The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1981: Battlefield everywhere

Another treasure bestowed by Xianyun Zhenxian is an immortal talisman made by Liuyun Zhenxian.

   Although this fairy talisman is powerful enough to allow Meng Zhang to easily reverse the situation, it has a limit on the number of times it can be used, and it is too precious and rare, and Meng Zhang is not prepared to use it easily.

   Of course, now the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array is constantly launching fierce attacks, and with the powerful enemy Weiming Taoist, Meng Zhang does not show his trump cards, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out today.

  Since I have to use the fairy talisman, he must find an opportunity to maximize the power of the fairy talisman and achieve the greatest results.

   Although Meng Zhang fell to the bottom, he could still hold on for a long time.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was able to block Weiming Daoist's attack while being bombarded by the sky thunder, the anode Daoist who was watching the battle was very impatient, and he began to send information to the side of the mountain gate and asked him to urge the side of the palace to increase the power of the sky. The power of the Thunder Xing Array.

   When Meng Zhang was chasing Weijue Dao and came to the Ziyang Saint Sect's domain, many fierce and fierce return to the Void erupted in various places in Junchen Realm.

   Ziyang Shengzong’s Void Returning Powers formed a team and smashed into the capital of the Dali Dynasty, and were in a **** battle.

   Zhenhaidian's brigade returned to the Void and killed the Hailing faction together, trying to eliminate this confidant trouble in one fell swoop.

   The allied forces of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, Guantian Pavilion, and the Situ Family began to suppress the important strongholds of the Dengxianhui.

  The members of the Dengxianhui, under the leadership of Gu Chen, started a series of battles with the enemy.

   Royal Beast Sect, Snow Mountain School and Kou Family were not very enthusiastic about this action.

   Of course, out of the consideration that the sects of the sacred land are in the same spirit, they still sent a lot of Void Returning Powers to actively participate in the war.

   It's just that their main monk, in the name of preventing invaders from outside the territory taking the opportunity to invade, was arranged in the void near Junchen Realm.

   In the past, the Dali Dynasty and the Hailing Sect were able to fight against the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Zhenhai Temple. One important reason was that the sects of the sacred land pulled back from each other, so that the Ziyang Saint Sect and the Zhenhai Temple could not go all out.

   Now, the sects of the great sacred land are united, there is no internal friction in the middle, and they can do their best to the outside world, and the situation of the Great Li Dynasty and the Hailing School has become very dangerous.

  The Dengxianhui organization has been secretly cultivating forces that oppose the sects of the sacred land.

   Firstly, he was sheltered by Taoist priests in the ancient capital, the deputy director of the Temple of Heaven.

   Therefore, the various sacred sects temporarily tolerated its existence.

   Now, once the sects of the sacred land have exerted their strength, the organization of Dengxianhui will start to be unable to resist it.

   Gu Chen had already known the plans of the various sacred sects, and he had also made a lot of preparations in advance.

   But the sects of the major sacred sites moved too fast, so they directly used the strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain and transferred away the Daoist of the ancient capital of the Dengxianhui's largest patron.

   Then, the various sacred sects again controlled the vital points of the Tiangong, and cut off all external support from the Dengxianhui.

After    Gu Chen heard the news, he had no time to react more.

   He was unwilling to be unwilling to catch it, so he decided to fight hard.

   Because he was afraid of the bad situation, he scared away Meng Zhang. He deliberately concealed the information and wanted Meng Zhang to continue in Junchen Realm and help hold some enemies.

   The imaginary capitals of the various sacred sects have their own missions, and they cannot directly participate in the war for the time being.

   If you want to completely control the Gu Chen Supreme, you need to use the power of the digital return stage.

   Gu Chen Shangzun has been operating in Junchen Realm for many years, and he is not without helpers.

   Once the strength that Dengxian has accumulated for many years burst out, it is not without the slightest strength to fight back.

Many of Dengxianhui's strongholds are located in remote places in Junchen Realm, and they have been directly attacked by foreign enemies.

   Gu Chen, who had planned for a long time, directly led a group of Void-Returning Powers to launch a counterattack and moved the battlefield to the Middle-earth Continent.

  Middle-Earth Continent is the center of the realm of comprehension. It is the most prosperous and resource-rich area in Junchen Realm.

   Breaking out here in the Void Returning War will not only cause serious damage to Junchen Realm, but also greatly weaken Junchen Realm's war potential, or even directly damage Junchen Realm's heaven and earth origin.

   Gu Chen Shangzun and they have a desperate heart, and they also hope that through this method, the sects of the sacred land will be scrupulous.

   They put aside all constraints, wantonly destroy and kill in the Middle-earth Continent.

   A group of Void Returning Powers let go of their hands and feet, and its destructive power is amazing.

   Even if the hunting teams sent by the sects of the great sacred grounds stopped Gu Chen and the others, the destruction caused by the fighting against each other is not weaker than before.

  The madness of Gu Chen, the monks who chased them, was amazed.

   The high-level sect sects of the major sacred grounds all had the idea of ​​only allowing the state officials to set fires and not allowing the people to light the lights. They did not expect that the Gu Chen masters would have an attack and would cause such great damage to the Middle-earth Continent.

   In order to weaken the damage and reduce the loss, the battle must be ended as soon as possible.

   In addition to the strength of the monks of the various sacred sects, the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array in the Tiangong has also received requests for support from all over the Junchen Realm.

   Ziyang Saint Sect is located in the north of Junchen Realm, and the Middle-earth Continent is the real core of Junchen Realm.

Therefore, after some consideration, the monks who controlled the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array used a large part of the power of the Great Array on the battlefield on the Middle-earth Meng Zhang and Weiming Taoist fought for a long time. , I found out that although the sky thunder bombardment was powerful, it caused a lot of trouble to myself.

   But under this circumstance, he was still able to block Weiming Taoist's attack, so he didn't have to worry about defeat for the time being.

   The positive attitude who watched the battle was so popular.

   I asked Tianwei Lei to increase the intensity of the bombardment many times, but after so long, the power of the sky thunder's bombardment has not changed, and it just looks like it's going to die.

   Not to mention the anger, the Weiming Taoist who really fought with Meng Zhang felt very depressed.

   He has already disregarded his face and used the power of the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array to deal with the junior Meng Zhang together.

   But this junior is so tough that there is no tendency to waver at all, which makes Wei Ming Taoist's face very uncontrollable.

  Meng Zhang and Weiming Taoist fought fiercely on the Ziyang Saint Sect's domain. Every time they delay, the Ziyang Saint Sect's domain will suffer more losses.

   Seeing that the power of the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array is just so powerful, but Meng Zhang can't be helped, the Taoist Taoist began to call for other support forces.

   Junchen Realm's Void-Returning Ability basically has more or less mastered the power of the space avenue.

   The vast majority of them, when needed, can tear open the space, shuttle back and forth through the space gap, and back and forth to various places in Junchen Realm, greatly shortening the distance on the road.

   Even if it is far away in the Middle-earth Continent, it does not take much time to get to the north of Junchen Realm.

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