The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2121: Gu Yue Fenghua

When the entire Hanhai Dao League was purging the magic way on a large scale, certain people or forces used this opportunity to clamber and attack their opponents to expand the scope of the cleaning.

   For a while, almost everyone in the Hanhai Dao League was in danger, and there was a lot of trouble.

   Of course, the state of alert of the high-level Ether Gates at this time, these situations quickly spread to their ears.

   In order to ensure the overall situation of cleaning the magic way, the high level of Taiyimen did not deal with these problems in time.

   They are going to wait until the magic way problem is solved, before they get rid of the chaos, and slowly solve these problems.

   However, some of the people involved have not waited so long.

   On this day, Meng Zhang, as usual, meditated in the quiet room while synchronizing information with Tai Miao, paying attention to the situation in the underworld.

   He suddenly received a message from Niu Dawei that Gu Yue Fenghua, the head of the Gu Yue family, came to Taiyimen and strongly demanded to see Meng Zhang.

   Now there are two Guyue families under Taiyimen.

The    family belonged to the Gu Yue family originally from the Great Wind City, and was the first to seek refuge in Taiyimen.

   And because of the good relationship between Meng Zhang and Gu Yue Huaidi, this family has a high status in the Taiyi Sect system, and Taiyi Sect is very reusable.

   Another Gu Yue family is from the Great Li Dynasty.

   The last time Meng Zhang went to Shangjing City, which had become a ghost domain, and took away the palace of the Dali Dynasty.

   After the palace was brought back to Taiyimen, many monks hiding in it were released.

   Among them, there are quite a few cultivators of the Gu Yue family, including most of its senior members.

   The Gu Yue family of the Great Li Dynasty also dealt with Meng Zhang back then.

   This family is very powerful and influential within the Dali Dynasty.

   After seeing the demise of the Dali Dynasty, this family also took the initiative to seek refuge in Taiyimen and became a member of the Hanhai Dao League.

   At least on the surface, the Taiyi Sect is relatively generous to these cultivation forces that originally belonged to the Great Li Dynasty, and is willing to give preferential treatment.

   Many years ago, the Guyue family in Gale City was nothing more than the Jindan family, while the Guyue family in the Dali Dynasty was the Yuanshen family.

   The latter's strength far exceeds the former, making it hard to beat.

   It's a pity that time has changed. The former followed the right person, chose the right object of refuge, and the family developed rapidly, and the strength was far better than before.

   Now the Guyue family in Great Wind City has not only become the Yuanshen family for a long time, but also surpassed the Guyue family of the Dali Dynasty in all aspects.

   Not long ago, it is said that the two Guyue families are discussing the merger of the two, and they are mainly based on the original one in Gale City.

   In this way, the strength of the Gu Yue family will rise to a higher level and have a higher position in the Taiyimen system.

   Gu Yue Fenghua, who is now visiting Taiyimen, is the Patriarch of the Great Wind City branch and a monk in the mid-primary spirit.

  As an important member of the Hanhai Dao League, it is not difficult for Gu Yue Fenghua to meet Niu Dawei.

   However, it is a bit difficult to meet Meng Zhang.

   Among the power of returning to the void, Meng Zhang is the kind of person who has no air and is approachable.

   can be a superb rebirth power, not that you can see it when you see it.

   He doesn't have so much time, nor does he have so much leisure, spending all kinds of interpersonal relationships.

   Gu Yuefeng paid respect to Meng Zhang, and in addition to begging Niu Dawei, he also moved out of his own relationship.

  Guyue Fenghua comes from the family of Guyue Huai Butterfly.

   Gu Yue Huaidi and Gu Yue Youlan, the two masters and apprentices, were friends of Meng Zhang's early years.

   When Meng Zhang met them, he was just a monk during the foundation building period, and he was in the last days.

   Their master and apprentice have always given Meng Zhang a lot of attention and helped Meng Zhang a lot.

  Meng Zhang is a nostalgic person.

   Gu Yue Huaidi and Gu Yue Youlan, the two masters and apprentices, had already sat down a few years ago.

   As Meng Zhang's cultivation level is higher, his lifespan is longer, and he lives longer, the number of friends who can keep up with him will only decrease.

   Occasionally in his free time, Meng Zhang would be sighed when he recalled his friends and old acquaintances in the past.

   Now Gu Yue Fenghua insisted on seeing Meng Zhang. Seeing the face of Gu Yue Huaidi and Gu Yue Youlan, Meng Zhang felt soft and agreed to meet her.

   Soon, Gu Yue Fenghua appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

After the ceremony, Gu Yue Fenghua faced Meng Zhang directly.

   Gu Yue Feng Hua, as its name suggests, is a majestic and beautiful female nun.

   is placed in the realm of comprehension, is a fairy sought after by countless male cultivators.

   This is the first time Meng Zhang has seen Gu Yue Fenghua.

   From her face, Meng Zhang could faintly see the shadow of her old friend Gu Yue Youlan.

   Gu Yue Fenghua and Gu Yue Youlan are blood relatives of the same race, and it is not surprising that they are somewhat similar in appearance.

   What really makes Meng Zhang pay attention to is that Gu Yue Fenghua is a celestial clerk.

   Meng Zhang is also a celestial clerk, and his level is much higher than that of Gu Yue Fenghua. So you can see her hidden career at a glance.

   In the realm of cultivation, not only is the celestial jigsaw rare, but basically he keeps his identity strictly confidential.

   Gu Yue Huaidi was a celestial clerk back then. As her descendant, it is natural for Gu Yue Fenghua to embark on the same path as her.

   In these years, Meng Zhang's cultivation level has been getting higher and higher, but the cultivation level of Heaven's Secret Art has slowly stagnated.

   Meng Zhang’s current Heavenly Jishu cultivation base can no longer keep up with his cultivation level.

  As a rare celestial jigger in the world of comprehension, Meng Zhang felt a special kind of intimacy after seeing the same kind, but still deceased.

   Knowing that Meng Zhang’s time is precious, Gu Yue Fenghua didn’t waste time after visiting the ceremony and went straight to the topic.

   It turns out that she took the liberty to come to see Meng Zhang this time because she came to beseech the Gu Yue family of the Great Li Dynasty.

   As the cultivation family of the Dali Dynasty, the Gu Yue family was inevitably affected by the atmosphere of the Dali Dynasty, and had some ties with Moxiu.

   And as the in-laws of the Dali Dynasty’s royal family, the Gu Yue family has participated in many dark things in the dynasty.

   some of the secret activities of the upper echelons of the dynasty and the magic way, the Gu Yue family is even more inseparable.

  The Great Leaving Dynasty was destroyed. After the Gu Yue family took refuge in the Taiyi Sect, the senior members of the Gu Yue family were wholeheartedly loyal to the Taiyi Sect, and wanted to completely abandon those disgraceful pasts.

   But due to historical reasons, the Gu Yue family is too deeply involved with the magic way.

   Within a short period of time, it was difficult for the Gu Yue family to completely cut off their involvement with the magic way.

   During this period of time, Taiyimen initiated a massive action to completely eliminate the Demon Dao forces in the entire Hanhai Dao League.

  The Guyue family also actively responded to the call of Taiyimen and made every effort to eliminate the problems in the family.

But at this time, some guys who had hatred with the Gu Yue family not only reported to the Taiyi Sect, that the Gu Yue family had colluded with the magic way, protected magic repairs, contained monsters... They also spread various rumors and directly attacked the Gu Yue family. Become a member of the magic power.

   Although due to the historical reasons of the Great Li Dynasty era, the Gu Yue family had some relations with the Demon Dao.

   But these rumors are too ridiculous, they are nonsense.

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