invaders outside the territory, it will not be able to draw out the strong in the enemy's true immortal level.

   True celestial level extraterritorial invaders can't come out, so naturally they can't be led to the vicinity of Jiutian and ambushed them.

   has experienced such a big victory, especially a powerful blow to the real immortal-level powerhouse among the extraterritorial invaders.

   If there are no major accidents, Jun Chen Realm will win a precious rest period, and can take a good rest.

   There are many grumpy, violent and arrogant people among the various invaders outside the territory, but the top gang of powerhouses, not fools without brains, know the least calculations.

  Before there was no way to fight against the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, they might have difficulty organizing a large-scale coalition force, and once again launched a major invasion of Jun Chen Realm.

   Junchen Realm's powerhouses come out, come to fight in the The interior is very empty for the time being.

   You need to know that in Junchen Realm, the human cultivators are not without enemies.

   If there are not enough strong people in Junchen Realm for a long time, I am afraid that the hidden aliens will come out to make trouble again.

   Sword Master with Snow originally mobilized the power of Junchen Realm's major comprehension forces, and organized a sweeping operation of the entire Junchen Realm, trying to clear all the alien races and hidden enemies.

   But when the cleaning operation was halfway through, it had to be interrupted because of the aggressive offensive of the invaders outside the territory, which caused the whole operation to be incomplete.

   Although the enemies in Junchen Realm are not very strong in absolute strength, if they are allowed to go crazy, it will cause great damage to Junchen Realm, and even affect the big plans of the high level of Junchen Realm.

   Therefore, the outcome of this battle in the void has been determined. After the remnant enemy fled into the meteorite belt, Sword Master Banxue ordered in time to let some Void Returning Powers return to the Junchen Realm and continue to suppress the inside of the Junchen Realm.

  According to the arrangement of the Snow Sword Sovereign, the remaining Void Returning Powers will form a team, each leading a group of Yuanshen True Monarchs, dividing areas within the meteorite belt, and cleaning them in turn.

   The enemy's true immortal level powerhouse did not dare to take the lead, and the high-level powerhouse also suffered heavy losses. It was only a matter of time before the side of Junchen Realm completely wiped out the meteorite belt.

   Of course, in order to prevent the enemy from jumping over the wall and dying back, one should not be too careless.

   In addition to arranging enough cleaning power, the Snow Sword Master himself will also sit here for a long time and personally participate in the next cleaning operation.

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