The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2115: sell

On the other side of the East China Sea, the coalition forces of the various sacred sects are still confronting the sea clan army, but all kinds of large-scale battles have already stopped.

   The envoys sent by the various sacred sects directly approached the top of the true dragon clan and asked for negotiations.

   During the negotiation, the two parties reached a lot of agreements.

   Dragon King Gang did not reveal much about the content of the negotiations, but only revealed the parts related to Meng Zhang and the situation in the South China Sea.

  According to the agreement reached between the two parties, the Sea Clan army will stop continuing its attack on the South China Sea.

   In return, the Terran monks in the South China Sea must give up a large area of ​​the South China Sea as a habitat for the sea tribe.

   The Dragon King Gang justly told Meng Zhang that the South China Sea was originally the territory of the Sea Clan.

   It's just that the human cultivators at that time bullied the weak, and under the leadership of the Sea Spirit faction launched an aggressive war against the Sea Clan, and finally defeated the Sea Clan by despicable means.

   The sea clan who suffered heavy losses had to give up their territories in the South China Sea and retreated to the depths of the ocean to escape the pursuit of human cultivators.

   Now that the sea clan returns to their hometown and retakes the original territory, it is regarded as returning to the original owner.

   Moreover, the Sea Clan is generous and generous, and it is not too compelling, let alone driving the Nanhai Clan to a desperate situation.

  The senior officials of the Hai clan knew that the Human clan had lived and thrived in the South China Sea for many years, so they did not force the Human clan to withdraw from all the territories in the South China Sea, but only asked the Human clan to cede a part of the South China Sea territory.

  Gang Dragon King explained to Meng Zhang while swiping, and a map of the South China Sea appeared in front of him.

  The Dragon King just made gestures on this map, marking out the territories of the various sacred sects to be ceded to the Sea Clan.

  According to this map, the cultivators of the South China Sea human race will lose nearly half of their territory, including vast sea areas and a large number of islands.

   Hailing faction will not only lose a large amount of its immediate territories, but many of the South China Sea League's cultivation forces can't even keep the mountain gates.

   Not to mention the human monk in the South China Sea, even the outsider Meng Zhang felt unacceptable.

   The sects of the sacred land are really despicable, and they are generous with others. They use the South China Sea territories that do not belong to their own to buy the true dragon family in exchange for the other side to retreat.

   The authenticity of the words spoken by the Dragon King Gang, Meng Zhang did not doubt.

  , these situations are easy to verify, and if the Dragon King lied, it would be easy to expose.

  Secondly, in the style of the various sects of the holy land, this kind of thing can be completely done.

   As for whether the sects of the sacred land have made concessions and sacrifices in other places, the Dragon King did not say much.

   In any case, the sacred sects of the great sacred land caused the disaster and betrayed the South China Sea. The biggest victims were the South China Sea cultivation forces headed by the Hailing School.

   Dragon King Gang took the initiative to reveal this news to Meng Zhang this time, of course it was not out of kindness.

   The intention to provoke discord is already very obvious.

   To be honest, if Meng Zhang is not well-informed and knows the true dragon clan's nature well, I am afraid that after knowing that he has been betrayed by the sacred sects, he will give birth to the desire to take refuge in the true dragon clan.

  The working style of the true dragon clan is seriously inconsistent with his three views, and it is really difficult for the two sides to come together.

   Meng Zhang still has a doubt in his heart.

   The sects of the sacred land negotiated with the true dragon clan and sold out the interests of the South China Sea cultivators. Does the Tiangong side know about it?

  If Tiangong knew about it, what would their attitude be?

   Gang Longwang's words and words are all inspiring Meng Zhang's dissatisfaction with the sects of the holy land.

   Without having to provoke the Dragon King, Meng Zhangdu regards all the sacred sects as the life and death enemies of the Taiyi Sect.

   Since the Dragon King just wants to win, Meng Zhang might as well make a mistake with it.

   Not to mention what benefits are gained from the true dragons, at least there is no need to directly be an enemy of the true dragons.

   Didn't you see that the sacred sects of the sacred land had to make concessions and compromises when they faced the true dragon clan?

   Taiyi Sect is not the ruler of Junchen Realm, nor is it directly threatened by the real dragon clan, so why should he stand in the front?

   Now I am meeting with the Dragon King in private, and there is no one around, Meng Zhang no longer pretends, and no longer makes the appearance of fighting the real dragon to the end.

   He slowed down his tone, lowered his posture, and chatted with King Ganglong.

   Gang Long saw that Meng Zhang was so intrigued, and his face showed a hint of color.

   Meng Zhang’s divine mind incarnation saw the situation, his tone changed, and he pulled onto the various sects of the holy land.

  Meng Zhang told King Ganglong that the sects of the great sacred land seemed to be the leaders of the right way, but in fact they were secretly shameless, which is simply the style of the demon sect.

   Don't look at them now lowering their stance when negotiating with the real dragon clan. In fact, this is definitely a slow-down strategy.

   When they are relieved, they will definitely tear up all agreements and fight back against the true dragons.

  Meng Zhang's so awkwardly instigating discord only caused Ganglongwang to smile.

   The true dragons have never let down their vigilance against the various sacred sects.

   Between the two, there will be a life and death battle sooner or later.

  The sects of the sacred land are deploying the strategy of slowing down, and the true dragon clan also needs time to prepare for the battle.

   Now that the time for the decisive battle is not yet reached, the true dragon clan will accept it when they meet, and if they take advantage of it, they will stop.

   Meng Zhang's ability to instigate discord is a little short, and that kind of hostility towards the sacred sects of the holy land is exactly what Ganglong King needs.

   Taiyi Sect is already a very influential sect in Junchen Realm, and Meng Zhang is the supreme in the late stage of Return to Void.

   If Meng Zhang commanded Taiyimen to fight against the various sacred sects, it would definitely bring him a lot of trouble.

In order to increase Meng Zhang’s confidence to strengthen his determination to fight against the sacred sects of the great sacred land, the Dragon King Gang gave a lot of empty promises, only patted his chest to ensure that the true dragon family will be unwavering. The support of Taiyimen too.

  Meng Zhang has experienced many intrigue and intrigue scenes a long time ago.

   He followed Ganglongwang's thoughts and expressed kindness to him.

   Taiyimen is willing to make good friends with the real dragon clan, and there are many places where both parties can cooperate.

   The sects of the sacred land are so overbearing and want to sacrifice the interests of other comprehension forces. As its opponent, Taiyi Sect is exactly the time when external help is urgently needed.

  Meng Zhang was willing to bow his head to the real dragon family, which was originally expected by the Dragon King.

   Dragon King Gang did not expect a meeting to completely tie Meng Zhang to the chariot of the real dragon clan.

   The Dragon King has already learned something about the cunning and cunning of human cultivators.

   If you want Taiyimen to take refuge in the real dragon clan and cause chaos within the human cultivators, it will not be an overnight effort.

   For the Dragon King, who has a long life, he does not lack this patience.

   At this meeting, he and Meng Zhang both expressed their respective attitudes, reached some verbal agreements, and agreed on the way of contact between the two parties in the future.

  Whether it is the Dragon King or Meng Zhang, they are all satisfied with this meeting and feel that they have gained a lot.

   The two chatted for a long time before breaking up and leaving.

   The incarnation of Meng Zhang's divine consciousness returned to the body of the deity smoothly.


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