The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1974: Xianyun Zhenxian

The lives of those observing monks were not worth mentioning in Yang Sheng's eyes, but he couldn't care less about the face of the Ziyang Saint Sect, he had to pay a little bit of attention and couldn't make the scene too ugly.

   So, he changed his mind and let Meng Zhang escape, and then he chased him to a place far away from onlookers.

   Yang Sheng Shangzun and Meng Zhang chased and fled. When they were far away from Junchen Realm, all the bystanders were left far away.

   The monks who had the ability to catch up all recognized the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng, and were unwilling to blend into the grievances of the Purple Sun Sect.

   The monks with insufficient eyesight often have insufficient strength and can't catch up with two people at all.

   Up to now, Meng Zhang has exhausted all means, and has not been able to completely get rid of Yang Sheng's chase.

   Yang Sheng Shangzun was not too careless.

   When a dog is anxious, he will jump over the wall, not to mention Meng Zhang's such great ability to return to the void.

   If you accidentally let Meng Zhang take advantage of the loopholes and hurt yourself, even if Meng Zhang's body was broken into pieces afterwards, he would not think it was worth it.

   Maybe he felt it was impossible to escape, and he had already begun to feel desperate. Meng Zhang suddenly stopped the pace of fleeing, and faced the swiftly chasing Supreme Master Yang Sheng.

   "Why don't you escape? I know I can't escape, so I save some energy and prepare to die honestly?"

   Yang Sheng Shangzun thought that he had the chance to win, and he seemed very relaxed.

Meng Zhang didn't take up Li Yang Sheng, but looked at Yang Sheng behind him blankly, and said loudly: "Senior, this junior has already agreed to your request. Please take action to get rid of this old thief in front of you. "

   Hearing Meng Zhang’s shout, Shangzun Yangsheng was taken aback for a moment, could not help turning his head and looking behind him, and then there was another burst of presumptuous laughter.

   "Boy, you are also capable of returning to the illusion anyway, can you have a face. Except for this trick to deceive children, you have no other ability?"

  Meng Zhang just waited silently when Yang Sheng Shangzun didn't exist, without any response.

  Meng Zhang's appearance made Yang Sheng's heart angry all of a sudden, he was about to take Meng Zhang down and completely end the pursuit.

   Suddenly, Yang Sheng's heart suddenly rises with a chill, and a sudden panic feels spontaneously.

   At this moment, an old Taoist priest with white hair and white beard, wearing a cloud-patterned Taoist robe, appeared behind Yang Sheng Shangzun out of thin air.

   Following the feeling in his heart, Shangzun Yangsheng suddenly turned around and saw this old Taoist at a glance.

  Yang Sheng Shangzun instinctively explored the details of this veteran, but the divine thoughts he released were like a clay cow entering the sea, all disappeared.

   The unwilling Supreme Lord Yang Sheng continued to perform several secret exploration techniques, but was unable to detect any useful information.

   This old Dao didn't move, and let the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng show it, but instead talked with Meng Zhang.

   "Meng Xiaoyou, you have to think about it. Once you agree to the old man, if you regret later, you should be clear about the consequences."

   "Seniors and juniors have been driven to a dead end. Apart from seeking help from your old man, there is no other way to survive."

   "Senior, don't worry, juniors are not ignorant people. Since they have promised to your old man, I will definitely not dare to go back."

   "This old thief in front of me is even a gift from a younger generation."

   Meng Zhang smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

   "Yes, colluding with the monks outside the territory and killing the emptiness of the Ziyang Saint Sect. Once this news is leaked, you will no longer have a foothold in Junchen Realm."

   The old man in Taoist nodded, seeming to accept Meng Zhang's statement.

   Even though he knew that the old man in Taoist costume was unfathomable, but being so ignored by them, Yang Sheng couldn't help feeling angry.

   "Your Excellency, where are you holy?"

   "Do you know what kind of things you are involved in and what kind of troubles are you getting into?"

   The old man in Taoist pretence didn't respond to Yang Sheng's stern question, instead he spoke to himself.

   "For the sake of being in the same vein, the old man asked you to be a ghost."

   "The old man's road number Xianyun comes from the Sage of Flowing Clouds."

   As soon as the voice fell, this veteran who claimed to be Xianyun directly attacked Yang Sheng.

   After returning to Junchen Realm from the Alien Region, Meng Zhang chose to tell Sword Monarch Banxue about his experience of being in the void over the years.

   Flowing Cloud Saint Sect, as the top power in the four-pointed star area, is naturally the subject of Meng Zhang's focus.

  Ban Xue Jianjun compiled the information provided by Meng Zhang into a book, and placed it in the heaven for your high-level reading and reference.

   For the visitors from the four-pointed star area, including the Ziyang Shengzong, all the holy land sects are very concerned.

   Although Yang Sheng Shangzun has always been very busy, he took the time to read relevant information.

   As soon as he heard the name Flowing Cloud Saint Sect, Supreme Lord Yang Sheng immediately reacted.

   "Meng Zhang dared to collude with foreign enemies. It's a sin worthy of death."

   This is the first thought in Yang Sheng's heart.

   Of course, the heart of the next Yang Sheng Shangzun quickly became blank, without any other thoughts.

   As the top monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect, the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng is very knowledgeable.

   Even if the true immortal Ziyang has fallen into deep sleep for thousands of years, he has had a lot of contact with the three lions and the ancestor Xuanxuan during these years.

   As soon as this old Dao named Xianyun shot, he desperately discovered that the opponent was clearly a real immortal-level powerhouse, and seemed to be even more powerful than the ancestor Xuanxuan.

   There is a big difference between the late stage of returning to the virtual world and the real fairy.

   The rebirth period is still The real fairy is a fairy.

   The difference between immortals and places is absolutely insurmountable.

   No matter how powerful Yang Sheng Shangzun is and how many hole cards he has, he has no power to resist in front of the true immortal.

   Even if he wants to desperately, wants to explode, wants to bite off a piece of flesh from the opponent before he died, he can't do it at all.

   I saw Xian Yun flicking his fingers seemingly inadvertently, and a cloud that appeared out of thin air enveloped the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng.

  Yang Sheng Shangzun, no matter how hard he struggles, can't get rid of it.

   At the last moment of love knowing, he must give his life to fight for the last gleam of vitality, his whole body suddenly swelled, and it was about to turn into a purple sun.

   Xian Yun shook his right hand, making a forceful look, and the cloud suddenly turned into mist and exploded.

   A wisp of mist entangled Yang Sheng's body firmly, preventing him from making the next change.

   Xianyun gave a soft sigh, and the whole body of Yangsheng Supreme suddenly exploded and turned into blood and flesh in the sky.

   As his body was destroyed, he had not had time to display the world and the world, and the Yang Shen who had no chance to escape, all turned into powder.

   Xianyun didn't seem to show much effort, and easily killed the Supreme Lord Yangsheng without any effort.

   And just now, the Supreme Lord Yang Sheng still had a crushing advantage over Meng Zhang, and he had nowhere to go to heaven and earth to chase him.

   Is there really such a big gap between the true immortal and the monks under the true immortal?

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