The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1961: Agreement

Shangzun Gu Chen said frankly that if Meng Zhang really made up his mind to participate in the battle for the origin of heaven and earth, the biggest enemy he would face at that time would be the emptiness of the sacred sects.

   By then, the true immortals will not have time to be cloned, and they will need these disciples and grandchildren to check and fill the gaps for them, and even protect the law for them.

   These Void-Returning Powers not only have a clever heritage, they hold the magic weapon at the bottom of their respective sects, and they also have a wealth of experience in cooperation.

   Regardless of the aspect, the rebirth power of the Holy Land sect has a great advantage when facing the rebirth power of other births.

   Meng Zhang must unite with his friends in Dengxianhui and join hands against the enemy in order to have a chance to get chestnut out of the fire.

   When talking about this, Gu Chen's expression was extremely sincere.

   Regardless of what he thinks in his heart or what he will do in the future, Gu Chen will always adopt this attitude. Of course, Meng Zhang must make a positive response.

   Meng Zhang fully agreed to Gu Chen's proposal, and agreed to join hands against the enemy and participate in the competition together.

  Meng Zhang himself is a member of the Dengxianhui, and the head of the Taiyi Sect.

   Meng Zhang also agreed to the secret alliance between Dengxianhui and Taiyimen suggested by the Supreme Master Gu Chen to secretly strengthen cooperation.

   Taiyi Gate and several holy land sects are hostile, it is when allies are needed to help share the pressure.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, the Dengxian Society with multiple rebirth powers is powerful, and may not even be weaker than a single holy land sect.

   Regardless of whether Dengxian will be reliable or not, will it be possible for the Taiyi Sect to fight against the major sacred sects at critical times.

   Even if the two sides only form an alliance in name, this ally still has a certain deterrent.

   What's more, after the two sides form an alliance, they can exchange all kinds of transactions and help Taiyimen only in terms of materials.

   Seeing that Meng Zhang was so happy and agreed to his proposal, Senior Gu Chen was very satisfied.

   It seems that Meng Zhang is also a guy who knows current affairs.

   Although it is still impossible to trust Meng Zhang completely, this is at least a good start.

  Since Meng Zhang is so acquainted, Supreme Master Gu Chen doesn't mind revealing more plans to him.

   For the few true immortals who are sleeping, Gu Chen's heart is full of jealousy.

   Even if they are asleep, the threat still cannot be underestimated.

   On the one hand, the senior officials of the Dengxian Society will try their best to delay the time for these true immortals to wake up.

  Dengxianhui will take advantage of this precious time to strengthen its own strength and prepare for the future battle for the origin of Junchen Realm.

   For the battle for the origin of heaven and earth, no amount of preparation is enough. The longer the preparation time, the better.

  On the other hand, only after these true celestial beings woke up, they competed for the origin of heaven and earth, fought in the sea of ​​origin, causing the sea of ​​origin to collapse, and the high level of the immortal society had a chance to seize the leftovers.

   Some of the powers of returning to the emptiness in the Immortal Climbing Club are already very old.

   The oldest person, even participated in the war of several true immortals to open up Junchen Realm.

   The ultimate age of Human Race's Void Returning Power will not exceed 10,000 years.

   Actually, due to various reasons, such as the wastage caused by fierce fighting, some problems in spiritual practice, etc., most of the Void-Returning Powers cannot live to the limit of age.

   These imaginary rebirth powers who are about to end their life, naturally hope that the true immortals will wake up as soon as possible, and immediately go to war, so that they have the opportunity to **** the origin of the world of Jun Chen.

   Under such circumstances, many contradictions have also appeared within the Dengxianhui.

   Those who are older and more experienced, tend to have a higher level of cultivation and a greater right to speak.

   Those who are young and have insufficient qualifications need enough time to grow up.

   The age of the Supreme Lord Gu Chen is not too old, it is still too early to run out of life.

   He draws in Meng Zhang, who is also relatively young, naturally in order to strengthen the strength of his line of people.

   Judging by the standard of rebirth, Meng Zhang is amazingly young.

   Although Gu Chen did not expressly say about some things, he just mentioned a few words if there is nothing.

   Meng Zhang, who had an astonishing understanding, immediately understood, and said that in the future, in the Dengxianhui, everything will be respected by Gu Chen as the head of the horse.

   Gu Chen Supreme Sovereign hinted that Meng Zhang, the Dengxian Society may have some big moves that will affect the origin of the world of Junchen Realm, and hope that Meng Zhang can actively cooperate.

   Meng Zhang agreed on the surface in one fell swoop, but he began to think about it in his heart.

   The last time he was stationed for nine days, the strongest of the extraterritorial invaders at the Void Return level broke through the blockade, broke into the nine days, and forcibly entered the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

   Meng Zhang had doubts in his mind at the time. There must be someone in Junchen Realm who had stolen these extraterritorial invaders and provided them with very confidential information.

   You must know that it is not a simple matter to break into the source sea and cause enough damage in it.

   If there is not enough intelligence to support, it is completely death.

   It now appears that the organization that secretly colluded with invaders outside the territory and provided them with confidential information was mostly the Dengxianhui organization.

  The Dengxianhui gang has no bottom line, they colluded with foreign enemies, and counted as fellow monks of the human race.

  Made, will Dengxian be raped by this gang?

   Meng Zhang cursed inwardly, but on the surface he was still calm.

   In the battle that just ended not long ago, the Heaven and Earth Lore Array extracted a large number of the origins of the Junchen Realm Heaven and Earth, and most of it has affected the sleeping true immortals.

   Gu Chen will continue to attack Yuan Hai in Junchen It seems that he hopes that a few true celestial beings sleep for as long as possible.

   At this point, the interests of Meng Zhang and Gu Chen are the same. Even if you don't like Gu Chen's approach, he will not stop him, but will actively cooperate with him.

  Meng Zhang knew in his heart that Supreme Master Gu Chen seemed to be frank, but he hadn't fully trusted him yet.

   Meng Zhang has been a member of the Dengxianhui for many years, and apart from Gu Chen Shangzun, he has not seen any other high-level members of the Dengxianhui.

   He has seen a lot of ordinary members, and none of them are of much value.

   As for the backing of Dengxianhui in the Tiangong and waiting for confidential information in the various sacred sects, Meng Zhang is even ignorant.

   In any case, the conversation between Gu Chen Shangzun and Meng Zhang was quite pleasant this time, and both of them were considered very rewarding.

  Especially Gu Chen, the Supreme Being, who thought he had achieved the goal of wooing Meng Zhang, seemed very good.

   The two chatted for a long time before ending the conversation.

   It is still a secret that Meng Zhang joined the Dengxian Society, and Gu Chen did not want people to see how he and Meng Zhang were connected.

   After the two finished their conversation, they parted ways and rushed towards Junchen Realm.

   The place where the two of them talked is not far from Jun Chen Realm.

   After the two broke up, Meng Zhang rushed directly to Jun Chen Realm.

   The road was smooth and smooth, without any surprises, and without any surprises, Meng Zhang successfully reached the destination and entered the meteorite belt outside Junchen Realm.

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