The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1956: Chance encounter

The Hundred Eyes Demon Lord saw the cold ice pseudo-god appear, knowing that he should be safe this time.

   Of course, before Meng Zhang sacrificed Chiyin Sword Sha, the murderous look caused him a lot of pressure.

   It might be a lingering fear, the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord couldn't help but stepped back again and again, trying to avoid the next battle between Meng Zhang and the Frozen Puppet God.

   Meng Zhang faced a strong man like the Frozen Puppet God, and he was struggling to protect himself, so there was no room left to continue chasing and killing the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

   Seeing that the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord was about to successfully escape the catastrophe, the change happened again.

   The Hundred Eyes Demon Lord felt that the surrounding void was shaking violently, and then he was surprised to find that his home was completely isolated from the outside world, as if he had fallen into an independent space.

   A figure suddenly appeared, standing just above the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

   Although Meng Zhang is fighting fiercely with the false **** of the ice, he has been paying attention to the surrounding movement.

   As soon as this figure appeared, he almost called out in surprise.

   This person is the Gu Chen Supreme, who has not been seen for many years.

   When the mother-in-law Qiansi introduced Meng Zhang to join the Dengxianhui, it was Gu Chen who came forward to contact him.

The organization   Dengxianhui was secretly established by a group of Void Returning Powers within Junchen Realm.

   Thousands of years ago, before they fell asleep, several true immortals used great magical powers to forcibly change the rules of the world of Jun Chen.

   Since then, Junchen Realm has never been born a true fairy.

   For thousands of years, the original Void Rebirth Energy has been continuously growing, and new Void Rebirth Energy has been continuously born.

   But because of the actions of several true immortals, they lost the opportunity to become immortals and attain Taoism.

   The rebirth power of those sacred sects are the disciples and grandchildren of a few true immortals, and they have naturally been comforted long ago.

   Those who were born in casual cultivation and those who came from other forces are naturally extremely dissatisfied with them.

   Even the weakest chicken's rebirth power, will not admit that he is hopeless.

   There is a longing for becoming immortal and attaining Tao in the heart of every Void Returning Power.

   So, a group of great powers headed by Gu Chen Shangzun secretly formed the Dengxianhui organization.

   The purpose of this organization is to unite and help each other, and to break the restrictions of the few true immortals, so that everyone has the opportunity to become immortals.

   When Meng Zhang joined the Dengxianhui, a large part of the reason was because of the design of the mother-in-law Qiansi.

   Although Meng Zhang didn't say much on the surface, he happily joined the Dengxianhui, but deep down, he was full of guard against this secret organization.

   After joining the Dengxian Club, Meng Zhang did not miss any benefits he should take.

   In addition, he intentionally or unconsciously kept a distance from the Dengxianhui, and basically did not participate in the activities and gatherings within the Dengxianhui.

   This time, Tiangong forcibly conscripted all the powers of returning to the void by touching the mark of the sun god.

   In the Junchen Realm, a large number of Void Returning Powers who hadn't shown much before appeared suddenly.

   Even the Heavenly Palace and the various sacred sects that have ruled Junchen Realm for thousands of years did not expect that there are so many Void Returning abilities hidden in Junchen Realm.

  Especially a lot of mysterious rebirth powers, so that the heavenly palace and the sects of the holy land are all wary.

   If it weren’t for this group of Void-Returning Powers who were all-out Taoist monks, and obeyed the orders of the Heavenly Palace, and actively participated in the war against the invaders outside the territory, I am afraid that the Heavenly Palace and the various sacred sects would have happened at that time.

   Even so, the Heavenly Palace and the various sacred sects will definitely have a lot of actions in the future, in response to these sudden emergence of the virtual power.

   As the ruler of Junchen Realm, they absolutely don't like this feeling of being out of control.

   During the cleaning operation, Meng Zhang not only got along well with the Void-Returning Powers of the same team, but also took the initiative to contact some acquaintances he knew before, and slowly expand his contacts through them.

  Meng Zhang is a young cultivator in the middle stage of Void Return, and he is also a law enforcement envoy of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall. Some of them are capable of returning to Void and are willing to make friends with him.

   In interacting with all of you, Meng Zhang’s news also began to become more informed.

   There is a feeling in Meng Zhang's heart that most of the mysterious rebirth powers that pop up suddenly have something to do with Dengxian.

  Meng Zhang is very reluctant to get involved in the trouble of Dengxianhui. But he had already been a member of the Dengxianhui, and many troubles weren't just about hiding.

   Of course, because the trouble did not break out immediately, Meng Zhang was not too anxious, but just kept the matter in mind and prepared to deal with it slowly in the future.

   But Meng Zhang never thought that he would meet Gu Chen here by chance.

  Looking at Gu Chen's appearance, it is unlikely that it was directed at Meng Zhang.

   The target he is shooting now is the one-hundred-eye monster master.

   Judging from the timing and posture of his shot, he should have been planning for a long time, and he seems to be determined to win the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

   Regardless of what Meng Zhang thought about Gu Chen, he might be friends or enemies in the future.

   But now, both of them are human monks from the Junchen Realm. They encounter a powerful alien in the void, and they should be the same enemy, and they should be the same.

   I saw the void where the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord was between the fingers of Gu Chen, it turned into a prison, and he was firmly trapped.

   The Hundred Eyes Demon Lord who was unwilling to be trapped tried his best, struggling desperately.

   Gu Chen's superiors flew with both palms, and endless terrifying power appeared out of thin air, and began to squeeze the trapped Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

  The senior leaders of the Shenchang realm knew that the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord had a special position in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and was an important person who needed to be carefully protected, so they specially arranged for a strong man like the Frozen Puppet God to protect him personally.

   With the arrogance that is common among the native gods of the Shenchang Realm, the false gods of the cold ice absolutely cannot tolerate the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord having trouble in front of him.

   If the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord has some shortcomings, the identity and status of the Frozen Pseudo God in the Shenchang Realm will be greatly affected and cause serious consequences.

   Therefore, as soon as a human monk suddenly appeared to deal with the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, the Frozen Puppet God would immediately return for help.

  Before He Dengxian could turn his face, Meng Zhang was also willing to buy Gu Chen Supreme, and actively cooperate with his actions.

   Seeing that the fake **** of ice is about to get out of the battle, the Chiyin sword that Meng Zhang sacrificed to his sword was flourishing, and he slashed towards the fake **** of ice even more fiercely.

   Under the cover of Chi Yin Jian Sha, Meng Zhang chose the opportunity to release Aurora Wusuo.

   The insidious Aurora Wusuo is a weapon of conspiracy, and its lethality is still higher than that of the Chiyin Sword.

   The false **** of cold ice cannot ignore Meng Zhang's attack.

   He keenly discovered the Aurora Usuo who sneaked on him, and he had a strong intuition in his heart, and he must not be hit by this magic weapon.

   Between rescuing the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord and protecting himself first, the ice pseudo-god instinctively chose the latter.

   He was going to repel Meng Zhang's attack first, and then go to support the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord.

   Although the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord is very good at combat effectiveness, he is also a veteran powerhouse in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

   In the face of a sneak attack, it is impossible to hold on for a while.

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