The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1954: 0-eyed youkai

Although the coalition forces of this extraterritorial invader were severely injured by the previous defeat and their strength fell sharply, Meng Zhang was not able to shake them by himself.

   There are a lot of powerhouses at the Void Returning level in the army, which is completely enough to completely suppress Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang is not a stubborn person. Since he has exposed his deeds, he shouldn’t stay here for a long time.

   Anyway, I have already seen almost everything I should see, and I have obtained a lot of information, so I should be able to go back to talk.

   He can work for Tiangong, but he won't take his own life for it.

   Meng Zhang quickly left the gathering place of the coalition forces of the extraterritorial invaders, avoiding the enemy's subsequent search of the surroundings.

   Meng Zhang felt that just to collect the current movements of the coalition forces of invaders outside the territory, this kind of intelligence seemed a little thin.

   And I went back too early, it seemed that my task was too easy, and it made people feel that I was not doing my best.

   He thought for a moment, and hurried to the direction of Shenchang Realm.

   In order to collect the treasures left by the ancestors of Taiyimen, Meng Zhang once went to the vicinity of Shenchang Realm once.

   This time to revisit the old place, it is quite familiar.

   Shenchang Realm is the one in Junchen Realm most feared among the several big worlds in Dengtian Star Area.

   The aboriginal gods of the Shenchang Realm are a group of soil buns, obviously their strength level is not low, but it is difficult to fully exert them.

   In the many years of battle between Junchen Realm and Shenchang Realm, Junchen Realm cultivators have accumulated a wealth of experience, often defeating the strong with the weak and surpassing this group of native gods and gods.

   In this battle to invade Junchen Realm, Shenchang Realm actually hooked up with the foreign **** Hun Ling Zun Shen.

   Hun Ling Zun Shen is a true god, and he has received authentic Shinto inheritance.

  Compared to the gang of buns and gods in the Shenchang Realm, they are much better in every respect.

   When Meng Zhang was in Tiangong, many well-informed high-ranking monks were talking about it.

  Many people think that in order to deal with Junchen Realm, Shenchang Realm hooked up with Hun Ling Zun God, and that stupid native **** was simply to lead wolves into the room.

   Hun Ling Zun God is definitely not a believable man, but a vicious fellow.

   With his great strength and clever Shinto inheritance, he is fully capable of conquering and controlling the entire Shenchang world.

   If he really succeeded, it would be a real disaster for the native gods of the Shenchang Realm.

   is also not a good thing for Jun Chenjie.

   Rather than facing the mixed spirit gods who have greatly increased their strength after controlling the Shenchang Realm, the practitioners of Junchen Realm would rather continue to face those stupid native gods in the Shenchang Realm.

   Many years ago, the senior level of Junchen Realm had a plan to try to expedition to Shenchang Realm and completely wipe out the aboriginal gods here.

   Of course, the Ten Thousand Demon Realm and other big worlds are out of consideration for their lips and teeth. Once the Shenchang Realm encounters a massive invasion of Junchen Realm, they will definitely give their full support.

   Later, the situation within the ascending star area changed, Junchen Realm was on the defensive for a long time, and Junchen Realm's senior management had to abandon this plan.

  Because of this plan, in the Tiangong, various information about the Shenchang Realm has been collected long ago.

   Shenchang Realm suffered heavy casualties in this battle, especially the loss of a true immortal-level god, which was enough to hurt his muscles and bones.

   Meng Zhang has long read all kinds of information about Shenchang Realm, and he is very sure that he can enter and leave Shenchang Realm safely.

   He is going to collect some of the latest information from the Shenchang Realm and bring it back to the Junchen Realm.

  Meng Zhang soon came to the area where the Taiyimen treasure was collected last time.

   This place is only tens of millions of miles away from the Shenchang Realm and belongs to the control area of ​​the Shenchang Realm.

   Originally, the patrol team of Shenchang Realm passed by nearby from time to time.

After experiencing the movement made by Meng Zhang and the Weiming Taoist of Guantian Pavilion and others, the senior leaders of the Shenchang Realm keenly noticed that there should be some special features near this area that attracted the return of Junchen Realm. Mighty.

Although too many forces were sent to the army that invaded Junchen Realm, it has greatly affected the daily defense of the Shenchang Realm, but some native gods and gods in the Shenchang Realm still took time to deal with this area. Repeated close inspections were carried out.

  Meng Zhang took away the Qiankun Pillar left by the Taiyimen ancestors, and there was nothing here.

   No matter how the gods and gods of the Shenchang Realm searched and searched repeatedly, they would not be able to find the slightest.

   Actually, before this intensive search, the Shenchang Realm had searched carefully here many times, and never found any abnormalities.

  Although most of the native gods and descendants of the Shenchang Realm have given up on searching, they are unwilling to continue doing useless work.

   But there are always unwilling guys who come up with other ways.

   The Void Returning Power of Junchen Realm is willing to sneak into this place with strange risks. There must be something here, and they are bound to get it.

Although I never want to admit it, deep down, most of the gods and descendants of the gods of the world know that the cultivators of the Junchen world have extraordinary inheritance, their cultivation system is more sophisticated, and their cultivation civilization is almost crushed. Shenchang Realm...

   For what Junchen Realm's rebirth power can seek, Shenchang Realm also has coveters.

   A certain native **** of the Shenchang Realm has made friends with all the demon masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

   He spent a huge price, and invited the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and asked him to help carefully search the nearby area.

   The main body of the Hundred Eyes Monster Lord is a special monster, Hundred Eyes Hundred Eyes Whales are born with many magical pupils all over the body.

   These pupils have very mysterious functions, far exceeding the many pupil techniques practiced by cultivators.

  The higher the level of cultivation, the more pupils of the Hundred Eye Whale, and the more powerful its various functions.

   can advance to the level of the demon master, the pupil ability of this hundred-eyed giant whale ranks first in the ten thousand demon world.

   With his pupils open, he can easily see through various illusions and delusions, he can travel through different spatial levels, and even go deep into anti-space...

   In the past battles with Jun Chen realm cultivators, the pupils of the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord played a huge role, allowing you to see through the various formations and flaws of the cultivator's side.

   Among the invading army organized by the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, the Hundred Eyed Demon Lord has a very special and important position.

   If it weren't for the price offered by the native gods of the Shenchang Realm this time, it would be too tempting, the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord would not easily leave the army and come to this place.

   Of course, because of this reason, he also just avoided the fiasco of the extraterritorial invaders, which was considered a disaster.

   Otherwise, with an important person like him, after the collapse of the army, he is definitely the key target of the Jun Chen realm cultivator.

   Now, the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord has already received the news of the defeat of his army.

   This cunning guy secretly rejoiced that he was dead this time. Fortunately, he left the army and came here.

   On the other side, he found an excuse and continued to stay here, unwilling to return to the army.

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