The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1959: Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array

Sanshan True Immortal's puppet of the true immortal level is very costly to drive.

   On weekdays, once a foreign enemy invades, they all take turns to sit in the heaven and earth lore formation and drive the big formation against the enemy together.

  Only when it is necessary to deal with a real celestial level enemy like last time, will a real celestial level puppet take action and fully exert the full power of the big formation.

   It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, there is another important big array in the Heavenly Palace-Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

   Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array can monitor all parts of Junchen Realm. Once a violation of the rules of the Tiangong is found, the sky thunder can be lowered to bombard the target and show the might of the sky.

   The power of the Heavenly Power Thunder Punishment Array is far inferior to the Heaven and Earth Lore Array, but it can still easily kill the ordinary Void Returning Power within Jun Chen Realm.

   Of course, the cost of activating the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array is also very high, and it is impossible to use the large array with a bit of shit.

   In the past, in accordance with the rules set by Tiangong, this large formation was mainly used to monitor and prevent the Void Returning Powers from fighting in the Junchen Realm.

   As long as there is the Void Returning power to dare to take a shot in Jun Chen Realm, it is possible to be spotted by the monks in the big formation, which will attract the bombardment of the sky thunder.

   The Heaven and Earth Lore Array is mainly used to deal with foreign enemies, and the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array is mainly used for internal suppression of Junchen Realm, and their respective responsibilities are distinct.

   The two great formations are so important that the sects of the sacred land naturally have to intervene in them, and no one force can completely control them.

It is precisely because the sacred sects of the holy land have a great influence on the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array, so the Holy Land sect’s return to the virtual can be freely shot in the Junchen Realm. It rarely attracts the bombardment of the sky thunder, and at most receive some punishment afterwards. And warning.

   Since King Snow Sword ordered to clean up the various alien races in Junchen Realm, this Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array has become a means of deterring the powerful alien races, and basically it will not be used on human cultivators.

  Meng Zhang has long known about the existence of the Tianwei Lei Xing Array, but this is the first time he knows such detailed information.

  Since the various sacred sects have a strong influence on this great formation, Meng Zhang must be more careful when he acts in Junchen Realm in the future.

   Who made him offend too many sects of the holy land, and almost made enemies with most of the sects of the holy land.

   Gu Chen Shangzun also told Meng Zhang that hundreds of years ago, the sleeping true immortals were about to wake up.

   But because the strongest of the extraterritorial invaders broke into the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm, it greatly shaken the origin of Junchen Realm.

   Several true immortals had to continue to sleep in order to stabilize the source sea and prevent the world of Jun Chen world from being overwhelmed.

   Meng Zhang was the person who witnessed this incident, and he was punished for it.

   What he didn't know was that the behavior of an extraterritorial invader in the source sea would actually cause such serious consequences.

   No wonder the sects of the sacred places have been aggrieved and insisted on punishing Meng Zhang and other parties severely.

   If it weren't for the shelter of King Snow Sword, the Cold War Master had taken most of the responsibility, and Meng Zhang wouldn't get away so easily back then.

   The sects of the major sacred sites have always been very tough and arrogant when it comes to matters involving their own founder of the mountain.

  It can be imagined how much pressure Ban Xue Jianjun took to protect Meng Zhang and the others.

   This favor Meng Zhang has always been in his heart, always ready to return.

   Originally, after hundreds of years, the sleeping true immortals had already calmed the fluctuations in the source sea and were about to wake up.

   But this time, in order to deal with the real immortal-level powerhouse among the extraterritorial invaders, the Heaven and Earth Lore Array is fully fired, and it has exerted great power.

   This naturally inevitably extracts the origin of Jun Chen Realm as the consumption of the big formation.

   The source sea of ​​Junchen Realm experienced violent fluctuations again, and the time for several true immortals to wake up had to move backward again.

   The news that Gu Chen said, it was also the first time Meng Zhang heard it.

   The information related to a few true immortals should be the top secrets of the sects of the sacred land, and even the Tiangong will try to hide it.

   Gu Chen's supreme being able to know these news, is not just a simple word of well-informed.

   Maybe, Gu Chen has a high enough position inside the sects of the sacred land.

   Gu Chen was very talkative, and also briefly introduced the status of several true immortals to Meng Zhang.

   Several true immortals said that they have been in deep sleep, but they are not as unconscious as ordinary people are sleeping, and have no perception of the outside world.

   Even in deep sleep, their instinctive reaction still exists, and they still retain a certain amount of consciousness.

   If there is an external attack, they can not only make an instinctive counterattack, but also wake up in time.

   Every once in a while, the senior sects of the sacred places can use secret methods to communicate with their dreams and get the latest instructions.

   In other words, even though several true immortals have been in deep sleep for thousands of years, they still have a strong control over Jun Chen Realm.

   They can exert their own influence on the affairs of Junchen Realm through their disciples and grandchildren.

   The secrets mentioned by the Supreme Master Gu Chen, even if King Snow Sword and Meng Zhang are closely related, she has not actively disclosed them to Meng Zhang.

   As for whether the Heavenly Thunder Master knew these secrets, Meng Zhang didn't know either.

  From Gu Chen's words, Meng Zhang can guess that the Dengxianhui organization has strong supporters in Tiangong and can provide support in all aspects.

   As for the identity information of these supporters, Supreme Master Gu Chen didn't reveal it, and Meng Zhang couldn't guess it either.

   Meng Zhang had known before that Monarch Fan Xuejian had secretly supported a lot of casual cultivators.

   In addition to the sects of the great sacred places in the Junchen Realm, a lot of powers of returning to the void can also emerge, and the Snow Sword Monarch has contributed a lot in it.

   Could it be that King Banxue Jian is a supporter of Dengxianhui in the Heavenly Palace?

   Meng Zhang thought for a while, but he was not entirely sure of this guess.

   Although there are many conflicts between King Snow Sword and the sects of the holy land, there are many conflicts on weekdays.

   But when it comes to major events that concern the entire Junchen Realm, she has always stood with the various sacred sects and maintained the same position.

  According to some previous observations made by Meng Zhang, the Dengxian Hui was seriously opposed to the sects of the sacred land, and there was an irreconcilable contradiction.

  Senior Gu Chen had been observing Meng Zhang in secret when he was talking.

  Meng Zhang is good at raising qi, and he is calm enough in the conversation.

   No matter what Gu Chen said or revealed what secrets, he pretended to be surprised at most, but would not reveal his true inner thoughts at will.

   Gu Chen can't figure out Meng Zhang's true thoughts, but he still has to win Meng Zhang according to the plan.

   As long as Meng Zhang has the ambition to become immortal and is unwilling to completely give up his path, he will eventually follow the path of Gu Chen's hope and become deadly enemies with those sleeping true immortals.

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