The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1979: support

After the war between Meng Zhang and Weijue Old Way, all the monks with a little vision around them were panicked and eagerly wanted to escape far away.

   But not all monks have the ability to escape from the killing range of the two of them in time.

   What's more, not every monk is so smart and knows how to escape.

   I felt that the old Dao desperately killed Meng Zhang, but it caused considerable damage to the territory of the Ziyang Saint Sect, killing many mortals and cultivators.

   But after the old Dao's desperate blow, it seemed like a frustrated ball, and its momentum suddenly became lower.

   Meng Zhang's figure appeared silently above Weijue Old Dao, and grabbed him with one hand.

   Only that the old Dao sensed Meng Zhang's intention to capture himself alive, and even though he was facing a desperate situation, he almost laughed.

   This kid actually looks down on himself so much, does he really think he will let him take it?

   Wei Jue Dao mustered his courage and prepared to work hard again.

   Upon seeing this, Meng Zhang knew that it was unlikely that he would catch him alive.

   There is no need to risk injury at this time, to make an unsure attempt.

   The Chiyin Sword ran across Weijue Lao Dao's body like lightning, and directly cut down his head.

  The evil spirits contained in the flying sword penetrated through the body, taking away his last vitality.

   But feeling that the body of the old Dao is falling downward, Meng Zhang emptied his hand with one hand, and an invisible force dragged it.

   But even though Lao Dao had been beheaded, his corpse was not entirely worthless.

   At this moment, the space not far in front of Meng Zhang fluctuated, and then a portal appeared, and the long-lost Taoist Weiming stepped out of the portal with one step.

   Weiming Taoist, who had a very ugly face, saw Meng Zhang in front of him at a glance, as well as the corpse of the same old Weijue.

   Weiming Taoist broke out immediately.

   "Meng Zhang, you dare to hurt my monk in Guantian Pavilion. It is really a sin worthy of death."

   Seeing Weiming Taoist, an old friend, appeared, Meng Zhang narrowed his mouth in disdain.

   You monks from the sect of the Holy Land, you are used to being aloof, you are only allowed to kill, and you are not allowed to fight back.

  The cultivation world is so big, there are always hard bones who are not afraid of the power of the sect of the Holy Land.

   When the old Dao was escaping for his life, apart from asking the monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect for help, it was naturally inevitable to ask the fellow of Guantian Pavilion for help.

   The same door is still reliable, Ziyang Saint Sect is not hurried, but Guantian Pavilion is eager to rescue.

   After receiving Wei Jue Dao’s distress message, the Weiming Taoist hurriedly rushed through the space.

   But because of the far distance, he was slightly delayed on the road, and he was a step late, just in time to see Meng Zhang dealing with Weijue's veteran body.

   The new hatred plus the old hatred, but Ming Taoist didn't have a word of nonsense, so he shot it straight away.

   A huge **** with a height of more than a thousand feet appeared above the two of them, and slayed fiercely towards Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang suffered a dumb loss to Weiming Taoist in the vicinity of Shenchang Realm last time, and then the two clashed again near Junchen Realm.

   The two are old friends, so naturally there is no need to communicate.

   A huge picture of Tai Chi Yin and Yang appeared on top of Meng Zhang's head, and he immediately fought against the gods released by the Taoist Weiming.

   For thousands of years, there have been very few battles at the Void Return level in Junchen Realm, let alone direct fights between Heaven and Earth.

   The power of the heavens and the earth is huge. If you fight in the void, it will be worth it. The conflict and collision directly in the Junchen Realm will immediately cause huge damage to the surroundings.

  Meng Zhang naturally will not reduce the power of his shot, but will guide the enemy intentionally or unintentionally, causing greater damage to the territory of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   In the face of a powerful enemy like Meng Zhang, the Taoists dare not be the slightest careless, and they almost go all out, unable to keep their hands at all.

   The two heavens and the earth did not meet each other for a while, and there was a scene of natural disasters around them.

  The mountains are falling, the rivers are dry, the earth is cracking...the whole land seems to be sinking.

   A war of returning to the Void broke out on his own territory, if the Ziyang Saint Sect couldn't interfere any more, it would really look down on people.

   A space portal appeared nearby, and the anode flew out of the portal rushingly.

   Seeing the two powerful fights in the middle of returning to the Void, there is no scruples at all, and the anode Taoist's heart is even more angry.

   Even if he wanted to stop the battle between the two, he couldn't do it at all.

  Meng Zhang is an enemy, so naturally he won't listen to him.

   Seeing Weiming Taoist's high fighting spirit, I also knew that he couldn't persuade him.

   More importantly, the two people who fought were both cultivators in the middle stage of Void Return, and only the anode Taoists who had cultivation base in the early stage of Void Return were really powerless to stop such a battle.

   Weiming Taoists are angry because they feel the death of the old Taoism in the same school, so they know that their fighting here will have a great impact on the Ziyang Saint Sect, and they don't care much.

   If an anode Taoist knew what Weiming Taoist thoughts, he would be even more aggrieved.

   Ziyang Shengzong received the help message from Wei Jue Dao. Although he was not very enthusiastic about rescue, he definitely had no idea that he would die.

   Ziyang Shengzong is not active in rescue. In addition to subjective factors, there are also objective reasons.

   The sects of the major sacred land were launched almost at the same time, and the main attention of the Ziyang Saint Sect was on the Dali Dynasty.

   The Void Returning Powers sent by the Ziyang Saint Sect directly rushed to the capital of the Dali Dynasty to go to the capital, but they encountered great resistance and failed to smooth the capital as planned.

The offensive is not good. At this time, there are people who don’t open their eyes and run over to make trouble with the Ziyang Saint Qiu Gangfeng, who has already advanced to the stage of rebirth, has been walking secretly before, and doing everything possible to avoid Ziyang. The eyes and ears of the holy sect.

   This time he actually ate the gall of the bear heart and leopard, and ran to the Ziyang Shengzong mountain gate to make trouble.

   Regardless of his identity, he used the big to bully the small, and specially attacked the low-level monks of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   In addition, he also easily destroyed several strongholds of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   To Ziyang Saint Sect, Qiu Gangfeng is at best a fly.

   But this fly is too annoying, it actually took advantage of the emptiness of Ziyang Shengzong's mountain gate and ran nearby and messed up.

   This is not only a blatant provocation, but also a face slap.

   If the Ziyang Saint Sect allows Qiu Gangfeng to come and go freely, how can the face of the Sect of the Holy Land survive?

   It’s not an easy task to completely win a shameless, hiding power from the emptiness.

   Ziyang Shengzong gave priority to organizing a team to besieged Qiu Gangfeng, naturally neglecting the old-fashioned call for help.

   Qiu Gangfeng, this guy is very cunning, especially slippery, he actually avoided early, avoiding the pursuit and killing team of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Ziyang Shengzong took care of this and lost the other, neither caught Qiu Gangfeng nor rescued Weijue in time.

   The positive Taoist watched Meng Zhang, a junior who was not worth mentioning in the past, turned into an existence that he needed to look up to, and his heart was even more unhappy.

   I think that back then, Meng Zhang was nothing but grass in his own eyes. Who would have thought that there would be today.

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