The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1997: Underworld

Although Tai Miao is an external incarnation of Meng Zhang, she still has her own happiness, anger, sorrow, and some unique ideas.

  Whether it is the legendary ghost or the ghost domain in the capital, Tai Miao is very interested.

   Even if there is no order from Meng Zhang, Tai Miao will try to understand these things.

   Now that Meng Zhang needs to know more about Yindu City, he naturally needs to ask for help.

   In the past few years, Tai Miao has expanded in the underworld, and has already possessed a very vast territory.

   As the territory of the underworld under his control grows larger, Tai Miao's own power also grows rapidly.

   It was so wonderful at this time. At the level of Yang Shen, he basically had no opponents.

   Even if a number of Yang Shen stage monks who came from the Yang world besieged him, he was not afraid at all.

   He spent a lot of time and energy to refine and comprehend the power of reincarnation in his hand.

   Many years of hard work, he has achieved a lot of results.

   He has a deeper understanding of the Way of Reincarnation, and can slightly stimulate the power of reincarnation authority.

   has the help of authority, even if he faces an enemy of the Void Return level, he is not without the strength to fight back, more or less able to deal with it.

   In most places in the underworld, whether it is acquired ghosts or ghosts, the strongest is only the level of the late soul.

   Except for the occasional short-lived innate ghosts and gods, the only place that can have the power above the Yang God, as far as Meng Zhang knows, is the Yin Capital City established in the underworld by the Dali Dynasty.

   After exposing his true strength, he was besieged by the cultivators of the Yang Shen stage who descended from the Nine Profound Pavilion to the underworld.

   And his opponent, the target of his conquest, is far inferior to him in terms of individual strength.

After    Tai Miao absorbed the army of ghosts left behind by Shouzheng, his army greatly increased.

   An army with the guardians of the Taiyi Gate and the ghosts of the monks as the backbone. The army is well-disciplined and well-trained, far surpassing most of the mobs in the underworld.

  Moreover, with the improvement of his cultivation level, he is more and more able to reflect the characteristics of certain natural ghosts and gods, which has a great suppressing effect on the acquired ghosts and all kinds of ghosts.

   Especially since he was able to transform from a god, he was full of attraction to acquired ghosts and gods and all kinds of ghosts.

   After a series of big battles and great victories, it became so famous that it attracted a large number of acquired ghosts and ghosts to cast.

   Later, where his army passed, the descendants were like clouds, and many places were self-defeating and surrendered to him.

   There are countless active or passive participants, making Tai Miao’s army of ghosts like a snowball, rolling bigger and stronger.

   The army of ghosts he currently has, if pulled into the Yang world, regardless of strength or number, it will surpass the army of monks in the Taiyi Sect.

   Even if the Taiyimen gathered the entire army of monks in the Hanhai Dao League, they might not be able to compete with Tai Miao's army.

   Speaking of which, Meng Zhang is a little bit jealous of his external incarnation.

   After Meng Zhang entered the primordial spirit stage, he refined this external incarnation.

   The time of Tai Miao's cultivation is far less than that of Meng Zhang, but the speed of growth, the rate of improvement of cultivation base, is not necessarily much slower than Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang is already a great power in the middle stage of Void Rebirth, and it is so wonderful that it can reach the level of Void Rebirth at any time when the Yang Shen stage cultivation base is completed.

   Speaking of the subordinates, it’s wonderful. Because of the special nature of the underworld, the army of ghosts he has is worthy of Meng Zhang’s many years of accumulation.

   If it wasn't for Taiyimen and a few Yangshen stage monks, it would be impossible to compare with them.

   Of course, because the rise in the underworld was too rapid and the rise time was relatively short, Tai Miao also faced the same problems as Meng Zhang.

   Tai Miao is the only Yang Shen-level powerhouse among this force.

   There are not many late-stage masters of the Yuanshen under his hands, and most of them are later relied on.

   Among his most trusted family members, there are no outstanding figures.

Including the Great Sword God General and a group of guardian generals, the time to break through the imprisonment of the cultivation base is too short. Even if you take the initiative to become a wonderful slave god, you can obtain wonderful power blessings, and the strength is still only average, not comparable to those Veteran acquired ghosts and ghosts of years.

   All of the power of the Taimiao power at present are all tied to Taimiao's own body.

   is too wonderful, this is a powerful force that trembles the underworld and occupies the vast territory of the underworld.

   Too wonderful. If it is not there, even if this force is not completely wiped out, it will collapse and fall.

   The underworld force is very important, and it is related to many arrangements of Meng Zhang in the future.

   If it was not necessary, Meng Zhang would not be willing to put Tai Miao in danger.

   Too wonderful is more adventurous and bolder than Meng Zhang.

   In the process of expanding in the underworld, Tai Miao has explored many well-known dangerous places in the underworld.

   If it hadn't been for the time to be free, Tai Miao would want to explore a deeper level of the underworld.

  Too wonderful is in the underworld now, as long as there is no conflict with the Dali Dynasty, it is basically invincible in the world.

   This power under him is probably the second largest power in the underworld besides Yindu City.

   Don't look at the fact that his territory is still far away from Yinducheng, but as he continues to expand, one day he will meet the forces of Yinducheng.

   In the eyes of too wonderful, Yinducheng has become his biggest opponent.

   If he wants to unify the underworld, Underworld City will definitely become the biggest obstacle.

   Taiyimen and Dali Dynasty were allies that together opposed Ziyang Shengzong.

  The senior officials of the Dali Dynasty turned Shangjing into a ghost, which touched Meng Zhang's bottom line, and Meng Zhang decided to draw a clear line with it.

   After the fact that the Dali Dynasty colluded with the ghost clan was exposed, it became a public enemy of Junchen Realm.

  Meng Zhang didn't want to fall into trouble, but out of a conflict of interests, he and Ziyang Shengzong carve up the territory of the Great Li Dynasty.

   Xianyun Zhenxian hoped that Meng Zhang would secretly help Dali Dynasty and try his best to assist that ghost domain.

   Meng Zhang’s attitude is that they are not helping each other between the sect of the sacred land and the Dali Dynasty.

   Tai Miao, if it can unify the underworld, it will be of great significance to both Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect.

   Ziyang Shengzong once wanted to project his own blessed land to the Yindu city established by the Dali Dynasty in the underworld.

   Meng Zhang did not know the significance of this.

   After accepting the inheritance left by the ancestor Shoushan and gaining more knowledge, Meng Zhang understood more mysteries about the blessed land.

   The independent space in the blessed land, the limit of growth is a small world.

   This is mainly because the rules of heaven and earth are incomplete and lack many key elements.

  If the blessed land wants to continue to grow, and even grow into a cave, it must complement the rules of heaven and earth.

   A complete world not only has the yang world, but also the underworld.

   Project the blessed land onto a certain area of ​​the underworld, and then swallow this area completely, making it a part of the blessed land, so that the lack of rules of heaven and earth can be filled, and the blessed land can be promoted.

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